Many moms do have lots of questions and sometimes lot of wrong assumptions and beliefs about teething. Your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth, called primary teeth break through the gums.

Here are some of the questions the Paediatrician has been asked about teething followed by the answers and just a little more about teething in infants and toddlers.

I hope you find answers to your own questions about teething. However, just in case you did not, you can ask by commenting on the post and I will be very glad to answer.

Q: My son is 7 months and a week with nothing at all. Is that normal or is there something causing delay
ATP: Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. The lower front teeth usually come in first. Upper front teeth usually come in 1 to 2 months after the lower front teeth.However it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth.

Q: Is it normal for a 2 year old to have 16 teeth?
ATP: Perfectly normal.

Q: Since teething powder is discouraged what measure could be best to guard against pains in the growing or expectant teeth?
ATP: Here are some tips to help your baby feel better while teething:

  • Use a clean finger (or cold teething ring) to gently rub your baby’s gum for about 2 minutes at a time. Many babies find this soothing, although they may protest at first.
    ⦁ Provide safe objects for your baby to chew on, such as teething rings.
    ⦁ If needed, give your baby an over-the-counter pain reliever e.g. Paracetamol that is labeled for his or her specific age. Read and follow all instructions.
    ⦁ Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 20, because it has been linked to Reye syndrome, a rare but serious disease.

Q: Is it true that if your child starts teething early say 4 months,it means he will lose them earlier?Thank you ma
ATP: It depends on what is meant by early….most children start loosing their milk teeth by 5 -7 years to be replaced by permanent teeth. There is no reason they should loose their teeth early

Q: Is pooing associated with teething?cos the texture of the poo changes. My boy had hot temperature while he was teething?
ATP: PLEASE NOTE!!! TEETHING DOES NOT CAUSE fever, diarrhoea, diaper rash, ill appearance or lowered resistance to infection.

how to grow your baby’s teeth

There are 2 reasons for the onset of infections between 6 and 12 months of age: The loss of transplacental antibodies(protect against infections) and the developmental milestone of chewing on everything.
These factors predispose the infants to having infections around this time which also coincide with onset of bring out new teeth. However it has nothing to do with teething. This is often the most common WRONG ASSUMPTION about teething by Mums.

CAUTION!!! Blaming teething for fevers can lead to a delayed diagnosis of ear infections, urinary tract infections, meningitis and other infections.

CAUTION!!! Blaming teething for crying can lead to a delayed diagnosis of ear infections or other causes of pain.

What are the teething symptoms?
Some babies are fussier than usual when they are teething. This may be because of soreness and swelling in the gums before a tooth comes through.

These symptoms usually begin about 3 to 5 days before the tooth shows, and they disappear as soon as the tooth breaks the skin. Many babies don’t seem to be affected by teething.

Babies may bite on their fingers or toys to help relieve the pressure in their gums. They may also refuse to eat and drink because their mouths hurt.Many babies drool during teething, which can cause a rash on the chin, face, or chest.

Mild symptoms that get better usually are nothing to worry about. Call your doctor if your baby’s symptoms are severe or don’t get better.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns against using teething gel on a baby’s gums to reduce pain. The gel can make a baby’s throat numb. This may cause difficulty swallowing. The medicine in the gel may also harm a baby.

The use of teething powders and mixtures are strongly discouraged.

Teething – When to Call a Doctor
Home treatment usually helps relieve minor teething symptoms such as discomfort, drooling, and irritability.

Talk to your doctor if your child has other symptoms that become severe or last longer than a couple of days.
Also, talk to your doctor about any other teething concerns, such as if your child:
⦁ Is age 18 months and has not had any teeth come in.
⦁ Has visible signs of tooth decay.
⦁ Has permanent teeth coming in before the primary teeth are lost, resulting in a double row of teeth.
⦁ Has a small jaw or a birth defect of the mouth or jaw, such as cleft palate.
⦁ Has any facial injury that has damaged a tooth or gums.
Your doctor may refer your child to a dentist who specializes in children’s teething problems, if this seems to be needed.

I hope most of your teething questions have been answered. If there are still other questions, send via comments or email askthepaediatricians@gmail.com


      1. Pls doctor I usually treat my child malaria when ever is teething, I my doing d right thing, he is 1yr and 10 month

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          No! You are not supposed to be treating Malaria if it has not been confirmed that the child has malaria. If a child is sick, take to the hospital to see a doctor first so the appropriate diagnosis can be made and treatment instituted. Read here about Malaria

    1. Good evening ma,my baby is a year and 3months old and I want to stop her breast feeding,is it right at this age to stop her? She is my first

  1. Gbadeyan Temitope

    Pls, why is teething powder discouraged in children? And can a child who is teething use Pican?

    1. My baby is 14months n two weeks n hevhas only 8teeths in front… 4up n down..Ma should I b worried n I also noticed DT wen brushing his teeth hevjas swollen gum.
      Goodvevening ma.

      1. No need to worry about the number but as regards the swollen gums (could be a sign of another teething about to sprout) if bleeding; kindly see a dentist

        1. Good morning ma, my baby is 11 months today and yet to teeth, I quite understand the discourage use of teething powder. Should I be worried ma?

  2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

    Teething powder is discouraged because they are unnecessary and can be dangerous at times in children…remember the My Pikin saga. Most are just substandard doses of a mixture of paracetamol, sleeping or sedative drugs and maybe an antimalarials like chloroquine. They also pose unnecessaary work on the organs like kidneys and liver.

    Pican is one of the teething mixtures you should avoid and not give the children.

    Teething is a normal physiological process that does not require any medications

    1. Doc pls why is pican discouraged.am confused here cos a was a dived by a nurse to use it for my baby

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        PICCAN is just PARACETAMOL AND A SEDATIVE DRUG – ANTIHISTAMINE. There is nothing magical about it. At the end of the day a mother gives PICCAN and still give paracetamol, the baby is at risk of overdose of paracetamol and the other medication is unnecessary. Teething does not require any medication…Please do your research too of the Paediatricians recommendations as regards this not only in Nigeria but in all the other places in the world.

        1. GOODday doc, since we are not advice to use any drug for teething on our babies then those teething drugs should be banned through the collaborations of the docs and the governmemnt

          1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

            I agree with you Blessing and we have been telling NAFDAC to do so.

            However NAFDAC only approve drugs for safety and not efficacy….that is why they also approve all the herbal drugs.

            NAFDAC approval does not mean the drugs will do what they are claimed to do but that they do not contain poisons. Most teething mixtures are underdosed mix of regular drugs we also use like Paracetamol, diphenhydramine, chloroquine etc.

            However, their regular use for so called teething for long time by mothers can cause organ damage.

          2. Peace armstrong

            Hi ma, please can I use babyrex and paracetamol for my baby

          3. NO Babyrex!

            Use paracetamol only if your baby is having fever and please READ the article or listen to our podcast on Teething

        2. basirat omoshalewa ololade

          Thank you so much Dr Gbemi and all the admin. I really appreciate your help in giving us a peace of mind. May d Almighty continue to bless you and all the members of askthepediatrician.

        1. None….Teething is normal and does not make a baby sick. It does not require any drugs. Please do not give any so called teething mixtures.

    2. Oguntuase Catherine a

      Please ma it is normal for baby to bring one teeth out which is the down and which medicine is the best for teething ma. My baby is almost 6monthsadejmi he is my first born

      1. It is possible. A baby does not any medication for teething. Please read the article and also listen to the podcast on teething at https://anchor.fm/gbemisola-boyede.

        As an FTM, You can get the FIRST TIME MUM Series – FTM COURSE MANUAL and COURSES by clicking the link https://ojaadigitalmarketplace.com/index.php/paediatricians-consult-limited/

        ATP FTM WhatsApp group is running. Join now by making payment of N20,000 only to ASK THE PAEDIATRICIANS Foundation 0258158136 Guaranty Trust bank and you will be added. Enjoy group benefits. Live classes have started 5th March 2022

  3. Thank you Dr. My son brought out his first tooth at 9 months. I didn’t use any drug or powder or gel. He had no fever or stooling during teething. By the time he was 18months I was comfortable with his number of teeth. Thank you doctors for educating us.

      1. Lady of honour

        Hello Dr,
        Pls ma, my baby started showing teething signs at 8weeks(2months old) is it normal? Could it be that she wants to start growing teeth this early?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Absolutely and perfectly normal…there is a wide variation in the timing at which babies bring out their teeth.

  4. Pls doc, I am on this page but I can’t see the box for search. I hv been able to read the articles on teething, circumsision , Apollo and bedwetting. How do I search and read more..

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Thank you Esther for reading. The Search icon is on the TOPMOST left-hand corner of the website….also look for where SEARCH is written….Thank you….You can also click on Articles in the Menu icon to see the other articles you want to read. Thank you

  5. Thank you Doc. What about gbomoro if Pican is cancelled? Also, my baby of 5mths 3wks has been passing watery, pasty and sometimes seedlike stools. I started administering ORS b4 going to the hospital. Her vitals were checked and all results came out fine. I don’t know if it’s her food. She’s on NAN 1 & millet pap. Shes also sprouting her first tooth.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      A 5 month old should be on exclusive breastfeeding. You may also want to pay more attention to hygiene and use plates to give the food instead of bottles where the baby are prone to germs hiding in the teat and causing infection. It has nothing to do with the teeth.

  6. pls Doc,my 11month, two weeks baby still no sign of teeth though she is pre time is it bcoz of DAT ?kind of worry first time m

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is normal…There is nothing to worry about. You should take her to see a Dentist for the first dental check up when she turns 1 year .

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Sterilization is not always 100% foolproof and immediately after it has been sterilized, it can still drop and become contaminated easily! I guess you are referring to bottle-feeding?

  7. my baby Is having rashes on his neck chest and back of his ear and he always put his hands on his mouth lastly he vomit alot

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly take him to see a doctor as he requires physical examination to make the right diagnosis and commence appropriate treatment. DO not delay…The earlier the better!

  8. Thanks doc i really learnt alot .pls doctor my baby is teething a friend said go for baby rex it wl help him.or is baby rex bad?though av not bought it yet.am first time mom..

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          A child DOES NOT NEED ANY MEDICATION OR DRUG FOR TEETHING!!! It is a normal physiologic process like walking or talking! Do you give them drugs for walking? Obviously No…same way, bringing out teeth is a normal process and the child does not need to take drugs. Teething is not a disease!

  9. Sade odukoya

    I mean if baby Rex and teething powder is not recommend what is d best drugs to give baby for teething

          1. Blessing Inegbedion

            Thank you doc. Although I am a first time mom, I do not take what people tells me. I take the sense out of the nonsense and dump the nonsense. I always want to do research and find the best solutions instead of relying on compound doctors and nurses who feels they know it all and they have been there before me. My baby is five months and I am beginning to notice symptoms of teething but my husband and I did research and came to the conclusion that nothing should be given to her for her teething except the dosage of paracetamol when her temperature is high but I got a soft toy for her to scratch her gum with and I also clean her mouth with soft towel whenever I bath her too. I look forward to seeing her first teeth sprang up from her gum. I have really learnt a lot from you. Thanks ma.

          2. You are doing great Blessing. Well done. Keep learning and you can join our Facebook group to learn more

      1. Akintola Adekunbi

        Gud evening Dr. Pls my baby is one year & 15 days . She has catarrh & the doctor gave her Lonart & cefuroxime 5mls daily for each & twice per day but there is this reoccurring temperature & I took her back to see the doctor she was give iman injection but the temperature still comes so I use water in mupping her up but just now I HD to give her capol 5mls after several mupping. Pls kindly advise what I can do.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Hi Akintola…You should take the child back to the hospital. She may need to be admitted for further management.

          1. Please ma ,is it normal for a baby who is teething to cry uncontrollably some times pulling his hair. Some times when breast feeding ,he even removes his mouth from d breast n starts crying.

          2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

            No! Children can be fussy when teething but not crying uncontrollably. Any child crying inconsolably should be taken to the hospital for proper evaluation as the child might be ill.

  10. Fawale Taiwo

    My hubby as been asking me to put dis alagbo omo bracelet on my 7month old baby,pls ma wat is d effect of it

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Not recommended by Paediatricians! As stated in the post, teething is a normal process and does not require any drugs or bracelets

      1. Osato Peace

        Pls ma I really learnt a lot from u..pls ma, my baby is 11months now and I have been using baby Rex and at times bonababe too since she is 4 months old, I will stop it now, I usually give her bcomplex every 2 months..is it bad too… And some times she gain weight and sometimes loosess weight also…what should I do?

  11. Dear Dr, Please, I have a 10 year old son, and we observed that the 4 upper front teeth have not been replaced. Even his younger brother of 7 years old have replaced those set of teeth. Please what do we need to do. Is it anything to worry about?

      1. Can I start giving my baby bells teething mixture while he’s six months old but not teething

  12. Hello doctors in the house please I’m a first time mom and my son is 9month 5days old he’s been stooling over a week now, and also has some redness on his anus area also coughing mostly at night. took him to the hospital and was given some drugs including antibiotics but hes not getting better. The redness started to spread getting to his penis and it’s really hurting him. Some one told me today that it’s ela and he’s still stooling watery melon like stool. Pls help me out. Thanks…

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should take him to see a Paediatrician for further treatment. He definitely needs to have the rashes around his diaper area treated properly. You should give ORS and oral Zinc for the diarrhoea

  13. Thank you very much for this insightful post. I didn’t give my first anything save pcm for temp but my second I had to give d remaining teething powder my sister used after plenty talk from grandmas, aunts and all… That’s the last anyway, I know better now. Ma’am, my son, 4 in August always complains of stomach pain and he has to lie on d ground once it starts. Sometimes when he doodles he feels better, once he kept throwing up n could barely stand. We were admitted n he was treated. They said its infection n all, well same pain is back n I deformed, no luck, gave” agbo jedi”,it soothed him for a few days and it came back.. We called the doc n he said to get zinnat and ibuprofen syrup. We just completed the dose Friday. He is calm. My questions is what causes these cramps? Some say it’s “tinu iwo’ (navel ) and he will eventually outgrow it. Could it be constipation? Can a child of less than 4have ulcer? This started when he turned 3.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is difficult to say what causes the abdominal pain without seeing or examining your child ….That is the responsibility of the doctors who managed him after their physical examination and possible investigations to tell you. There are so many possible causes of abdominal pain. Constipation and peptic ulcer disease can cause abdominal pain in children as well. You may want to see a Paediatrician or preferably a Paediatric gastroenterologist for further evaluation if you are worried.

  14. Hello doctor pls i just gave birth three weeks agomand are telling me get some drugs like vitamin c and Multi vitamin for him. Is this the right.thing to do and my baby is feeding well thank you.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No!! Your child does not need any medications at all. Just continue exclusive breastfeeding

      1. Good evening Dr. My baby of 7 month have been underweight and she doesn’t eat nor suck breast milk and taken her to hospital but was told nothing is wrong with her but she reduce in weight. What can I do ma?. Thanks in anticipation.

        1. When asking such questions, you should have told us the weight of the child so we can have objective evidence of the underweight. It is unusual for a baby not to suck breast or eat food at all and the hospital told you nothing is wrong. Either you exaggerated the child is not eating at all which is different from not eating much or the hospital is not an appropriate one. You should keep breastfeeding and read our post on practical tips for complementary feeding Complementary Feeding – Practical Tips for Parents. This is not teething issue since you are asking under teething. If your child is truly not eating at all please take the child to a General or Teaching hospital with paediatricians for further evaluation and management as the child will need hospital admission.

  15. Pls what best can l use for infant navel treatment (INUWO).I mean aftr the cord has removed.My baby is 2months + now.The stomachache is disturbing him so much.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly read the post on COLIC here

      Colic is the english word for Inuwo!

      All the best

  16. Hello Dr, thank you for sharing yourself with us. What is you were not able to breastfeed after birth due to illness and medications made your milk supply inadequate for consumption and dry afterwards. What happens to the child then, cos I see the answers mostly here is just breastfed exclusively.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are breast milk alternatives that can be used before the mother is well after which she can resume breastfeeding. Most drugs do not dry up breast milk…popular myths

  17. Gud evening doctor… Am a first time mum… My baby of 3 month 2weeks has been stooling watery seed like poo excessively for abt a week now… N he is on EBF dont know wat to do

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The seedy like poop is actually NORMAL for babies on exclusive breastfeeding. No need to worry, just keep breastfeeding

  18. Thank u so much Doc Boyede, im experiencing similar symptoms with my 5months old baby. But the info is quite an eye opener. God bless you and your team!

  19. Evening Dr,am a first time mum n my baby is 4months n a day.My mum has been pestering me to go buy pican to use for him for teething that it’s really good.She said it must be used b4 he starts any sign of teething.I intended buying it tomorrow but thank God 4 ur post I just read that nothing should be used for teething.God bless u Dr

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You are welcome. Please DO NOT USE IT!!! Tell Grandma that the Paediatricians do not recommend such at all.

  20. Thanks for the eye opener. Will try to educate others. Please what do I use for severe diaper rash that has defied Sudocream?The rash looks like fluid filled cysts and are very itchy.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly see a Paediatrician or Dermatologist for further evaluation and management. It may be more than diaper rash!

  21. Weldone Ma.
    My 3months old baby has been purging for 4days now. Watery stool with seedlike substances, no foul odor. He is on breastfeeding. What do I do? I am a first time mother and so confused.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He may have Adenoids or tonsils enlargement.Kindly see an ENT surgeon for further evaluation and management.

  22. Thank you Dr, Good morning, I’m a first time mom and My baby is 5months two weeks, he has been on EBF since birth. But yesterday he woke up with cough and catarrh without running nose, then irregular temperature, some times high, some times low and sometimes in between high and low. He sweats a lot too since birth and what is confusing now is that even when I can feel that his temperature is a bit high, he still sweats. What can I do to help him?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please take him to the hospital immediately for proper evaluation and treatment by a doctor. Always take sick children to the hospital! You can give paracetamol first for the fever on your way.

      1. Samuel Omacheyo

        My baby is nine month now she be sewing her mouth ,like she growing teeth,the temperature is hot,she will crying if are carrying her,what should I do doc

  23. Dr Gbemisola,Please my baby girl of 15months old lips are piled and red in colour.She could not eat pepperish food.Please what can i do?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician first to know the underlying cause of the peeling lips as some may be from infection or drug reaction. A doctor needs to see to be sure of the exact cause and the appropriate treatment.

  24. Hello Dr. My son eight months cannot sit on his own his still having the habbit of bending while sitted and he can’t still hold object with his hands instead he will try to use his month to grab objects.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should see a Paediatrician immediately preferably a Paediatric Neurologist or Developmental Paediatrician. You may also want to read our posts on Special needs babies here here and here too

    1. Isikalu foluke esther

      I notice dat my 4month baby used to sweat at her head when breastfeeding, sleeping, both in cold n hot weather. Any medical assistant. Thanks

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        It is normal for babies to sweat as sucking on the breast is a lot of work for the baby. There is no need to worry and make sure that you are also not covering up the baby too much but dressing according to the weather.

  25. Thank you for the educative piece Dr.
    The weight of my 3months+ baby reduced by 400g in an interval of 4wks despite that he eats on demand, plays very well and is hitting his developmental milestones . He’s on EBF. (I expect babies should be gaining weight consistently)
    I observed that the consistency of his stool changed from being creamy/mushy to being runny/watery in the last 1wk, he poops like 2-3 times daily.

    is the watery stool a problem/sign of an illness?
    what could be the cause of weight reduction? should i change to formula feeding?
    can I administer ORS to stop the watery poo?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Wunmi! The weight loss can be as a result of the diarrhoea ie the watery stools. Yes you should give ORS for the diarrhoea and oral Zinc as well…read about that here

      You need to pay more attention to hygiene!Also ensure that you are breastfeeding on demand – no water or any other thing else except for breast milk.

      You did not state the current weight of your baby. However if he continues to lose weight, you should see a Paediatrician first.

      1. Thank you Doc.
        As a follow-up to your initial reply to my questions; I’m writing this to substantiate your post that teething is as normal as learning to walk for babies. Teething does not cause stooling.

        I took my baby to the doctor and stool/malaria tests were carried out only to discover he tested positive to malaria. The stool had no infection.
        He was placed on malaria drugs for infants and he’s doing better now. The watery stool has greatly reduced too.

        Thank you again for your enlightenment.

        P.S. I would have loved to post this under your reply to me when I initially commented but the reply button wasn’t cooperating.

  26. Thank you so much Dr Gbemisola for these wonderful articles especially on teething. After going through them I received answer to my question. You are blessed Ma

  27. Gud day doc. Pls my son mistakenly pulled one of his front tooth when he was three years. Now he is six, will it grow back?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It should but it is better to see a dentist first as well so he can be properly examined.

  28. Akinyemi Bosede

    God bless u my amiable Doctor, you’re a God sent…Please my boy of 7 months is having eela around his penis and the other one, including his lap ,everything has turned to red and he always used his hands to scratch it and blood will come out…I’ve used series of things but all to no avail…. Help me ma’am.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should see a Paediatrician or Dermatologist immediately for proper evaluation and management.

      You can read about Eela and common skin conditions in infants here

      1. Good afternoon Dr. My baby is 11months 12days old. She grew her first two lower teeth at 6months despite she started having itchy gum at 2months+ Ever since the first two, she is yet to have another. Although her upper gum has been swollen and sore, the teeth are yet to break out and it’s almost 6months now. I’m getting concerned and I need your advice. Thank you

        1. There is no need to worry. You should take the child to see a dentist when he is one year old for his first dental check up

  29. Chibuzo Evans

    Good day Dr. Gbemi. Please I want to know if taking green tea can affect my baby of 7 months. Your advice please because I’m really getting out of shape.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello! The manufacturers of Green tea often advise against its use in breastfeeding mothers. You may want to consider exercise and potion control as a measure in weight loss. We do not recommend use of drugs or weight loss products in breastfeeding mothers as they may pass on to the baby via the breast milk.

  30. Good day doc, Luv ur post and Tanx for d enlightenments. God Bless u real Good.
    I av been using ‘cof and cold coupled with ‘vamicee syrups for my 3mnth and 3wks baby for d past 3days due to a severe cough and cold which I observed as been causing him sleepless night and his breathing kind of stuffy. This was recommended by a ‘chemist’ in my street who asked me to be using 5ml per drug for him but on d drug was written 1-6yrs,1/2 tbsp, No indication for under 1yr babies. I showed her this but she said even newborns uses the drug. With my discretion, I only uses 2.5mls of those drugs for my baby.
    1. Is it safe to continue the usage of ds drugs?
    2. If NO,Why and what are the adverse effects of using such drugs on our babies.
    3. Finally, what do I do to alleviate and soften my baby’s cough cos I’m worried about chest pain cos he coughs with the whole of his body.
    Thanks so much ma’am.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Thanks Debbie for reading! Kindly note that you are not to take your babies to chemists for treatment!! It is a dangerous practice…always go to see a doctor. Kindly STOP all those cof and colds medications – not recommended for children under the age of 1 year…that is why you did not see that dosage and no Paediatrician will give that to a neonate. These chemists – most are illiterates and pure sales men interested in selling drugs!!! How can you trust the health of your precious babies to such quacks?? Please Stop!!!
      2. There are so many adverse effects of such drugs chiefly they depress breathing in the baby which is very dangerous. Additionally babies with severe respiratory infections like pneumonia will not be diagnosed on time if the parents do not take them to hospital because they are already giving cough syrup – that is why many children are still dying from penumonia needlessly.
      3. PLEASE TAKE THAT CHILD TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELLY!!! The child needs to be examined properly ESPECIALLY THE CHEST and treated. STOP DOING SELF AND CHEMIST TREATMENT!!! A word is enough for the wise!!!

  31. Doctor pls my baby is seriously coughing and I took her to d hospital where doctor say its weather but d cough still persisted

  32. Good day Dr, God bless you for all advice. Am a first time mum, my 9 months old son started vomiting last week, poos smelly watery poo. Though am not bothered about the poo because it’s not more than once a day. What worries me is that he stopped eating, whenever I bring food, he tries to vomit and sometimes he does. He likes fruits so I give him, but he has lost weight. So should I give multivitamin? Cos he feels week

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      A child who is vomiting and passing watery stools is ill and should be seen by a doctor if the child is weak! It is one of the reasons to take the child to the hospital. Read more about that here especially the last segment on when to go to the hospital…..it is not teething o! Please see a doctor fast! Multivitamins are not the solution to weakness or poor appetite!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I will not recommend as it is unnecessary! All you need to do is to give adequate complementary foods including fruits and vegetables while you keep breastfeeding as well. Your baby will get most of the vitamins and nutrients naturally

  33. Good morning Dr, my baby of 5 month is stooling watering & greenish in clour stool, Now she’s having cattar & cough note: the cough & running noise just started 10/08/2017 & she runs little but not high temperature, Mar what should be recomended for her thank you

  34. Good morning Dr,please my baby is 1year and 2months with just 4 teeth, 2up and 2down and no sign of another,after like 3months of the last teeth. Hope it is normal Ma?

      1. God bless you for this response because my baby is 18 months with only 8 teeth and i have been really concerned. Guess i have nothing to worry about.

  35. Abiodun Abideen Fagbohun

    Good morning doctor, my son is 13 months, he only has four upper teeth and two down. Is it okay ma for his age. Thanks for all d advice

  36. Abiodun Abideen Fagbohun

    Ma my son is 13 months, he doesn’t say dad or mummy, he blabs very well and he understands simple instructions. But doesn’t say words like mummy or dad, but when I tell him go and give ur dad this, he will go and give. Should I be worried Ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes please see a Developmental Paediatrician or Paediatric Neurologist. A child should be saying 1 – 3 words at age 1 year. The earlier the child is evaluated the better so treat as urgent.

  37. Hello Dr. Thanks for the eye-opening articles. Please, my 4 months old baby is passing stool that is not only watery and melon-like but also contains mucus. She is on EBF. What else can I give her aside ORS and oral zinc?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Melon-like stools are actually the normal stools in a baby on breastmilk. I think you are mistaking the normal semi-formed stools of babies on EBF for diarrhoea. If you are not sure you may show it to your Paediatrician first. Even if it is diarrhoea – watery stools that will sink completely into the diaper like urine, the ORS and oral Zinc is enough. Read more here about home treatment of diarrhoea

  38. Thank u doc.

    Please my 15month old son has 7 teeth (3 on the upper gum and 4 down).1 of the ones on the upper gum is not completely out like the others,and its been over 3months since it came out. Is this normal.

  39. Good day doc. Thanks for the great work. Plz my daughter at 7 month showed sings of teething, drooling chewing and all dt. But no teeth broke out after a month now except for 2 white teeth showing inside her swollen gum but not out yet. What should I do?

  40. Good day Doc,my daughter is 7months now,she salivate a lot but no teeth yet..am worried .pls ma what should I do

  41. pls doc, for a child that was born at 7months, 3weeks and 3days, for a first time mum,is there any risk for the mum for her second child and the rest?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Blessing.

      It depends on the cause of the preterm delivery in the first instance but I do not think there is any risk to the mum per se.

      Kindly see your gynaecologist though for detailed answer.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Toothpaste that has age-appropriate flouride…read more about that here

      You can give tea or other cocoa beverages from age 1 year

  42. God bless and keep you for us ma,…. Ma please my 17months old baby has just 8sets of teeth 4each at the upper and lower part since when she was 13months old and she hasn’t grown any since then, I’m very worried
    Secondly her mouth smell alot and I do brush her teeth but she won’t allow me to brush her tongue, pls what can I do to stop the odour coming out of her mouth ma.
    Thirdly, she presses her navel most time but it doesn’t seem to be paining her, but just wandering what could be happening in her system
    Lastly, I don’t know the types/variety of food to give her again cause she doesn’t eat most food I give her again, like custard, golden morn, rice, etc except liquids like yougurt, ribena etc and she weighed 8kg dunno if it’s normal ma.. Thanks in anticipation

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. There is no need to worry, that is still within normal limits

      2. You should take her to see a dentist. There are many reasons a baby may have mouth odour and it may not necessarily have to do with oral hygiene only.

      3. Normal self-comforting habit! There is no need to worry about that.

      4. Kindly read relevant article

  43. thank u ma for all your beautiful response….ma pls is there any meal time table that mothers can follow inorther to feed a one year and above child
    cos am confuse on the kind of food to give to my son he is one year old, asnd he eats a lot.
    thanks for your usual response

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He can eat all type of food that you are eating from age 1 year. You need to experiment with varieties and what your baby has. You can download relevant articles in our Facebook Group here

  44. Hello ma,am so grateful for dis wonderful forum.pls my son is 18months and his having temperature cause his teething.hqve taking him to hospital and he has been given drugs but his not taking it.his front teeth is complete so I guess his second molar teeth is coming.so ma pls what can I use to stop his temperature since his not taking his drugs.thx ma

  45. Good day Dr. My daughter is 8months and is allergy to any milk based cereal and milk in general. What do I do about it and will she ever overcome this? She was ebf till 6months.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is very unlikely for your baby to be allergic to ALL MILK-BASED CEREALS!!! It is usually a particular one for example wheat or cow milk that the child will be specifically allergic to. I will encourage you to see a Paediatrician who will make the appropriate diagnosis of the specific allergy. For example it is lactose or cowmilk protein allergy, alternative milk like soy milk can be used. If wheat cereal, you can go for maize or rice. It is highly unusual for a child to be allergic to all CEREALS!!! IF it is the milk, then do your own cereals locally and add alternative type of milk.


    hello doctor in the house,
    please,my baby is breathing out but eating well and sleeping well,could this be symptom of teething?


    Please ma, my baby is 4months old,i can hear him breath and so fast,what could be wrong or could it be a symptom of teething?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No!!! It is not teething!!! Did you read this article and others related to teething? This sounds like a child that may have a serious chest infection. Kindly take him to the hospital immediately for proper evaluation by a doctor. All the best

  48. God bless you for an eye opener.
    It means I Will discontinue the bonabebe mixture i am using on my 8 months baby for teething. Hope no effect on her as she has finished a bottle?
    Secondly my babe was ebf to six months she refuse to eat other foods except swallow and beans. I am worried she is 8 months and one week but weighed 5kg while when she was put to bed she weighed 3.1kg. But she is very active, healthy, started crawling and holding something to stand. Hope no problems because I a pediatric he said she is okay that i should work on her food complement. Please MA any advise?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. Kindly discontinue now.

      2. I have answered the other question about weight gain on another post. The baby has underweight malnutrition and should be seen immediately by the Paediatrician/Nutritionist so you can be advised on the quantities and frequency of feeding and the type of food to give as well. It is important to see them immediately so the situation does not get worse. Please do not give beverages (cocoa and tea). I don’t know who you saw and I strongly doubt it was a Paediatrician. An 8 month old who has not even doubled the birth weight (which should have been achieved at 5 months) is definitely not okay!!! Please see a Paediatrician in a government institution or standard hospital.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Becky! You did not state the age of your baby. You can not give chocolate beverages to children below the age of 1 year. You can only give water and age appropriate formula.

      Kindly do not listen to people when it comes to the health of your children; only the authorized professionals

  49. God bless you for an eye opener.
    It means I Will discontinue the bonabebe mixture i am using on my 8 months baby for teething. Hope no effect on her as she has finished a bottle?
    Secondly my babe was ebf to six months she refuse to eat other foods except swallow and beans. I am worried she is 8 months and one week but weighed 5kg while when she was put to bed she weighed 3.1kg. But she is very active, healthy, started crawling and holding something to stand. Hope no problems because I a pediatric he said she is okay that i should work on her food complement. Please MA any advise?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. I am happy to hear that

      2. The baby’s weight is not good at all for an 8 month old who should be weighing 7.5 – 8kg by now. This baby has underweight malnutrition most likely from poor food intake as you stated. You should see a Paediatrician immediately for further management.

      You can use the swallow and beans too but the baby needs to eat every 3 hours and the quantities should be more. I will advise seeing a Paediatrician and Nutritionist who will be able to assist you further with the measurement and quantities of food to give and also weigh the baby weekly at least to ensure that the baby is gaining weight adequately!

  50. Good morning ma. How’re you and family doing ma? Thank you for this ma. My baby of 7 months poos more than 4 times a day, midnight inclusive, started last Friday gave ors and zinc. Not watery though. My concern is he poos like 2-3days interval since I introduced complementary food which was well tolerated. Why the poo when we’re not to use any antibiotic. Noticed slight mucus sometimes. Thank you ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is not diarrhoea if the stools are not watery so there is no need to give ORS or oral zinc too. As long as stools are not watery, the frequency is nothing to worry about. It is normal for bowel movement frequency to change from time to time. The most important thing is that the stools are not watery. All the best!

  51. Helpful info. Lucky me I discovered your website by chance, and I’m stunned why this accident didn’t happened earlier! I bookmarked it.

  52. Dr, tnx so much 4 ur insightful talks dat enlightenes mothers more. Dr pls! My child is 11 yrs now almost 12 and he’s having mouth odour. Pls ma wat can I do? I’ll be so glad 4 ur quick response ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello Mrs Alonge. There are many causes of mouth odour not only oral hygiene issues. Kindly let him see a Paediatrician and/or Dentist for thorough evaluation to know the specific cause of the mouth odour in his own case and the appropriate treatment will be implemented

  53. Umm Abdurrahmaan Fadhila

    Weldone doc,pls my boy of 6months weight 6.7 is that normal ?,can i give him ribena ?,and which milk should i introduce?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      As regards the ideal body weight for a 6 month old, read this article here on how to work it out yourself. It also depends on your baby’s birth weight…ideally your baby should have doubled their birth weight by 5 – 6 months!

      NO RIBENA pls before the age of 1 year!

      You should continue breastfeeding while introducing the complementary feeds and you can use in addition any age-appropriate formula that is for children aged 6 – 12 months!

      Read more about infant feeding in the first 1000 days for more information about what is age-appropriate diet for a 6 month old.

  54. Adedamola Paul-Adeleye

    Thanks for the info. God bless you Ma. This is my question,my baby that is EBF and is almost 5 months doest poop daily. He poops every four or five days. Is anything wrong?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Nothing is wrong. Perfectly normal for babies on exclusive breastfeeding not to pass stools every day. As long as they are not sick or vomiting or having distended abdomen, there is really no need to worry.

  55. Thank you so much, Dr. Gbemi and your team.
    Please, I’ve gone through the teeth segment and did not find an answer to this question, kindly help: my 4years+ daughter’s mouth smells sometimes and I don’t know the reason for this. Also, she and her sister’s (9 years) private part smells often such that their brother complains and doesn’t allow them to sit on his plastic seat.
    Thank You for your expected expert response.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are many causes of bad breaths apart from the issue of oral hygiene. A lot of diseases of the mouth, throat and other structures around the area that can cause bad breaths. It is better to see a Paediatrician or Dentists for proper evaluation and diagnosis. Once the underlying cause is addressed, the bad breaths should stop.

      As regards the smelly private part, you need to first make sure that they are observing good personal hygiene including use of fresh cotton pants daily and that they clean the area properly usually with water from front to the back. You need to deliberately teach them how to do this after urinating or defaecating. If all these measures are not making any changes, you need to take them to see a Paediatrician in case there is infection (Vaginitis) usually associated with vaginal discharge that can cause this bad smell. Please treat as urgent.

  56. Thank you doc for taking out time to answer questions. Pls ma, in your write-up, you wrote paracetamol can be given to a child in case of any pain. Pls Is BONABABE recomended? Thnks doc for your response.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Bonabebe IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BABIES BY PAEDIATRICIANS…..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE TO YOUR CHILD! Just a mixture of drugs even one no longer recommended in substandard doses

      1. Adeyinka badmus

        Pls my baby is 7months + and i give her pican…anytime she eat her stomach will make sound and i dnt knw what to do

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Nothing! It is normal to hear sound in the tummy after eating. Also STOP the PICCAN! DO NOT GIVE TEETHING MIXTURES TO CHILDREN….they are not necessary and could be dangerous.

  57. Good day ma. Please my baby is 5months 2weeks. She is on EBF. She has being stooling for almost 5 days now, no fever, no vomiting, she feeds fine and still very active. Her poop is greenish, most times lighter than normal. Took her to the hospital and the doctor gave me some drugs.(emtrim paediatric suspension,shinykid anti malaria, metropek suspension and ors) without carrying out any test. Please ma should give her the drugs?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      All those medications are not necessary please!!! Kindly do not give them to your child!!! Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding. Please ensure that you breastfeed well and the baby empties the breast before switching to the other. Also breastfeed on demand.
      You should also watch your own diet as well as some of the things you eat may be passed via breastmilk and affect your baby as well.

  58. Good day Dr, my baby is 7months her head is hot but other part of the body is normal, she didn’t allow us sleep in the night because of her discomfort and not really eating well

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to take the temperature with a digital thermometer and if the temperature is above 37.5, please give paracetamol. If fever persists after 24 hours, you need to take the child to see a doctor for further evaluation and management.

  59. Hello, my baby sucks her thumb to revieve herself this teething period. I stop her as much as I can because I don’t want this to become a habit. I even wear gloves for her. What’s the best solution and how can I prevent her for sucking as a habit.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Olumide….It is a common minor habit in children. Most outgrow the habit with time. You don’t have to worry. There is no best solution as most kids outgrow. You can give soft toys teethers as alternatives as well

  60. jane Adebowale

    Good day ma, my baby is fifteen month he refuse to eat anything introduced to him except breast but anytime he want to bring out teeth he usually run temperature and I do give him ibuprofen syrup or at times paracetamol syrup, please ma am I safe?

  61. Gud pm Dr.
    Your gud work is really apprecited.Plz ma, what will be the effect of late closure of AF?
    My younger brother who is 16yrs now seemed to be OK when he was born, only that he has a consistent runny and congested nose, which makes him snores any time he sleeps.
    And as he grows, it was also noticed that this part of the head which you described as AF lter protruded like it was not before, a bulge eyeball and never ceased to blow his nose and snore when asleep.
    And his hearing pattern is also very slow which I believe is somehow affecting his academic performance.
    Plz, am worried about that.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are obviously many issues with your brother as regards his development and academic achievement. It is better to see a Developmental Paediatrician.

      It has nothing to do with late closure of the anterior fontanelle.

      He also seems to have features of Allergic rhinitis with possible adenoids enlargement responsible for the recurrent cattarh and snoring. He should see an ENT Surgeon for that


        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          It is not necessary to give cod liver oil routinely to children. Just feed your children healthy balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. They will be fine!

  62. Good day Doctors, my daughter has swollen gums round her teeth that makes her mouth to smell bad and also something yellow too round her teeth. It makes her to cry a lot and not to eat, it’s giving me concern.thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly take her to see a dentist preferably a Paediatric dentist at any of the government hospitals for proper evaluation and treatment. Please treat as urgent!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should see a Dentist immediately for confirmation of that diagnosis and further management.

  63. lovely Austin

    Please ma’am, my 14 month old son has been stooling and running temperature for the past one week and two days, I was told it’s due to teething but I’m convinced it’s not cos there’s no sign of new teeth. I’ve taken him to see the doctor and bought drugs that was prescribed still no improvement. Please what can I do? Is there a particular test I need to Cary out cos none have been done

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to take him back to the hospital or better still the Children’s Emergency Room of the closest Teaching Hospital!

  64. Thank you so much Doctor .God bless you….my 11months old son has a fever..And I consistently use a digital thermometer that measure’s between 100f and 107f…..he just treated malaria and cattarh…please what else can u give him to ease this…he also has swollen gum…

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Kikelomo….your child has fever. Give Paracetamol and then take to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment. Malaria is not the only cause of fever in children and if the fever is getting to 107, that is very high and that child should be taken to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

  65. God bless you ma, please my baby of 8 months has just grown one tooth from her 7 months. 8th of March made her 8 months. Am kind of being worried.

  66. Good morning ma, Pls my baby is 7months + and i give her piccan…anytime she eat her stomach will make sound and i dnt knw what to do and how many ml of piccan r my going to give her i need ur help ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello Yinka….STOP the Piccan. There is no need or basis for giving teething mixtures to infants. There is nothing wrong with hearing sounds in the tunny of a baby after eating….just the sound of gas and food moving in the tummy.

  67. Please ma my 4month old baby have cough and catarh for d past 2weeks . I gave him vitamin c and paracetamol and was told to buy zinnat suspension today is d 3rd day of taking that but still having cold don’t know wat to do ma…

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Take him back to the hospital for follow-up evaluation by the Paediatrician. Hope the Zinnat was prescribed by a doctor or is it just self-medication? Avoid self medication please and take the child to the hospital.

  68. Abiola Nafisat

    Guddayma,tanks for this wonderful info,plz ma my baby is 8months and 2days,she has a tooth already,i noticed her forehead is hot bt d other parts of her body temp is normal nd also i noticed a tooth is abt to com out beside d first one at d lower gum,cn i use paracetamol for her?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Check the temperature first with a digital thermometer. If above 37.5 then you can give the Paracetamol. All the best

  69. Mrs Olaide Akanbi

    My daughter is 3 month , can I start to use piccan toothing remedy for her in order to suppress the pain for her, thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      She is not having any pain and she does not need any teething mixtures. So do not give Piccan! Teething is normal like sitting and walking as well. If warm, you can give paracetamol. Do not give even the paracetamol for more than 2 days. if the child is really hot; it is not teething; kindly take to see a doctor at the hospital immediately.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Dangerous…..Please read the articles and also google “My Pikin” a teething mixture that cause the death of many children by causing kidney failure!

  70. Dr. Gbemisola, thanks for the good job you are doing here! My baby hasn’t pool for days now (he is just 3months old) though he passes out gasses often, should I be worried?

  71. Hello Doc, my baby will be 3 months tomorrow. And I noticed for the past 3 weeks now he drools a lot, also using his tongue to touch his gum teeth. Again he always make sounds in his mouth as if he is hungry while sleeping. Is it that he has started teethingl

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Those are the early signs but the teeth may not erupt till another 2 – 3 months. Please do not give teething powder or medication. Teething is normal developmental milestone like sitting and walking. You do not need to do anything or give any medications. Please read here

  72. well done doc, my baby of 5 months is still having persistent after completing the dosage prescribed by pediatric doc. i was told the anti biotic given will stop it but uptil now it has not stop but reduced (i mean the sound of the cough was not as hard as before).
    and anytime she coughs, there is this wheezing sound that follows. what can i still do

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to take him back to the hospital. If a child is not better after seeing a doctor and using the recommended treatment, always take back to the hospital. For you I will recommend the Children Emergency Room of the closest Teaching Hospital.

  73. Good day Ma, please what are the best ways to care for my baby’s teeth. She is 11 months and has 8 teeth already. I brush using a finger rubber brush in warm water. Am I doing the right thing? Again I sometimes percieve odour from her mouth especially when she wakes up in the morning and also on days when she refuses to brush. What can I do??

  74. Good day doctor, my two months old baby has been stooling for some days now, its greenish nd watery… she also has swollen upper gums.. Pls ma can this be teething?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Very unlikely and bringing teeth apart from being too early at 2 months does not cause diarrhoea!!! Greenish stools at this age is suggestive of inadequate feeding what we call starvation stools. Are you breastfeeding exclusively? Try and breastfeed on demand and ensure the breast is completely emptied so the baby gets the hindmilk which is the fatty part of breastmilk. Also wash your hands frequently. If no improvement, please see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician for further management.

  75. Dr. Gbemisola Boyede! Thank you so very much for the wonderful works you are doing. May God reward you greatly and make your life better. I adhere strictly to your advice as per EBF and my baby will be 6 months old in few days. Pls, can you just hint on the kinds of Vegetables/Fruits/Baby Milk i need to give him? Even though i will still continue with the breast milk for supplements.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Thank you Deborah! Amen to the prayers! Kindly head over to our Facebook Group and go to the LEARNING UNITS….We have a complete course on Complementary feeding with very practical and informative videos that will give you detailed answers to your questions. All the best. For answers requiring immediate or faster responses, please post on our Facebok Group wall.

  76. Good Day Doc,

    Please my baby is 9 months and he has about 7 tooth so far. His temperature is high, he doesn’t eat well and seems hyperactive all day.,Playing, trying to walk and generally being a baby…lol. he used to sleep very well but now he rarely sleeps and seems to be getting slimmer and taller. Doc please what can i do to make him eat well and also i need him to sleep well. Also please note i used to give him Baby Rest and Bonabe as self medication from what other mom’s told me. Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      if your baby is having fever, then the baby is sick and should be taken to the hospital. Please DISCONTINUE the teething mixtures immediately and see a doctor as your baby is obviously ill. STOP listening to what other Mums tell you and always ask the healthcare professionals for advise. Forget the Teething diagnosis you are thinking about and act before it is too late. Read more about Teething Myths here and also does teething really make children sick?. For answers requiring immediate or faster responses, please post on our Facebok Group wall.

  77. Good day ma. My child is 2months and a week. I notice that is front head is breathing and very soft,is it normal or I should take him to the hospital?

  78. Good evening doctor my baby of 1yr and 4months is running temperature ive just treated her for malaria with lonart suspension, but still she is still having temperature can it be teething?

  79. Eku ise ma, pls my baby head always hot and each time I give him paracetamol ,it will stop .what can be cause pls…

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Owolabi…Please take the child to the hospital for further evaluation by a doctor as there are so many possible causes of fever (hotness of the body) in children

  80. Good day Ma, I just learnt that teething mixture is not good, I’ve been giving piccan to my 6month old daughter since she was 4month old(I.e since 2 months ago) everyday morning and night, just to prepare her for teething according to other mums advise , even though she is not showing any form of teething sickness apart from drooling and gum itching.
    I’m so worryi right now, is my baby going to be fine,? won’t it affect her later in future?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Well let’s hope so Janet. If you noticed anything unusual, please see your Paediatrician!

  81. Good day doctor, my baby is 11 months now and no teeth has come out,he is not crawling yet but he can hold something and stand by himself.does this cause for concern ma

  82. Good evening doctor, my boy is 11month now but his teeth is not yet out.I also expect him to have being crawling faster by now but he still lie down while crawling but he can stand on his own by holding something, does this call for concern

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I think you should relax and stop worrying. The child’s development is still within the average (normal) development. He will get there.

  83. Hello ma, please my baby is one year but no teeth. But d gum is showing white like a teeth. Am confused, what can I do?

  84. Gooday Mam
    My boy is 3 and half years now. when he was a year old he fell down and part of his front teeth broke out and ant the moment it is still eroding (decaying) gradually. Should we remove it or wait for it to fall out naturally

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Betty. Please see a dentist immediately and do what the dentist recommend. Please treat as urgent!

  85. Thank so much for the info about teething powder. Although I was using teething powder for 2week now on my 2month + daughter but I discard it immediately I read your article abt it. My worry is my daughter get scared alot. If she is sleeping and you make any noise, you will be scared, she always struggle to sleep ( she will be scratching her head, crying,. Rubbing her nose on your body before she will finally fall asleep) please is it normal

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There is nothing wrong with a baby startling to loud noises. It is normal for a baby to be unsettled if their sleep was disturbed. You don’t need to worry about it.

  86. Good day ma when do I start brushing my baby’s teeth with toothpaste and brush. He just had his first 2 teeth

  87. Okunubi Omotola Oluwatobiloba

    Good afternoon ma and Happy Sunday to you.Ma, please I would appreciate if you can enlighten me more on what to do as regards my son.He is 1year 2months old,treated him for malaria about 3 weeks ago when I noticed he wasn’t feeling fine and he felt better afterwards,it’s exactly one week now that he hasn’t been feeling good again,took him to the hospital and was given injection for three days and as well drugs(paracetamol, multivite and antibiotics) because I complained about continuos high temperature and not eating.When he completed the drugs and injection 3days ago,there was no changes so I had to take him back in the middle of the night due to the temperature.He was given injection again and some drugs were as well administered (paracetamol,zinnat 125mg suspension,and GEM cotrimoxazole paediatric suspension). Today I had to keep searching through internet to know what exactly the problem is and I got to know that it might be because I have not dewormed him,when I noticed his having a stomach upset as well.All the effect of intestinal worms is what I keep noticing.My question now is can I deworm him using albendazole suspension ma.Am sorry for the long write up

  88. Oche Victoria

    Good day Doc. My baby is 4cmonths old, however for about a week, there has been a slight increase in his temperature. He did not sleep well yesterday and still running temperature. He has tested negative to malaria. Suspect it’s teething. He is about 7 kg, can i give PCM and if yes, whay dosage. Thank you.

    1. It is not teething and we do not recommend teething mixtures. You can give paracetamol that will be 70mg or 2.5ml to the baby every 6 hours and if fever persisted more than 24 hours, then see a doctor for further evaluation.

  89. Sharon Princewill

    Good evening ma’am, please my baby has been coughing which makes her vomit, took her to the hospital, did some tests, no malaria just a viral infection. Chlorpheniramine and ascorbic acid were prescribed which we’ve used but the cough and vomiting still persists now fever. Please ma I don’t know what to do? Thank you for your time. QA

    1. You should take her back to the hospital now that the child is having fever as well to rule out pneumonia. It is not teething!

  90. Hello ma, please my daughter is 16months and she has only 4 teeths, but she started teething when she was 13months. Should I be worried?

    1. What do you mean by she is teething? That is not clear. I don’t think you need to worry.

      1. Good day ma, by teething _ I mean she started bringing her teeth out when she was 13months and now she is 17 months and she has only four teeth, should I be worried

  91. Hello ma, please my baby is one year and four months now but she has only four teeth but she started teething when she was 13months. Should I be worried?

    1. What do you mean she is teething? Please leave her alone. If you notice any symptoms, do not assume teething first; rather take her to the hospital to see a doctor for further evaluation and management

  92. Goodmorning Dr, my 3 months old baby is teething and is refusing to it. I am worried about him being dehydrated or loosing weight. What can I do ma.

    1. Your 3 month old is NOT TEETHING! Your 3 month old should be SUCKING – exclusively on breast milk. As long as your baby is breastfeeding exclusively, there will be no problem. Please do not introduce anything else until your baby is 6 months old

  93. Fatima malah

    Good day Dr, my baby is about 5 months now and since she was 2 month to 3 she started her teething problem She get fever n losing weight n up to now she is not sitting I went to a doctor but still no any changes so advice me on what to do thanks.

    1. That is not teething! Teething does not cause a child to start having fever and losing weight from 2 months. Kindly see a Paediatrician immediately! There is no need to worry about sitting in a 5 month old especially one who is losing weight

  94. Oluwajuwon Adesanya

    Good day ma, I have this concern about the way my 8 months old baby uses her finger to scratch her eyes. Sometime I feel its a sign she want to sleep but most time its far from it and mote used to come out of her eyes and this is really giving me concern ad if something is not right.

    1. Sounds like allergy…..make sure you keep her nails short always and see a doctor if the itching persists

  95. Pls doctor, my baby of 7mnths+ has 2teeth already bt i notice he was feeling discomfort since yesterday n also vomitting though relieved now……..what could b d cause ?

    1. No idea but it is not teething if that is what is on your mind. Just watch the baby now and if it persists see a doctor as there are many possible causes of vomiting in children.

  96. Good morning doctor,my baby of 5month have been coughing,drooling, drooling and also having catarrh. Although the cough and catarrh with stooling started a week ago and they said it’s teething. I started giving her piccan at 4month and I discovered that the lower teeth has started coming out that everybody can easily notice but not totally out. My concern now is the cough because mummies around said as soon as the teeth developed very well,everything will disappear itself and it seems the cough syrup I bought for her is not working and I’m worried. Although, her temperature is okay,she eat very well and play well too,just the cough and catarrh that is giving me headache. Please is it teething or something else?. Thank you ma.

    1. Your child’s cough and catarrh is not caused by Teething. Teething does not cause any illness as it is a normal physiological process. It is dangerous to assume teething as the cause of a child’s illness as it delays your seeking help on time. Please take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation and treatment. Read more about dangerous myths as regards teething here – does teething really make children sick? and TEETHING – MYTHS AND REALITIES. Please kindly also STOP the teething mixtures. They are unnecessary and dangerous as well.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It may be an early sign the child is about to bring out the first ṣet of teeth. However this is perfectly normal and does not require any form of treatment or medications so do not give teething mixtures and if you are already, please STOP.

  97. Taiwo Esther

    Good afternoon ma, my baby is 3months plus and she has been stooling since yesterday, she stool 3times yesterday and today she has done dat 2times now, pls WATS can be the cause And how can I stop it cause I been giving her piccan and is since its not working, pls help me out

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Your 3 month old should be on exclusive breastfeeding and does not need to take water or any teething mixtures like Piccan. Please stop the drugs immediately. Babies can pass stools as many times up to 12 times daily and that is not a problem if the stools are not watery. Only watery stools sinking completely into the diaper will be classified as diarrhoea

  98. Hello ma, thanks for the good work here.
    Please i need your advice.
    Last week i took my 4 month old baby to see doctor after she started having hoarse voice, running nose, cough and little body temperature. After test, the doctor placed her on antibiotics and antimalarial drugs which she started taking immediately and within shortest time her voice improved, the cough and the running nose subsided but at the moment she has been very irritable and even at nights she doesn’t sleep and neither will anyone. i also notice she is having some heat on the head and around her mouth. Please can these be associated to teething symptoms?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      A child who is ill CAN NOT BE SAID to have teething symptoms. Teething does not make the child ill. You already saw a doctor and your child is ón treatment. The symptoms are most likely part of the original illness or side effects of the medications she is on. I will advise going back to your doctors for follow up since you still have lot of concerns as documented above. They are not teething and teething does not make a child sick. Never assume teething in a sick child as teething is normal physiological process like walking or talking!


    pls Dr. my baby have not unirate for like 16 hrs she 5mnts plus, she has cough and catarrh 7 days now we gave her vita c, pcm, and cough syrub, pls help me.

    1. Take her to the hospital immediately. Always take sick children to the hospital as they can not be treated online

  100. Dear Doctor,my baby is 6 months old she is running temperature I took her to the hospital and she was examined everything was fine we were told to do FBC everything was normal but my baby is still running temperature but she can sit and play about could it be a sign of teething

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Teething does not cause fever in children. The cause of fever may not be apparent just from full blood count only for example fever due to viral infections will not lead to any changes in Full blood count. Give paracetamol and if fever persists, go back to see a Paediatrician. Please use a thermometer to measure the fever; don’t just use your hands.


    Good morning ma, thank you for the good Job you’re doing. Please ma, my baby of 6months + 1week has refused to take anything except breastmilk for like 3 days now. He has also be running temperature in middle of the night for 3 days too and I have been been giving him paracetamol that is appropraite for his age but people have been advising me to give him teething powder. Can this be attributed to teething?

    1. The child is sick but it is not teething. Please do not give any teething mixtures. Take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation of the cause of the fever and so the child can be treated appropriately.

  102. Dr my 6 months + baby girl is having body temperature and she having running nose as well I got panda cold drop and anti malaria drugs prescribed for her but she’s still running temperature she plays with that sometimes and at night she finds it hard to sleep I was told it’s probably teething since she hardly smile this days just trying to chew her mouth please dr what could be wrong ??

  103. Good day, my baby was born with 2 lower prenatal tooth and she is 9month old now ad there is no any other teeth. Recently she has been running temperature on her head only and her gums are so hot. Doctors said d pre natal teeth will be replaced when she wants to bring out teeth since dey came too early. Pls is d temperature associated to teething?

    1. No! Don’t assume that fever caused teething. Kindly take the child to see a doctor for proper evaluation. You can give paracetamol first.

  104. Good Morning Ma my baby of 2 months is already putting his hand in his mouth, sometimes he tries to use his tongue to stratch his tongue and other times when breast feeding he tries using my nipple to stratch his gum and becomes fussy but he’s not running temperature. Could that be teething and what can I do to ease the irritability

  105. I have been given My baby bona babe syrup since he was 3 months and now six months hope no side Effect.

    1. Please STOP! We hope not. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your child then see your doctor

    1. No!

      There is no need for teething medications in children as teething is normal. Should a child have fever, don’t assume teething. Give Paracetamol ONLY and if no improvement, take the child to the hospital.

    2. Weldone ma,as i read above you said after cutting lower teeth it will take 1 or 2 month to cut upper teeth,my question now is after taking 1 or 2 month to cut the upper teeth will the rest also take one or two month before it show up

  106. Good morning doctor, 3days ago my 7months baby vomitted in the night for like 4times, the following morning, it stopped and she started stooling now. What can i use for her pls

    1. Teething IS NOT the cause of diarrhoea.

      The treatment for diarrhoea in children is not metronidazole.

      Read about home management of diarrhoea here

    1. Do you mean oral thrush? This is a fungal infection in the mouth of the baby but can affect Mum’s breasts. Both mother and child will need treatment with antifungal medications. Kindly see a doctor for the prescription and treatment.

  107. Hello Dr, my baby’s 6 months old her 2 teeth in the lower jaw just poked out n it’s noticeable, she has been uncomfortable with her head warmer than the normal although not fever 37.4 degrees. I had to give her piccan to help relieve her. Should I discontinue?

    1. Malaria is not the only cause of the fever in children. Kindly take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation. Please also make sure that you a thermometer to check the temperature to confirm the child has fever. Fever starts from 37.5 and above

  108. Hello doctor,pls my baby brought out one teeth by 11month,now she is 12 month and their is no sign of any other teeth.Hope it is okay?

      1. Weldone ma,as i read above you said after cutting the lower teeth it will take 1 or 2 month to cut the upper teeth,my question now is that after cutting the upper teeth also will it take up to a month or two to cut others

        1. There is no fixed timing as how quickly it will happen. This is just an average guide. It does not mean you need to worry if it does not happen. Take your baby for their first dental check at age 1 year.

  109. Ajimoh Titilayo

    My baby is 2 months and 3 weeks, she started purging since yesterday, and I was told that is due to teething, someone said I should use metro syrup and another person said I should use piccan ibuprofen, she started having temperature this morning, what should I do now.

    1. Please DO NOT!!! Teething does not cause diarrhoea or fever. Your baby is sick and you should see a doctor. STOP the teething mixture as well (Piccan). Give Paracetamol and not ibuprofen. You can see your doctor urgently or if you wish book to see an ATP specialist here

  110. Please doc my 9months old baby is having a persist temperature and have taken him to the hospital. They prescribe drug which have been given him since then but no changes. What should I do it’s urgent.

    1. You should take him back to the hospital immediately. Anytime a child is not better with the treatment you are given at the hospital then you need to take back to the hospital immediately.

  111. Hello ma, Pls I want to ask if there is any effect on the development of a child that do not crawl before standing and walking?

  112. Is there anything wrong with a baby that tends to start standing up by herself or tend to start to walk without passing through the stage of crawling?Does it av anything to do with her development in anyway, I mean may be brain development or general development?

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  115. My daughter is 1year, she’s be coughing severely for about two weeks now owing to teething. The doctor said she can not administer cough syrup to her. What can I do please.

    1. The doctor should have examined the baby and let you know what to do. Yes cough syrup is not appropriate for infants. Teething does not cause cough in children. Read more about cough here

  116. Good evening doctor,my baby of 1y and 10 months has been down with fever for days now,I thought it was malaria white I treated but the fever is still high,I later discovered she is growing her teeth the molar one, what durgs can I use,I have chlorophenamine maleate and just bought babyrex mistures.thanks.

    1. Teething does not cause high fever for days. You are making an assumption that is dangerous. Kindly take the baby to the hospital. Please do not give the baby teething mixtures and any of those medications you mentioned. See a doctor who will examine your child properly and do necessary tests if needed to determine the cause of the fever in your child and recommend appropriate treatment. Read more about TEETHING – MYTHS AND REALITIES and Does Teething really make children sick?

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