If you are not from Nigeria, you may be lost from the title alone. The typical Naija Mum knows what I am talking about, especially if you are from the South-Western part of the country, specifically the Yoruba tribe. The other tribes have their own names for the same condition. A mum told me it is called “ndawa isi” in Ibo. Someone should tell me the Hausa name.

What is “oka”?

A lot of Nigerian Mums ask me countless number of times if their babies have “Oka”. In fact, most do not ask “if” as they have been handed the standard diagnosis of “Oka” by the Grannies stat. Their own question is whether they should give “agbo oka” that is native concotion or herbal remedies for the “Oka”. Another category of mums have gone beyond that and have started the treatment for “Oka”. How do I know? Once you see a new baby with clean shaven head and sticky blackish substance applied to the scalp toward the front, you are seeing a child undergoing treatment for “Oka”.

So what is this “Oka”?

The Grannies and some mums believe that there is a “hole” or “space” which is “breathing” or pulsating in the head of the new baby which is abnormal. That this soft space is not right and should not be there. Any baby that has this “abnormal space or hole” is diagnosed with “Oka”.

For fat, hairy babies, the “hole” is not so apparent and often ignored. However, in smaller babies who are also not gaining weight or perhaps loosing weight, the space is very prominent and can even be sunken. Such babies are easily labelled as having “Oka” and commenced on all forms of treatment ranging from application of substances on the scalp to drinking herbal remedies. There are lots of myths and beliefs surrounding this “Oka”.

So why am I talking about “Oka”?

Some years ago, during my residency training to become a Paediatrician, I was working at the Children Emergency Room (CHER) at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital when two women rushed in with a baby crying. That is not unusual in CHER. What was terrifying that day was when I saw the baby rushed in. He was about 2 – 3 months old. For the first time in my life, I was seeing the brain live and direct in a living person who was not being operated. This was not a movie scene! The brain of this baby was completely visible to everyone. What happened?

In the usual fashion, the grandma who came for “omugwo” had made a diagnosis of “Oka” and has prescribed the traditional treatment which was coating the surface with a black material. Unfortunately, in this scenario, whatever substance was applied was so caustic, it eroded (burnt) away the membrane of the anterior fontanelle and you can see the baby’s brain live and direct!!! Of course, this was disastrous….for baby, mother and grandma and even us the doctors.

That is why I talk and educate mums about this traditional myths and beliefs that are dangerous to children’s health. Of course, granny did not mean to harm her precious grandson but she did anyway.  That baby had to undergo brain surgery. Of course, he had serious infection of the brain even before and after surgery. Though he did not die, but there are long-term complications he will face all because of someone’s ignorance. No wonder, ignorance is more expensive than education.

Facts to know about “OKA”

  1. The “soft hole or space” often erroneously believed to be an abnormality is A NORMAL PART of the baby’s head. It is called ANTERIOR FONTANELLE (AF).
    Every baby has it. It is there to allow along with the small spaces (sutures) between the different bones of the skull to accommodate the baby’s brain growth. So it is not “OKA” or any other thing….It is a normal part of the baby’s head.
  2. The anterior fontanelle (AF) is covered by a membrane, and this membrane is what actually separates the baby’s brain from the environment. It is that important! So any application of substances that can damage this membrane will lead to exposure of the brain to the environment with serious consequences like in the story above.
  3. The fact that in some babies, very hairy or chubby especially, that you can not see it pulsating or “breathing” in local naija parlance does not mean it is not there. Some mums have actually said their babies do not anterior fontanelle! That is not true….every baby is born with one!
  4. The size and shape of the AF varies from one baby to another normally. In some conditions, it can be too big. Also the anterior fontannelle can be elevated “bulging” in some conditions especially if the baby has infections in the brain. It can be depressed “sunken” in other conditions like in babies that are very dehydrated or malnourished.
    Please note that in these conditions, it is not the AF causing the disease symptoms (for example diarrhoea and dehydration with sunken AF). Rather, the AF is just reflecting the fact that something is wrong in the body systems.
    It is important to say this because this is one of the reasons some mums believe in “OKA”. Such babies are sick and may either have prominent or sunken AF in addition to other symptoms. The “OKA doctors” will now say it is the “oka” causing the symptoms.
    The danger of this belief is all treatments will be directed to the AF and the underlying disease causing the change in AF will be ignored. Also some of the native medications often use d have dangerous side effects and consequences especially on the immature liver and kidneys of the babies causing further damage….”fry pan to fire” scenario!!!
  5. The AF closes on its own by age of 18 – 24 months. This is because more than 90% of brain growth and development has occurred by the age of 2 years. You did not need to do anything about it. It happens on its own. Just to note that some diseases can cause delay in closure of the AF. See your paediatrician if you can still feel the AF in your baby after age 2 years.
  6. You did not need to apply oil to the AF hourly or daily….highly unnecessary and the dripping oil will cause rashes on the baby’s face. The AF is not “drying up” like many naija mums believe. You also do not need to put thread from cloth. You also do not need to mop AF with hot water or apply any substances local or herbal on it. JUST LEAVE THE AF ALONE!!7. Finally if your baby is sick with or without observed changes in the AF, please go to the Hospital immediately. Don’t assume and don’t accept the “OKA” diagnosis. Please see your doctor for proper  diagnosis and treatment. A stitch in time saves nine!

Thank you for reading. I will like to read your thoughts on this “OKA”. Please comment or email me at If you also have questions or clarifications on this issue or any child health issues, feel free to email me. I love reading your questions and comments.
Dr Gbemisola Boyede 

307 thoughts on “MY BABY HAS “OKA”!”

      1. Good day doctor my 6 weeks baby eats heavily and I was told she has oka inu, that this is different from oka ori, which makes Herr eat a lot. My curiosity to know more made me stumble on this wonderful article . please can you enlighten me on the oka inu

      2. Good morning Doctor. Please my baby ,1 month and some days old, stretches and act like her stomach is disturbing her , which makes her uncomfortable and unable to sleep .We have been to the hospital and the doctor said there is no problem that it’s normal . Please what could be the issue as she doesn’t sleep well.The stretching and the feeling like something is disturbing her stomach does not allow her to sleep.

      3. Omotosho Sarah

        Thank God I stumbled on this.A woman came to me in church and said I should treat oka because my 3month old baby should be bigger than he is now.
        He weighed 2.6kg at birth and weighed 5.2kg at his 3month vaccination appointment is his present weight ok ma.FTM

    1. My boy is 10 months now and the AF at the back. I mean the hole at the back is still open. Though almost closed. Any problem with that?

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        That is not AF ….That is Posterior fontannelle which usually closes by 6 months. Please read the article for detailed information. You should see your paediatrician as well for proper clinical evaluation of your concerns.

        1. Thank you , Dr. Glad I came across your article. I’m a new mom and I’m at my mother in-law place for care if me and the baby as a new mom. Lately she made mention of Oka. I had to rush down to Google to read up and I’m glad I came across your page. Very relatable and calming. God bless you. Pls can I send a mail ?

          1. Oladipo Deborah

            Thank you for this article. Please my baby of 3 months doesn’t sleep well due to the stomach upset, anytime the stomach makes some funny sounds he cries. What can I do?

          2. Dr good day. Please is it advisable to apply menthalator balm on the fontanelle on my baby’s head?

  1. Dilibe Chioma

    Infact thanks very much on this information am not a mother yet but i enjoy every of your write upp Doc keep it up.

      1. Good day doctor. Thank you for this enlightening article.Aside a sunken AF,a baby that has a vivid Saggital suture line is believed to be suffering from OKA as well. I came to know about this while I was nursing my baby at a salon,then a woman came up to me and ask if I am using OKA medications for my baby. I inquired where she see OKA she said it has draw a line on my baby’s head. Kindly shed more light on this.

        1. Please read the article first and don’t fall for any tales by people not qualified to advise on health issues. Prominence of the sagittal sutures does not mean any oka. There are reasons for this. For any observation about your child’s head or health, always see a Paediatrician. Don’t take a diagnosis of Oka and do not give your baby any so called oka medications. Please DON’T. Again, read the article as we address all these issues.

          1. Please Doctor can a baby have both AF and PF
            Just noticed both in my over a month old baby

          1. Your baby’s anterior fontanelle SHHOULD NOT be sunken. That may be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition. You should see a doctor to confirm first if truly sunken and why. There is no reason to worry about the pulsation what you are calling breathing. Do not give any native medications. Keep breaastfeeding your baby exclusively

  2. I was told a child wit oka wnt b fat,nd d child dt was fat during birth wl go lean due to dt oka

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should read the post as we have demystified the concept. Any child who was fat and now lean has malnutrition which can be treated properly. Kindly take that child to the Paediatricians for proper treatment. Most such children die from the ignorance and such erroneous beliefs that made the parents not to seek medical interventions on time. This is exactly why I write this article. Don’t assume or diagnose Oka…take the child to the hospital for treatment.

      1. Thank you for this information. Lots of us are ignorant of this fact. Please would appreciate personal appointment with you. Would be glad if you can oblige me this humble request.

        1. God will bless u ma for this person charge my wife 22,000 for agbo. I told her I’m not going to pay a dime. I can’t risk my baby liver and kidney. I only stick to Silver bird oil. Hope silver bird is good Ma?

      2. This was very informative and enlightening. I’m a new mom and my mom keeps insisting I use silver bird on my baby’s head and I noticed it makes her uncomfortable. I personally don’t like the smell too but I want to know if it has any benefits.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please read the article well….Take such children to the hospital for paediatrician’s evaluation and treatment


    Ignorance is very expensive. I will personally take it up and tell every /any mother that comes my way about it. Thank you so much for all you ve been doing. GOD BLESS YOU & FAMILY.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Glad to hear that Medinatu. Just click on the share button and let your friends also read.

      1. Ma, do you have any write up on children culvusion
        Causes of convulsions
        How to prevent it
        And firstaid

      2. Tabitha Zenzly

        Thanks so much Doctor for this post…. My mother in law suggested we mix silver bird with my baby’s hair oil and in fact, we did so today…, even though I’m not comfortable with the quantity she added.. But with the knowledge of this, I’ll discontinue the use of that oil… God bless you Doctor!

        1. You are welcome. If you have any questions that need urgent answers, please post on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group here

    2. Thanks for this information. Some people say banana and plantain is the reason for ‘Oka’ and should be avoided during pregnancy. Pls shade more light on this. Thanks

      1. That is not true…It is pure myth. Please read the article so you understand the medical explanations for the so-called “Oka”

      1. Oladuntoye Hassanah

        You are blessed ma, have no idea how much this information you have just shared meant to me,thank you so much,please do not stop enlighten people on different misconseption and a young soul!!!

  4. oyediran pinpinlade

    Yes ooo,I remembered then my boy had it..he cries at midnight and he won’t sleep I was told it was the oka that was disturbing him many agbo was administered with silverbird in oil to b applying frequently but it just closed up when he was 1yr+…thank God it has finally close now he is going to 3years….thanks for the information ma..#kudos ma

    1. Made that mistake believing it. But that is pass now. My son almost four months now. Doing good. EBF still on. Thanks for the write up.

    2. Monica Ogechi

      My twins are 3 months old,they both have the PF, so many people have profer solutions but am not interested with your teaching too,my ground is now stronger.

      1. What is PF? DO you mean posterior fontanelle? It is normal to have posterior fontanelle. Please avoid abbreviations when asking questions.

  5. Irogue diana

    Thanks for the info, infact I have being battling with MIL recently over this issue. My baby is 5weeks old and she has being been insisting I take my baby to see the doctor over the Oka tin( since I strongly reject self prescription) that it ought to have closed since. This has being on going since the baby was barely two weeks old.

    My husband and I actually went to see the paediatrician yesterday over this,who took his time to educate us too. How I wish I saw this post B4 the hospital visit, I won’t have even border myself. I always knew the head will close on its own because I experienced it with my younger brother too, he was already walking about b4 his own closed, mum only made sure nobody gave him a knock on his head. Thanks so much Dr.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Seriously?? anterior fontannelle closes at 18- 24 months. So no need to worry. Indeed I will worry more if it closes early (prematurely) at 5 weeks. That means the baby’s brain is not growing and that is a serious problem. In fact for such babies with premature closure of the AF and sutures – what we call craniosynostosis, they need surgery to open the AF. It is that important.

      1. Thanks for sharing. My baby weighs 2.7 at birth but weighs 2.5 at 1 month of which I complained to the doctor and he said I should b giving him multivitamins. I’ve bin using d multivitamin with no positive results. He’s now 41 days n he sucks a lot. Pls help a confusing mother

        1. What you should do is to ensure your baby is breastfeeding exclusively. There is no need for any multivitamins. Check your baby’s weight again at the 6 weeks immunization and let us know if the baby is now gaining weight. For children health issues, please see a Paediatrician preferably. For urgent issues, post on our Facebook group

  6. Dammie Kolz

    Thank you Ma for this beautiful piece.

    1. I hope applying oil and ointment (e.g silverbird) does not cause any harm on the baby’s AF.

    2. Does exposure of the AF resuld to cold in babies as its widely believed.

    Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. It does not cause harm per se but the oil drips down the baby’s face and makes them to have rashes and the silverbird oil makes them to sneeze a lot unnecessarily.

      2. No…However when weather is cold, cover up the baby and you can wear cap, mittens and socks. Even adult in cold regions wear these to keep warm during cold season and it has nothing to do with AF as their AF are closed already

  7. Thanks Doc for this informative piece. Am a first time mum, an elderly woman came to visit us today and said my daughter of 38 days has Oka, and ask me to bring her baby oil and silver bird, she poured half of d silver bird into d baby oil and said I should make sure that the oil is always on her head. Pls ma, need your advice on this.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      PLEASE DO NOT USE THAT OIL…you will just end up making the baby to sneeze continuously and unnecessarily. There is really no need for frequent oil application on the anterior fontannelle. Just ignore

  8. Thank you for the enlightenment, chaii ignorance is a dicease, i also belived in this so called oka.the one at the back of my 10weeks baby has closed but, the one at the front is still very visible, he is a chubby baby, hope its normal

  9. Akintola A. A

    I am a first time mum to be and I was told to stop eating banana and plantain because of Oka… My question is am I free to eat plantain and banana cos I really love them

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Pure myths Akintola!!

      Please feel free to eat plantain and banana….they do not cause oka. Read the article to understand better what Oka means!

      1. while i was pregnant i ate a whole lot of roasted plantain, plantain chips, banana etc, people around me will say my baby will have oka i ignore them when i put to bed Dec 2017 they were surprised that my baby is healthy . Many people around me now bliv all ds food dont cause OKA

      1. I read about the article on Oka and I found it very interesting and educative. More grace to your bosom. A child that was believed eat too much by grand parents. Could it be as a result of Oka as alleged. Like for instance is it abnormal for a two months boy to be breastfeed for more than an hour and use formula to top it for the child satisfaction

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Hello Michael. Thank you for your kind words!

          The child is not eating too much o because of Oka!

          Different babies have different appetite but even then one hour is too much….It is a sign of either poor attachment to the breast or the baby is just sucking to deal with the discomfort of colic which is quite common around this age. Read more about colic here

          1. Thanks very much for this article.
            Am a first time mum and my baby is 6wks now and he has this Oka (Ntiwaisi in Igbo) and my mum broth a local medicine that I will grind it , it gumming for me to apply on my baby’s forehead , that if it closed the medicine will fall by itself and I said No , so she bought silver bird for me to be applying some drops of it on my baby’s head and I said ok.
            She said my baby’s own is big and it’s close to his forehead and it disfigures babies face and head. And it’s makes babies to lose weight , so I want to ask can oka disfigure babies face or head ? And again my baby’s weight is 6.7kg at 6wks and he is on exclusive breast feeding , is it ok ?

          2. Thanks very much for this article.
            Am a first time mum and my baby is 6wks now and he has this Oka (Ntiwaisi in Igbo) and my mum broth a local medicine that I will grind it , it gumming for me to apply on my baby’s , that if it closed the medicine will fall by itself and I said No , so she bought silver bird for me to be applying some drops of it on my baby’s head and I said ok.
            She said my baby’s own is big and it’s close to his forehead and it disfigures babies face and head. And it’s makes babies to lose weight , so I want to ask can oka disfigure babies face or head ? And again my baby’s weight is 4.7kg at 6wks and he is on exclusive breast feeding , is it ok ?

          3. Please STOP. Your baby may have a medical condition (not Oka). Kindly take the baby to the hospital for proper evaluation of the medical diagnosis your child has and the treatment for example if your child has hydrocephalus, the child may need surgery and the earlier the better to avoid your baby’s brain being permanently injured. There is no medical condition called Oka. There are different medical conditions that can affect your baby’s head and the appearance. STOP doing any native treatment. Go to the hospital and get proper treatment. The earlier the better.

          4. Your baby does not have any Oka but a medical condition that should be seen by a Paediatrician and diagnosed immediately for proper treatment. The weight of your baby is fine for a 6 weeks old. Just continue exclusive breastfeeding. You should read the article too because your questions show you have not read it. There is no medical condition called Oka

      2. Thank you so much for this MA, I’m a first time mom, my mom and an elderly woman just diagnosed my baby to having oka, and she even asked if she sneezes a lot, ignorant me said yes and she said its caused by the oka. That I should get silverbird and pour some in her oil to put on the oka every minutes. But I knew in me it doesn’t make any sense that’s why I google for answers and found this. Thank you so much for this write-up my money will be spared from buying silverbird. GOD bless you MA.

      3. Thank you , Dr. Glad I came across your article. I’m a new mom and I’m at my mother in-law place for care if me and the baby as a new mom. Lately she made mention of Oka. I had to rush down to Google to read up and I’m glad I came across your page. Very relatable and calming. God bless you. Pls can I send a mail ?

  10. The grand parents alleged that the two months boy eat too much as a result of Oka. And from the article I could perceived it’s not so. I need you shed more light on this ma. Thanks. Am really grateful

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is another dimension of the myth about Oka and believe me I have heard quite a lot about Oka. What I used to hear is that the baby does not gain weight despite eating because of Oka. Kindly read the article to know that there is no such thing as Oka. If you have any concerns about your baby, then please see a Paediatrician for further evaluation and management!

  11. What’s the remedy for a two months boy with catarrh, especially mostly experience during the night

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Keep the baby warm and continue to breastfeed exclusively!!!!

      Keep the baby away from siblings or adults with catarrh that is respiratory tract infection.

      Ensure the baby is immunized adequately.

      If no improvement, then you should see a Paediatrician for further evaluation and management.

  12. Mariam jonathan

    Pls ma our Neigbour said my 3 weeks old baby av oka she now give me one herbal to to put it inside her feeing bottle cuz of the oka,nd I poured silver bird inside hr oil nd sneeze sometimes, she weight 3.5kg now want to know if her weight is normal or is there any other tin I can used for her to gain more weight??

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Have you read the article?? PLEASE YOUR BABY DOES NOT HAVE ANY OKA!! STOP ALL THOSE UNNECESSARY MEDICATIONS that may even be more dangerous for your baby! STOP the use of feeding bottles!! SIMPLY BREASTFEED EXCLUSIVELY!!!

      You did not tell me the birth weight of your baby for me to be able to tell you if the baby’s current weight is okay or not. I will advise that you stiop the herbal drugs immediately and simply just breastfeed your baby and she will gain weight I assure you!!

      You can do it!!!

      1. Hello ma,I have been unable to breastfeed my 4weeks old baby due to having flattened nipple..what solution can you recommend?

        1. There is a way to get your flat nipples out. You may ask a nurse to show that to you how to. You can also express your breast milk as well to feed the baby via cup and spoon.

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  13. What a waste of time, I used baby Robb, and oziza seed mixed with kernel oil for my baby. In the days of ignorance God over looks. Thanks a million for the enlightenment.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You are welcome Lulu!!!

      Happy that you are now a well-informed mother and your days of ignorance are behind! Please read more articles so you can be a well-informed all-rounder Mum!!!

  14. What more can I say thank to say I am blessed to have joined this group. And ATP is more blessed to have been formed.
    My baby is 6wks old and am a first time mum. Granny came to take care of my baby and said -myth “every child is born with jedi” so on the 5th day after birth, the wud put warm water in his bum and that turned his system around and he started stooling! Badly! Lost weight too and I don’t know what to do.
    After the second day, I asked her to stop the therapy and I kept breastfeeding and to God be the glory, my baby I fine well, active and gaining weight.
    Learnt Lesson in the hard way

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Thank you Toluwalase for sharing your experience with us!

      This is one reason I started ATP – to prevent this type of unnecessary experience.

      I am happy your baby is doing well now…All a baby needs in the first 6 months of life is BREAST MILK ONLY!!! NOTHING BUT BREAST MILK!!!

    2. I met a nurse who told me fontanelle appears as a result of fact that the baby’s head has to be compressed to be able to pass through a woman’s vagina. That the space is what the baby’s head uses to compress during birth for easy passage then expand back after birth. Please is it true?

      1. Yes but that is not the fontanelle alone though but the sutures- spaces between the scalp bones

      2. Temitope, Lagos Nigeria

        I love this exposition ma. Just today a little+aunt called with tears telling me her baby is seriously suffering from this, they have used the local concoctions but no difference cos they birth the baby at the Soo called ‘Ile Alagbo’. I ordered her immediately to take the baby to a general hospital close to them, after which I asked people around me about it and I was made to know that it’s never an hospital issue but local treatment! I was worried and began to regret telling them go to the hospital, not until I searched online and found this write-up. I am glad to know now that it’s also a medical issue, because my baby had no issue of oka-ori though very hairy!. I’ll keep on telling the ones I knw and also advise them to always use their hospital. Thank you ma God bless you.

  15. Thank you so much for this piece,it came in at the right time,will like to send you a personal chat via your email if you don’t mind. May your work bring you undiluted joy.Thank you for your time.

  16. Thanks for the info doc.its really an eye opener.but doc,must we always wear cap for our baby because of this AF( oka).its now become a must o in my street,they will always tell you wear cap for your baby anytime you are outside even when the weather is not cold.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No! The cap is to keep the baby warm and has nothing to do with the anterior fontannelle. Ditch the cap in hot weather please.

  17. Thanks doctor. My little ones own was quite prominent and it even scared me at first but my Doctor told me it very normal and would close up on its own naturally. Now through your post I know better

  18. Sandra diamonds

    Hello Dr. Please my 6week old son has his AF a bit longer like to the mid region of his fore head & my MIL says it’s this OKA thing that it makes babies cry at night. Feeds very well. BW:3.5kg Current W: 4.5kg should I be worried 4 anything especially d length of the AF? Thank u ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No, you don’t have to be worried. It is still part of normal variation. It is not Oka and your baby is doing well. There is no need to worry.

  19. Whoa this so wonderful indeed information is power.. Am a new mum and when I had my baby,my mum will always use a very hot towel and place on AF I’ll always tell her to stop she shout and tell me is for cold not to enter the head.I quarrelled with her over that so she had to call my gran mum and my gran mum told her not to touch water on that region that it will close, what a relief. Later she came back and told me she will have to take the baby to mile 1 market wia de will close it.. I laff and told her no way as if I knew about dis all dis yl. Dr Tank u so much for the article I’ve copied and sent to read. To tink that my mum is an educationist yet dis myth still exist among the educated people.
    2. My baby is very healthy weights 6.5kg at 14wks feeds and plays well bt sometimes the AF deepens(like 30min) and comes up doh he doesn’t have hair.
    Wanna ask hope is not a problem.
    3. I was given dis Ramboo soap at the hospital to use on my baby he was having a skin dat looks scaly over 1mnth now.
    Hope the soap is ok. Doh it has really cleared it
    Tnks as i anticipate ur reply

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. Thank you for reading. I am happy that you have learnt quite a lot.

      2. That is not a problem….I will worry if the space is permanently depressed or full/tense for long period of time especially in the context of ill-health in the child

      3.I am not sure what the Ramboo soap is. However, dermatologist do not recommend use of medicated soap for children. I will rather advise you see a Dermatologist first about that scaly skin before using anything, which sometimes may worsen the original skin problems.

      Keep reading and sharing!

  20. Thank you very much your teaching doc, pls for more clarifications,my baby is one month old today and he crys at the time except when he is sleeping, this cry got me worried and I check the anterior frontelle and noticed is not pulsating, pls is it possible for it not to pulsate? And there is no fever, secondly he always hiccups and am on exclusive breastfeeding, I don’t know if he gets enough breast milk and his poo is like melon soup is this normal?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Ese…..First-time Mum? Congratulations and welcome to motherhoood.

      1. It appears that your baby has colic which is quite common in newborns but nothing to worry about as most of them outgrow it. Read more about colic here

      2. The anterior fontanelle does not have to pulsate…indeed you may not even “see” it in very hairy babies until you feel for it but it is just a space and does not pulsate. The pulsation is from the blood vessels around the area.

      3. Hiccups are also common minor issues in newborn babies and they resolve on their own. There is no need to worry about it at all!

      4. To know if your baby is getting enough breast milk, the most objective is weight gain! Others are the fact that the baby sucks well for at least 20 minutes both breasts and sleep for 2 – 3 hours before demanding another feed. So don’t worry! When you go for the next weight check/immunization, if your baby is adding weight, the baby is getting enough breast milk.

      5. Melon-like soup kind of stool is the normal stool in babies on exclusive breastfeeding.

  21. Great job doc! More grace into this platform. A major challenge @ our private hospitals is that some doctors that are not paediatricians poses as one, hence poor diagnosis and prescription is given. How do we ascertain we really get to see a paediatrician?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Yemisi…I quite understand. You can ask definitely that you want to see a Paediatrician if it is a private hospital. By the standard of the hospital, you will know if they can afford to have a Paediatrician. Usually only very big private hospitals have Paediatricians. Alternatively is to use Government facilities at General or Teaching Hospitals level as most of those have Paediatricians.
      However, you do not need to see a Paediatrician for every simple ailment or symptoms; those can be handled by a General Practicitioner. A good GP should also know when to refer you to a Paediatrician.

      1. Pls ma ,am a first time mummy and for the pass three days now my baby stretching his body like something is discomfort him in stomach and makes him not to sleep very well.although we just did is circumcision.pls what the things to use for him

  22. Adedamola Paul-Adeleye

    Thanks for the wonderful piece. Is OK for a 4 and half months baby that is exclusively breastfed to poop Once in 3 to 4 days?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Perfectly okay and normal. Babies on exclusive breastfeeding may not pass stools every day even up to 2 weeks and there is nothing to worry about as long as the baby is fine, not vomiting and not having any distended abdomen.

  23. God bless you Ma for the good work. I wanted to know the right treatment for infections in children. Which one is more effective – Amoxcillin or Cefuroxime?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are lot of factors that decide which antibiotic is appropriate. There are different types of bacteria and there are antibotics that will work for one and not work for some as well. Also when choosing antibiotics, there are guidelines. It is better to use simpler antibiotics first before using more powerful one especially if the infection is simple one. Try to trust the judgement of your doctor or see doctors that you can trust. Do not compare their 6 years Medical degree with your Google medical degree (smiles)

    2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are lot of factors that decide which antibiotic is appropriate. There are different types of bacteria and there are antibiotics that will work for one and not work for some as well. Also when choosing antibiotics, there are guidelines. It is better to use simpler antibiotics first before using more powerful one especially if the infection is simple one. Try to trust the judgement of your doctor or see doctors that you can trust. Do not compare their 6 years Medical degree with your Google medical degree (smiles)

  24. My baby of 2yrs3mths old was diagnosed of having slight infection on Monday. I was disturbed when the doctor recommended amoxicillin&clavulanate(BG Clav), cos I used it one time, it didn’t work that I had to fall back to cefuroxime. I’ve been giving her the BG clav but I noticed that she wakes up between 1&3am restless with high temperature. At first I thought it could be Zemcifer that the doctor also prescribed with dosage 5mls-2ce daily because she was having black and watery stools. So I decided not to give her the iron supplement (which contained 30mg elemental iron per 5ml) throughout Wednesday only for her to wake up again Wednesday midnight with same restlessness and high temperature. Now I’m beginning to think it’s the amoxicillin not working. I’m on the verge of switching to cefuroxime. I’m really worried, couldn’t sleep last night.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly take her back to the hospital for further evaluation and management. You should see a Paediatrician. Please give her ORS and oral Zinc for the diarrhoea meanwhile. You are not a doctor so you can not be the one choosing what treatment your doctor should prescribe or not. It is better to see doctors that you trust!

  25. Ifeoma Dianna

    Gud mrn Doc. My baby is 2mnts and I was told that he has oka due to d space on his front head with a line like patting. Birth weight was 3.5, at 6wks he weighed 5.7 and currently weighs 6kg. Was advised to start giving him water cos am doing EBF. Am confused cos was told it will affect the baby as he may be shaking his head while walking in feature and I should not pour water on that spot when bathing him. Pls help. Thank in anticipation.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. Your baby does not have Oka. I hope you have read the article…please read again as those structures are normal part of the child’s head.

      2. Please do not give water….your breast milk is made of 80% water ; so no need to add water.

      Kindly disregard all those old wives fables and myths.

      Just breastfeed your baby exclusively for the first 6 months. There is no special precaution when bathing the baby as far as the anterior fontanelle is concerned. Dress your baby according to the weather…when cold wear cap; when warm leave head open. Once a day bath is okay for new babies.

  26. Pls baby is just 12 days old today and my mum had been giving him gripe water.She says its good for colic and his navel…don’t know if this is OK.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No! babyrex and piccan; indeed all teething mixtures and preparations are not recommended for children at all. If a child has fever give paracetamol and see a doctor. DO NOT GIVE TEETHING MIXTURES….NOT RECOMMENDED BY PAEDIATRICIANS…..READ MORE ABOUT TEETHING HERE

  27. Hello Dr

    My baby has the anterior and posterior suture with ridges just as shown in the picture.

    My mother has been given some condition made of plantain cover to treat the oka.

    Kindly confirm the posterior suture is normal in children.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Posterior suture is normal but usually very small and sometimes close from birth or at most 6 months.

      Please STOP the concoction o….for your child’s sake. All the best

  28. Good day Doctors in the house, I discovered that few months ago my baby’s AF opening the more so they told me to apply oil , but the AF is gradually closing now and my baby is 10 month now, thanks.

  29. Thanks ma, it is of the opinion of people around here that #oka ori# is caused by the consumption of certain fruits like banana and pawpaw by the mom to be which has left many of the moms to be in society to see banana and papaya has a taboo during pregnancy.would like if you can shed more light ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Pure myth….please read the article to understand first what is popularly referred to as “oka ori”! Then you will know that this so-called causes are not true at all!

    2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is pure myth! Oka ori is not even any medical diagnosis to start with depending on what the people observe and of course has nothing to do with fruits consumed by the mother.

      Pregnant women are free to consume any fruits of their choice without any fear of it affecting their babies. Please read more about the misconceptions in the article!

  30. Hello Ma. Good P.m. lam a first time mum. My baby boy is two weeks today. Someone just told me about this Oka/Ndawa isi of a thing and we planned going next week for the local treatment before my husband browsed about it and showed me this your post. Thanks MA for that enlightenment. Ma, my mother in law has been applying palm kernel oil and sheer butter missed together on my baby’s hair and body since she came as a way of creaming the baby body, l’ ll like to know Ma if such will/ will not be harmful to my baby’s brain?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      As long as the baby is not allergic to the Palm kernel oil that is not giving the baby rashes, there is no need to worry. Shea butter as body cream is fine if the baby is not reacting to it.

  31. Also Ma, there is one they call Esha/ nta in lgbo, l don’t know what Yoruba call it. They use local chalk (nzu) missed with herbs for the treatment.l don’t know if such sickness is real?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are many sickness that have local names but see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician or Dermatologist to make the appropriate medical diagnosis so as to start the right treatment. As Paediatricians, we do not recommend or subscribe to use of local chalk or other herbal treatments.

  32. thank u so much for enlightening me especially
    my aunt tot my baby has dis so called oka, we gave her d herb n all, my baby was 3.8 at birth now 3.5…i had her tru CS she ate 2 containers of NAN but after dat av been doing exclusive breast feeding my concern now is that she’s thin some people said she still has oka coz she sneeze a lot, pls what can i do to make her gain weight she’s 10weeks old

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Dami….Please continue exclusive breastfeeding and ensure she is weighed monthly! See a Paediatrician if she is not gaining weight steadily!

  33. Hello doctor, please what about the bony plates, on a case where u notice ur newborn has this bony plates,is there anything to apply and does it go on its own
    Thank u

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Those are normal part of the body and you do not need to apply anything or do anything to the “bony plates” – the skull!

      1. Good evening doctor. Thanks so much for the lecture. I hope Nigerian mum’s learn from this and stop misleading us.
        I was told my baby has oka that’s why she’s not adding weight I tried explaining to them but I sound stupid to them. I had issues lactating so I had to combine breast milk and formula.
        Birth weight 2.5, current weight 3.0 and she’s 2 months am worried.
        Also, am I supposed to give water after feeding on formula.
        God bless you ma’am.

        1. Thank you for reading. I recommend you breastfeed your baby exclusively and on demand. Babies on formula feeding need to be given water as well.

          1. Good evening Doc, my boy’s birth weight was 2.9, and was doing exclusive breastfeeding, I realized he’s always crying even while sucking. We went to the hospital for general check up at 3 weeks, his weight dropped to 2.5. . The pediatrician advised I introduce formula since the breast milk isn’t enough for him. And I did, coupled with breast milk. He weighed 4.0 during our 6 weeks immunization. I asked the pediatrician if I should discontinue feeding him with the formula, but she advised I continue inorder for his weight not to drop again. She’s a young lady though.
            Ma please what do u advice I do???

          2. Dr Gbemisola

            It is your decision how you feed your baby. I recommend exclusive breastfeeding if you are lactating. For urgent questions and answers, please post your questions directly to our Facebook group

  34. How I wish I read this when I had my first child, thank God my husband is a strong advocate of no self medicating, my boy’s frontanel closed when he was 18 months people kept blaming me that I was the cause of him having a big head cos I refused to apply native medicine for the closure that is why he has a big head today. But with this I feel relieved, knowing the head is not as a result of my not treating oka.(not really big head but protruded forehead )

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is good to hear Eze. This is the reason I write this blog articles. I am so glad you are now well-informed! Please keep reading and keep sharing our articles so others will know as well.

  35. It was nice reading this article. I have learnt a lot.
    I am FTM and my baby is 2weeks and 6days. My MIL came and said she (my baby girl) has this Ndawa isi /Oka, she then mixed some herbal stuff that contains white chalk, coconut water and other things and asked me to be pasting it on her head.
    I wasn’t okay with it especially anything herbs or self medication but I have to oblige to her. But at some point, I stopped applying it.
    Thank God I read this to acquire more knowledge.
    Even my mum was saying AF is normal for babies. That mine while I was kid was much obvious but it covers up on its on.

    What’s Silverbird oil?

    Well done for your good works Doc!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Good to read that Celine.

      As for silverbird oil (eucalyptus oil) you do not need to drop on the baby’s head daily as it makes them to sneeze a lo. It is however okay in babies with blocked nostrils or catarrh…just a drop on the cloth or beddings or hot water in the room via steam inhalation should be fine. Euclayptus oil if to be used as oil on the scalp should be mixed with the baby oil and not used directly.

  36. Thanks doc for your clarification on this issue, now am better informed.. Please any advice on the remedy for sore nipples for a breastfeeding mom. Thanks ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes….You should read the articles on breastfeeding and make sure your technique is right. Watch this video

  37. Jessica Sarki

    Nice one doc. Have warned many women about this but they don’t listen at all and it bothers me cos they can’t even read and think I know nothing. Wish a doc will tell them this.

  38. Thanks Doc for this article. Am on Ebf, my baby of 12 days poo for like 3-4 times daily and it gives me so much concern. The poo is like melon soup

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is normal stools. Babies on breast milk can pass stools up to 8 – 12 times a day and that is normal. It is not oka or diarrhoea. Read more here

  39. My boy is 10 months now and the AF at the back. I mean the hole at the back is still open. Though almost closed. Any problem with that?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Posterior fontannelle, not AF which is anterior fontanelle. If almost closed, there is no need to worry about it.

  40. Hello doc, plz I just noticed my son of two weeks have oka from the front to the back. It was formally at the back and developed to the front. My MIL have been applying silverbird oil to it b4 it came to the front. Plz what can we do abt it and does the silverbird oil have any effect on his skull or brain. Help a first time mom. Thanks alot.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Winner. You have not read the article. Please read it first and you will have answer to your question. Please STOP the unnecessary silverbird oil application.

  41. pls ma what could cause baby not to increase in weight. she doesn’t eat very well seems not to av appetite.birth weight 3.5 at six weeks 4.5

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes the baby is not eating well…that is the answer. The question is why is a newborn not sucking well? Kindly take her to see a Paediatrician if worried but the weight of 4.5kg at 6 weeks is actually fine at that age. You may need to read what the expected weight should be. Read that here baby’s ideal weight

  42. Thanks so much ma for the enlightment, I have been an active member of this group. Recently, God bless me with a set of twins, 2 boys. Twin 1 weighs 2.8 while twin 2 weighs 2.5. I noticed a bulgy part on twin 2 head, which my sis in-law says is oka and mum in-law says is abuja. Sis in-law suggested agno should be prepared that is because of the oka that twin 2 is not gaining weight as twin 1. Pls kindly adviced and also, twin 2 has rashes on his diaper area, which sis in -law suggests to be ELA.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi…Congrats on your twins. Please do not give any herbal remedies. If you are not sure what is wrong, kindly see your paediatrician for proper evaluation and management. Kindly stop listening to your inlaws and seek the professional advice – your doctor or paediatrician instead. I can not say what is wrong without physically seeing your babies and examining them. That is why you should see your Paediatrician for further advice and management.

  43. Good mourning doctor and God bless u for continuing to enlighten the new mums about some odd belief of the past. Please my baby weighs 2.9 at birth and now 7kg at six months she was on ebf but for 3months. Am worried her eating pattern is no so encouraging she still predates breastfeeding and am afraid its not enough for her. And is 7kg poor for a baby at 6mnths?

  44. My baby of 6month doesn’t sleep for more than 2hrs at night and 1hr during d day, and the grannies believe is becos of Oka cos is AF is long in front but the width is normal . Pls wat can I do for him to sleep longer?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He should be seen by a Paediatrician first to know why he is not sleeping well at night!

  45. My baby of 6month doesn’t sleep for more than 2hrs at night and 1hr during d day, and the grannies believe is becos of Oka

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No Benedicta…It is not Oka and you should take him to see a Paediatrician immediately. He should be sleeping at least 12 hours a day minimum!

  46. Mrs Ojumu Eniola

    Please Doctor, My three years old boy have been complaining of stomach pain. Since baby that is how have notice it.
    I have visited the hospital so many time they will run test on him. The doctor will say is infection. After giving him treatment it will still occur again before the end of the same month.
    Doctor please am very worry about it.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Mrs Ojumu…It is time to see a Paediatrician with interest in that area – gastroenterology preferably at a Teaching Hospital for further evaluation and treatment if necessary.

  47. Thank you for educating our women on this so call OKA. In our Opharnage home in Lagos Nigeria, one of our babies 15 months old is not thriving despite that she’s feeds very well. The staff that’s staying with the baby at LASUTH, where she is being admitted called me yesterday that more than 5 different women have said to her that we should have the baby discharged and go and treat her with some leafy concussion called AGBO for OKA. I told her not to listen to them. Our people are dying for lack of knowledge. We need more people like you to continue to educate our people in different illnesses that we are ignorant off. Thank you Dr. and remain blessed.

  48. Thanks doctor, please do you have any write up on jaundice, my baby is 6days and has tinge of yellowish eye. The bilirubin level is 9.6mg/dl. Please advice

  49. Hello Doc, my baby is 2weeks 4days. His birth weight was 2.5kg. My MIL says he has oka and of course she is applying something on his head which I am not comfortable with. Secondly, I don’t know if I lack breast milk because my baby will feed for 30mins and in the next 2mins, he is hungry again. I am concerned ma. I can say he is gaining weight but at a very slow slow rate, you might even think he is not growing and despite he sucks on the breast for so long, what could be the problem ma. Lastly, I just need a solution so I can feel ok

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Tomi, please read this article first on Oka so you can get the answer to the first part. Please stop the application on the head. secondly you need to watch the breastfeeding videos to ensure that your baby is properly attached to the breasts and sucking on the areola part not just the nipples. You can read more on the Breastfeeding part here. As regards the weight, babies lose weight first in the first 10 days and regain their birth weight after two weeks before they begin to gain weight so there is no need to worry now as your baby is just two weeks old. Read more here about ideal baby’s weight for each age

    1. Akinyemi oluranti

      Good day doc pls my baby was diagnosed with hyperconjugated jaundice he was not placd under photography light cos its not unconjugated, I was told dat the jundice Wil go the liver Wil work it out, he’s 40 days but eyes still yellow went to complain again but der said they don’t knw were the jundice is really coming from Andi did series if test sb and delight stil Nothing u jst hope it Wil not ve effect on any part of his body pls reply me with a possible solution. Thank you.

      1. Hi Oluranti. I understand your worries but the truth is we sometimes don’t know even after all the tests. Just wait and see for now

  50. Nneka Odoemene

    I am so excited & also relieved to have read this article. Thank you for so much. My second baby will be 6weeks on Saturday. At birth He weighed 4.4kg and I noticed his AF was more extended towards his forehead than that of my first baby. My aunt insisted we begin to administer water immediately even from the hospital. In fact we practically argued until I made her know I wouldn’t. My first baby was born with AF as well but not as extended. His weight was 3.9kg. My aunt & mum insisted on water despite my resistance as I was EBF. In my absence, mum would administer water. My argument with them this time (I.e with my second baby) is that after mum left from the first baby’s omugwo and I stuck to EBF my baby was super healthy. He is 3yrs & 10months now. Meaning that their administering water was of no relevance to his development at that stage. And this time I stood my grounds and made it clear to them that I do not want water anywhere near my second baby. I haven’t since administered water myself. I believe the AF is not a cause to worry. I hope I am right afterall.

    1. Wow Nneka, that is amazing! I am so glad that you stood your ground. It is not a cause to worry and you did well! Well done!!!

      1. Good day doctor pls my baby weight was 3kg at birth, 3.5 at 6 weeks. And im worried becus he looks small. Can i start giving him milk

  51. Thanks alot. I just saw people’s comments and your response to them. Am Amazed, Lovely. God bless you for reaching out to people educating them on certain things that are some times confusing. As you devote your time to listen to people God will devote time for you. Amen. Please ma how can I be reaching you. I newly put to bed 6wks on 21st and the child weighed 4.8kg is it okay. Thanks

    1. Amen and thank you for your kind words Ann.

      Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Is that the birth weight or current weight? It is not quite clear. You can read here for more information on what your baby’s ideal weight should be What is my baby’s ideal weight?

    1. Hi Ann….sorry about that. Kindly join our Facebook group – Ask The Paediatricians where you can post your questions and get answers faster. We also have an app to be launched soon for easier answers. Thank you!

      1. Sherifat Hamzah

        I so much enjoyed this article ..well done Doctor. You know, my mom will even tell me not to take plantain while pregnant to avoid OKA, if I must take it, I must remove the black seeds in the plantain.

  52. Akinola Patience

    Ma my baby is 3 weeks and 3 days old and i am seeing green veins in his tummy also he is eating more than expected, what can i do?

    1. Nothing…just leave the baby alone and keep breastfeeding. There is no problem with visible veins if the baby is otherwise fine

  53. Famakinwa opeoluwa

    I am relieved reading this, u can imagine a doctor telling me that my baby has oka then I Begin to wonder when doctors start to reckon with it and my mummy has since being disturbing me to use herbal concoction but we stood our ground. Baby is going to 3month looks like 6months ,nurse well and sleep well .she said that’s y she always open her eyes wide, woni o un ran oju in Yoruba I hope u understand MA pls help me shed light on eye widening issue ma .

    1. I don’t think there is anything wrong with your baby if it is not that the child is always starring or the eyeballs are rolling upside (like the black going up and out).

  54. Good morning Ma,

    Thanks for the great work you are doing by education new mums like me.

    Please Ma, my baby is seriously losing weight and she doesn’t like eating but i always force her and equally give her multi vitamin. As at when she was 4 months old, she was weighing 6.0kg, Her birth weight was 3.5kg, she will be 10 months in 4 days time and she is weighing 6.7kg and looking so slim. At first i taught it’s because she attend Crèche that maybe they are not feeding her well there so i stop her from going to creche for about a month now but no changes.

    Some women said that she has Ela, because her neck and buttock is always reddish, i have given her some local herbs and antibiotics still its still appearing. some said it’s because she is teething. She already have 8 teeth.

    Please Ma, what could be the reason why she is losing weight, and can i possibly do to make her eat well and add more.

    Thanks as i await your response.

    1. Your baby is malnourished and needs to be seen QUICKLY by a Paediatrician in a Teaching Hospital for the initial treatment of the malnutrition so she can get well and you will be also informed about how she can be rehabilitated. Please stop the herbal medication and it is not teething. It is Malnutrition.

    1. I am not sure I understand what you are asking o. Please ask in English describing what you need to know. Please also read the article first. Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      What do you mean by constipation? Kindly nite that newborn babies on exclusive Breastfeeding may not pass stools every day even up to 2 weeks AND THAT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL as long as the child is otherwise well. The stools when passed will also be normal (not hard). Simply continue exclusive breastfeeding of the baby.

  55. Thank you ma for this platform, where mothers can air their worries. Was told my baby has oka, that’s why he sweats and sneezes a lot. Please ma what could have been the cause of the sweating, sneezing and 5the discomfort in a 4months old baby. I await your response ma.
    Thanks again ma,.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not Ọkà. Most cough and catarrh in newborns are viral and resolve without any treatment. Keep baby warm and breastfeed exclusively. Prevent cough and catarrh as well by keeping babies away from those with colds and avoiding baby’s contact smokes and fumes. Exclusive Breastfeeding protects the baby too from acute respiratory infections. If you are also using eucalyptus oil in his oil, it will make the baby sneeze a lot.

  56. Hello,pls I need to be enlightened about baby’s soft spot as I’ve read so many things online that I don’t know which one to believe, when I touch the middle of my baby’s forehead, I can feel there is a gap there,like a little opening down to his soft spot,and d sides of his head,please is this normal

  57. Ma,when does the sutures close cause people are already saying it oka,the back suture is also slightly open

    1. The sutures are usually open until the brain is fully developed. The anterior fontanelle closes around 18 – 24 months while the posterior fontanelle closes by 6 months. In certain conditions, there may be delayed closure of the fontanelles. Such cases should be taken to a Paediatrician for further review and management.

  58. good evening my baby is 2months old and she is having problems gaining weight.
    please what can be the cause. Thank you ma.

  59. Hi ma…my baby started having stomach cramps when she was a week old….she’s 4 months now but looks small and gain no wight….at the moment her stomach cramps starts at night and stops once its morning…her last check was on 5/9/19 and she weighed 4700kg.she completed 4 months on 22/9/19.i can also feel the pulse on her AF but she has a lot of hairs though.pls highlight me thanks.

    1. I am not sure what you are trying to imply but if your baby is not gaining weight and you are sure you are breastfeeding her well then take the child to see a Paediatrician to rule out any underlying medical condition. Don’t accept what people are telling you about oka. See a Paediatrician immediately.

  60. Thanks for this enlightment ma,
    Mucus is coming out of my baby’s eye, he is 6 weeks old . What can I do?

    1. Simply clean put with clean cloth and water. If it is persistent throughout the day then the child will need treatment with appropriate antibiotics eye drops

  61. God bless you ma for this article. One of my twin is so small compare to the other and he has that hole in d middle and front of his head and green veins that are so visible on his head..people have been disturbing me that it is oka ori and that is the reason behind his small size.

    At birth he weigh 2.0kg and now he is 6month he is weighing 5.2kg.

    1. Your baby was already small from the beginning. You need to feed your baby age appropriately and if he is not gaining weight then see a Paediatrician for further evaluation to rule out any medical conditions.

  62. My two months old baby has a swollen forehead from his nose up to his AF they said it’s oka….please ma what’s iy

    1. Well I know there is nothing that Oka refers to by those using the terms. If your child is sick, please take to hospital for proper evaluation to know why the forehead is swollen instead of assuming and following advice of those who are not health professionals. Don’t joke with your baby’s life.

  63. Thank you for this information. My baby is 5 months plus. She has a protruding forehead. I was told it’s Oka. That I should give concoction. She was discharged on Sunday haven been admitted for 24 hours for vomiting. My question is : is her protruding forehead a frontelel too.

    1. Protruding forehead is not the fontannelle. I hope you did not give the herbal concoction as you did not say why your baby is vomiting. Please do not give any herbal drugs. ASK the doctors managing your baby WHY the baby has protruding forehead. It may just be a normal variant or a sign of another medical condition in your baby.

  64. Please ma, my baby has these small boils that when it opens and and the water touches another place, it starts to develop there as well. In igbo we call it obo, he is 4 months old. Please what is the remedy as it is spreading to other parts of his body

    1. Boils are usually bacterial skin infection and requires treatment with antibiotics.

      Boils are bacteria skin infection and will require antibiotics treatment which will only be recommended by a doctor . To prevent recurrent boils Kindly pay attention to hygiene especially regular hand washing and use Savlon in Bath water as well.

  65. Tnk u for educating us on this issue of “OKA.” I just want to ask, does this AF or PF makes babies to cry for long. Bcus my baby is just a week old and my neighbors are saying he has OKA that is why he cries for long, that I should get herbal substance for him..pls I urgently need help on this.

  66. Thank you ma for the good help you rendering
    I observed that the frontal hair of my 2month baby is losing and the area is changing in colour more of whitish I also notice reddish of his eye led
    Pls what could be the cause and what will u advise I do
    Thnak you

    1. The whitish scale in the hair could be cradle cap. Red eyes could be suggestive of conjunctivitis.

      Read about cradle cap here and red eyes here

  67. my baby is 2week old and suffering from cartarh and cough. l was told that oka is the cause. could that be true?

  68. Pls ma, the areas around my baby’s anterior fontannelle has scars as if it is burnt, yet we don’t use hot water to press head while bathing, so I am confused bcoz I don’t know what else to do. I noticed this the first time I bath my baby of 5 weeks after d usual omugwo and have used palm Carnel oil expecially at the affected areas. Pls ma, is there something else I should or should not do? Thanks so much for your good works

    1. It is due to the palm kernel you applied. You should get a Paediatrician to have a look and advise you further.

    2. It is due to the palm kernel you applied. You should get a Paediatrician to have a look and advise you further.

      1. I wish I had known on time. Believing this oka,I even administered the black substance twice but it wouldn’t go. My baby is 8months now,though the AF is still there but I didn’t know when the pf disappeared. I believe before 1yr,the AF will disappear too.Thank u ma for this nice piece.

  69. Funmilayo Sarah

    Hello doctor, well done. My daughter is 22 months old but she sweats when sleeping in all condition, right from infant thinking she would grow over it but still continues till now, Drp please what could be the cause. I need help.

    1. Make sure the environment is not too hot or humid. If sweaty in freezing cold condition and you are not overdressing her then see a Paediatrician for further assessment.

  70. Hello admin , my baby has been fussy lately and doesn’t sleep in the midnight, he was given pediacol at the clinic, but he is still not sleeping , so my mum said he might have oka Inu and suggested herbs which am not in support of, he is a month old

    1. There are many reasons babies can be fussy and colic is one of them. If you have read this article then you should know by now the baby does not have any “Oka”. If you have not read the article, please do first.

      For more on colic, read here DOC, WHAT IS COLIC?

  71. Thanks doc. This is what I’m currently battling with my inlaws. Anyways It’s difficult to make people understand that you don’t take their myths and believe system. My baby is 3weeks but cries alot even at midnyt what can be the cause?

    1. Thank you for reading. There are so many reasons babies cry in fact babies can cry for no reason as well. You need to figure out which of the possible causes is the reason in your baby. This requires asking you lot of questions. If you and your wife wants to know more about child care, I recommend the FTM Baby Care Ready Course. For 1:1 chat, book a chat or consultation at Book Consultation

  72. Adebayo Racheal

    Thank you so much ma for this enlightenment my baby will be 4month this week, a month after I gave birth to him I was told he has this oka, that I sud grind lapalapa seed n broken bottle n apply d paste on his head, I was confused that what has broken bottle got to do with a babys head? So asked what are d symptoms that baby will exhibit if truly he has it? They said the baby will not grow well n he will be crying, my baby was 3.7 at birth at one month plus he was 4.5, he does’t cry except he’s hungry, so d reason they gave was not convincing to me, though am I first time mum but I have noticed that all babies has it, so I just collect d seed kept it somewhere and my baby is doing just fine, when I wanted to apply oil on my babys head now,I just remembered what they told me then and I decided to check it online, what I do is whenever any of d Grannys tells me something I will tell them OK ma, I don’t argue but when I get to my room google is my friend I read it first before I apply it. thanks for this article

  73. Thanks so much Doctor. I can relate to this especially when you are a first time mum and all the grandma’s are more than you and have the highest number of votes. I just laughed out loud after reading the article. Will definitely share with others.

  74. Thank you so much for the informative write-up. My baby is 5weeks old now but noticed she jerks a lot when asleep(right from birth) and its been a source of concern to me.What could be the cause and what can be done?

    1. It is probably nothing what we call normal benign myoclonic jerks of newborns. However if your baby jerks while awake and with the eyes rolling upward and so on then the baby is having seizures and will benefit from seeing a Paediatrician for further evaluation. If you are not sure, do a video recording and show your Paediatrician just to be doubly sure. You can also post on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group

  75. Adeolaaminat Adeola

    God bless you ma’am for this, my mind is just at rest now. Because my mum has been telling me to allow her bring concotion for oka ori but I just told her nothing is wrong my child that she shouldn’t bother.

  76. Thank you ma. For more enlightment. Does oka makes baby to loose weight? My baby eat alot and still not gaining weight. What can I do?

    1. Kindly read the article first. The information is very clear in the article. You should read it first.

  77. Thank you Doc. I have been decieved, always dousing my baby’s AF with baby oil. God bless you for this revealation.

  78. Thank you so much for this article ma .. pls I want to ask.. my baby of 6weeks has suture up to her forehead pls can I use silver bird oil for her?? And if yes how do I use it ??

    1. Thank you. Please read the article fully as you do not need to apply anything to the head of your baby. The anterior fontenelle and sutures are NORMAL part of the baby’s head. This is why this article is written to address this myth. I encourage you to read the article first.

  79. Temitope Daramola

    Good morning Doc.
    I have read through the article, comments and your advises, and indeed, I’ve been enlightened.
    In my own case, my baby is 23 days old and is very healthy. He was diagnosed with jaundice at age 10 days (slightly yellowish eyes and a brief sight of yellow skin when he is touched), he was admitted, treated with antibiotics and exposure to UV light (blue ray). We were discharged 3 days later and ever since he’s been very healthy. He has this bulgy stomach that has drastically been reducing with each passing day. My concern here is that our paediatrician (who is also my mother in-law) gave us Silverbird (for warmth and to keep cataarh away), Nospamin (to prevent oka from disturbing him), Vit. C drops, Paracetamol drops and Amoxyl drops that we’ve been administering to him for weeks now. Should I let them continue the Nospamin and silver bird since he’s doing very fine or stop them right away? They also administer 2 baby spoons of water from boiled young mango (foliage) leaves with small sugar added and given to him. That this will help stop the jaundice completely. We expose him in early morning sunlight (i share in this idea) and also administer small glucose water to him. Although he is now very fine, no more yellowness of the eyes and that of the skin appears to be normal.
    My wife and mother of my son seems indifferent to the whole idea. All she’s yearning for is good and healthy development. So I’m kind of the one feeling worried.
    He weighed 3.5 at birth and is around 4.0 at present. He sucks well and sleeps quite fine. He smiles a lot and only appears fussy when pooing.
    What’s also your take on applying lubricating oil on a circumcised penis?
    Sorry my questions are much, I anticipate your prompt response ma.
    Thanks ma.

    1. Thank you. There is no need for the Nospamin and all those other things they are using. I don’t think your mother-in-law is a Paediatrician to recommend all such. Please STOP all the drugs and since the jaundice has resolved; there is no need for any morning light exposure and glucose is not part of treatment for antibiotics. If you need fast answer to your questions, please post on our Facebook group. Your wife and MIL will benefit from such as well.

  80. Thank you so much ma, god bless you for this topic! I’ve been trying to tell my mother in law to stop different type of “agbo” for my baby but she wouldn’t listen. Please how can I make her understand. Please save my baby

    1. You should stand up for your baby and stop. It is your baby please. You can get your husband to inform his mother that the Paediatricians do not recommend use of such herbal remedies.

  81. Omotoke Debbie

    Thanks ma’am for this, really helpful,
    Pls ma my baby is just 4 months and 2weeks I noticed that sometimes if I check my baby’s fore head I don’t see the hole or the way it breath I mean the Anterior Fontannelle until I touch it then I’ll feel the place is soft but it shows clearly sometimes, pls is this normal

  82. patience agbong

    Thank you so much ma, god bless you for this topic! I’ve been worry from 1 month of my baby birth about this oka of a thing nd jerdi jerdi as a first time mom ignorance has finished me they make me to start given my baby food at 1month nd still with a herbal remedy they say that cure oka , still oka is still there nothing has close but now that I saw ur topic I feel relief hbp stop but my worries now is that my baby will three month in 3days time why does my baby gain weight nd closes weight each time she gather small weight

    1. Thank you for your kind words. You need to tell us what your baby’s weights are before we can comment. Meanwhile ensure you are breastfeeding your baby on demand and exclusively – no water and nothing else except breast milk only.

  83. patience agbong

    Thank you so much ma, god bless you for this topic! I’ve been worry from 1 month of my baby birth about this oka of a thing nd jerdi jerdi as a first time mom ignorance has finished me they make me to start given my baby food at 1month nd still with a herbal remedy they say that cure oka , still oka is still there nothing has close but now that I saw ur topic I feel relief hbp stop but my worries now is that my baby will be three month in 3days time why does my baby gain weight nd loses weight each time she gather small weight.
    They was some mistakes in my first write up

  84. You mention dehydration of the baby Pls ma am i to add water with the breastfeeding he is just a month old

    1. NO….You should breastfeed your baby exclusively. If you have any concerns, please see a Paediatrician for face to face consultation

  85. Please doctor, I’m a first time mom, is there any drugs that can stop or control jerking?
    My baby jerks sometimes while sleeping expectially when someone touches her, can it be controlled or outgrown?

  86. Lawal Shaakir

    Thank you for this article Ma, I’m currently having issues with my Parents, my wife and I were hell-bent on exclusive breastfeeding, today my Dad called in that he was talking about our baby not sleeping at night and always wanting to eat and he was told its “OKA”. All he wants now is that the baby is giving “Agbo Oka”. Unfortunaly my wife and our baby are with them at the moment. I have explained to him in the past what exclusive breastfeeding entails. I’m just so upset at the moment and this Oka issue is really a thing people should be educated about especially the grannies

    1. I can only imagine your frustration but please tell them you have discussed with the baby’s doctors and don’t want to give any herbal remedies as it can casue serious harm to your baby

  87. Elvis Omoregie

    Thanks for this article ma , I’m a first time dad , I have a three weeks old baby and she seems to be breathing faster , I noticed that the soft spots is no longer breathing because have always known baby’s head to be breathing, I took her to the hospital where she was delivered and the doctor’s prescribed some meds eg silver bird, liquid quinine, grip water , I got paracetamol from the heath center were she was given her first vaccine, but should I be concerned about her soft spot that sometimes breath and sometimes do not

  88. Stella Kelechi

    Thanks doc, for this masterpiece. I ate plantain while pregnant and landlord’s wife was really crossed with me. That why would I be eating plantain while pregnant that my child would have oka but that was my first time of hearing such so I stopped to my amazement i had my baby.lo.and behold he had it. My mom noticed it on his naming cos he was restless and whatever he ate he passed out so elderly women that came around said it was ‘nkuwa isi’ that night we were referred to a woman who treats it and after few days is started closing up and he was ok. My question now is: does plantain actually causes this oka? Bcos I do love eating plantain esp while pregnant

    1. It is not true. I don’t know what you meant by your baby had “it”…what is the it or what you are calling oka. You should read this article to understand better. There is nothing called Oka and plantain does not cause any health issues in a baby please.

    1. You should read this article first so you know there is nothing like Oka. You don’t need to apply any silverbird oil to your baby’s scalp. If there are concerns about your baby’s health, please see a Paediatrician. Do not make or take any diagnosis of Oka by people around you. Once again, please read the article.

  89. Good day Dr Gbemi. God bless you for this article, it’s really a great information.
    I’m a first time mom and my baby is 1month. I have been applying sliver bird mixed with oil because my baby’s own anterior fontanel is long from the forehead down to the posterior Fontanel. I will discontinue immediately.

    But please what can I use for my 1month old baby that is having rash on her body, neck and back of her ear. The rash in the neck and back of ear is very red like injury and hurt the baby whenever It’s been touched.

    Also what could that be please 🙏

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