What is my baby’s ideal weight?

The issue of baby’s weight is one most mums are very concerned about before delivery, after delivery and for the first few years of the child’s life. Many are even concerned up to the adolescent period. Not only Mums are concerned, we as Paediatricians are concerned as well! This is because the underlying factor in more than 50% of all under-five deaths is MALNUTRITION which usually manifest as weight less than what is expected for the child’s age!

So it is key we KNOW and MONITOR our children’s weight so we can identify when there is a problem early so we can seek early intervention and avoid diseases and deaths that come with malnutrition.

I’ll start with what is the ideal weight at birth then how the weight should progress and what the average weight of the child should be.

I will allude briefly to what can make the weight to be less than expected or more than expected and what to do when we have any concerns about the weight of our children.

AT BIRTH…..the WEIGHT normally ranges from 2.5kg to 4.0kg.

Any weight below 2.5 is LOW BIRTH WEIGHT.

Any weight above 4.0kg is LARGE FOR AGE BIRTH WEIGHT or MACROSOMIC or BIG baby.

After birth, Babies FIRST LOSE WEIGHT in the first 10 days…..before regaining their birth weight by the 14 day! So it is not unusual or babies to lose weight first.

Don’t panic Mum. This is as a result of losing fluids, inadequate feeds at the beginning and so on but as the feeding become established they regain their birth weight at 2 weeks.

Babies begin to gain weight thereafter usually about 30g per day for term babies; 20g per day for preterm babies. That is roughly about 1kg per month for term babies and 600g per month for preterm babies. At this rate, babies DOUBLE their birth weights at 5 -6 months and TRIPLE their birth weights at 1 year!

Remember we are talking AVERAGELY…….Some babies do gain a little more; others a little less……So You don’t have to worry as long as your baby’s weight falls into the 80% – 120% range of the average weight I mention; it is OKAY!!!

So let us do a little maths……

Average weight at birth is 3.5 kg…….

at 5 months, doubling will mean weight of 7kg and triple of weight at 1 year will mean weight of 10kg.

We have formula and charts of estimating the average weights of each baby….

We also have online calculators you can use. Most Mums have Immunization cards and in this card is a WEIGHT CHART that is plotted each time your baby is weighed to know if your baby’s weight is increasing as expected.


Unfortunately most of us mums see these cards as important for immunizations record only instead of weight or GROWTH MONITORING.


2 YEARS ………… 12 KG

3 YEARS …………. 14 KG

4 YEARS………….. 16KG

5 YEARS………….. 18KG

6 YEARS …………..20KG

It is important to note that weight varies based on genetics, nationality, gender apart from the food intake.

You can use many online calculator to calculate your baby’s ideal weight. An example is found here.  Just input your baby’s weight and gender. It will bring out the ideal weight, remember weight within 80 – 120% of the ideal is STILL NORMAL!

IF YOU LIKE MATHS……The formula in the photo here is also great.

Alternatively use the Growth Chart in your Immunization booklets or cards and trace out the weight on the vertical line that corresponds to your babies weight on the curve of 50th centile…which is the average weight for age of your baby.  It is important to make sure your babies weight do not remain STATIC OR SAME….or WORSE DROP below what it was previously……those are very bad signs!!! IDEALLY YOU SHOULD WEIGH YOUR BABIES MONTHLY IN THE FIRST YEAR OR AT EVERY VISIT TO THE HEALTH FACILITIES!

If your baby is NOT GAINING WEIGHT (ORANGE SIGNAL); PLEASE SEE your Paediatrician!

If your baby is LOSING WEIGHT (RED SIGNAL) SEE A Paediatrician  URGENTLY!!!

If the weight is below 80% of the ideal or average….that is UNDERWEIGHT MALNUTRITION.

If the weight is BELOW 60% of expected/ideal that is MARASMUS – SEVERE MALNUTRITION.

If the weight is below 80% and the baby also has puffy eyes or legs (oedema) that is KWASHIOKOR.

If the weight is below 60% and baby is also puffy with swollen face, legs we call it MARASMIC-KWASHIOKOR!

If you discover that your child has Malnutrition, please see your Paediatrician immediately. Children with malnutrition are usually at risk of severe illness and deaths.

TAKE HOME POINTS to ensure your baby’s maintain ideal weight,
⦁ Ensure you yourself are well-nourished in pregnancy! Eat well and maintain good weight and take folic acid and have enough blood levels. This is to make sure you give birth to a baby who has a normal weight.

⦁ Make sure you do attend antenatal care so you are well-taken care of during pregnancy and eat well when pregnant so your baby will have normal weight at delivery.

⦁ When the baby is born, EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS……no water, no agbo, no formula, no pap….NOTHING but BREAST MILK ONLY!

⦁ From 6 months, INTRODUCE COMPLEMENTARY FOODS while you continue to BREASTFEED for as long as possible.

⦁ Progressively introduce family diet so that by age 2 year, baby is fully on family foods.

⦁ Deworm children after age 1 year every 6 months especially those living in rural endemic areas for worms.

⦁ Make sure you monitor your baby’s weight regularly and when you notice any negative signs, you should alert your doctor immediately.

A well-nourished baby is well-fortified to fight infections and diseases! is your baby maintaining the ideal body weight? If not, why not?

618 thoughts on “What is my baby’s ideal weight?”

  1. Hello doctors in the house pls my baby of nine months weigh 6.66kg though he looks very very healthy and strong, he’s crawling, he can stand with chair , he has started calling dada, mimicking plps voice etc he does all sorts of funny things that Child of two years will be doing.
    I took him to go and see doctor @ R Jolad hospital gbagada and the doctor said he’s ok that i should not worry about his weight since he’s healthy and eats very well.
    He’s taking Gerber cereal, paps with dried crayfish, soyamilk, groundnut and fish so as to make the pap good.. He takes amala, semo, indome and all other food, i do give him frisogold cereal as well and he’s taking SMA gold milk but am still worried about his weight

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He should on the average be weighing 9kg at 9 months except he was a small baby from the beginning. Since he eats well, kindly increase the QUANTITY of the feeds he is taken and the frequency as well to at least 6 – 8 times a day. If no improvement, please see a Paediatrician for further management.

      1. Olowofela oritoke

        Tank u MA… I really do appreciate.. Regarding to his weight at birth it 3.2kg ND nw at 9 month is 6.8kg I don’t know if dat a good one or need to do anything more

        1. That is low…The baby should be weighing averagely 9kg at 9 months. Ensure that you are feeding appropriately. You may also want to see a Paediatrician if concerned.

          1. My baby weighs 2.7 at birth and now he’s 2months and 2wks and he’s weighs 4.5 pls is it normal cos I feel that he’s not adding weight and I don’t eat much

          2. My baby BW is 2.9. he’s now 7,5kg at 3months. We’re on EBF but i take palmwine to help milk flow. Is his weight ok. He’s chubby and healthy.

          3. Please stop the palmwine. The weight is okay. Keep breastfeeding exclusively!

          4. Please my baby is 6 months be:3.2 weight at 3 months 6.9 he is six months now and current weight is 7.9 please is this weight okay for him and he vomit a lot

          5. My baby girl’s BW was 2.8kg, at 6weeks, she is weighing 4.5kg
            How is the weight moving ma??

          6. My baby girl’s birth weight was 3.6 kg and at 6 weeks 5.76kg. Am exclusively breastfeeding. Please is it okay? She’s looking very chubby

          7. Doctor,
            My baby birth weight is 3.25kg,she’s One year and a month old her current weight is 12kg,hope she’s not overweight ?
            Also she as not started walking I’m worried,thou she’s very active and standing without support.
            Thanks ma’am

          8. The weight is upper limit of normal, nothing to worry about. If your baby is not walking by 18 months, see a Paediatrician.

          9. Good evening ma, please my one month old almost cry on every breastfeeding even when not in breast, she also squeeze herself as if her tummy is paining her and farts; ma please is this normal?

          10. my baby’s birth weight was 4.1KG. She is now 10KG at 4 months. is this normal? She is completely breatst fed.

          11. Your baby is overweight. I recommend seeing a Paediatrician to exclude any medical conditions that can cause such.

          12. Please my baby was 2.2kg at birth now she’s 4.8kg at 14weeks I hope that’s fine because I’m worried

          13. Dr Gbemisola

            You should tell us first the birth weight of your baby. You can also see your doctor and ask.

          14. Good evening ma, my son’s birth weight was 2.9kg but he weighed 5.1kg at 6weeks then 6.5kg at 10weeks. Is his weight normal?

          15. My baby was2.0kg at birth, immediately I had her a peadiatrician came to check her and was told she had IUGR she wieghed 9kg at 15 month. I don’t know if this is ok.

          16. Good evening doctor, what is the reason behind some babies being chubby and some not chubby even when they both feed well and are gaining the required weight?? Is it gene that makes some fat and some not fat?

          17. Please my baby’s birth weight at birth was 3.8kg and she is 6weeks today and her weight is still 3.8 is she adding weight

          18. She is not adding weight? How are you feeding the baby? You need to breastfeed exclusively and on demand.

          19. Phillipa Tomoloju

            Please ma my baby’s birth weight was 3.3kg. At 4 months she weighing 5.6.
            4 weeks ago we went for her immunization she was 5.9 at 3months now she is 5.6kg at 4months. Should I be worried ma?

          20. How are you feeding the baby? We recommend exclusive breastfeeding! Your baby should not be loosing weight so you should see a Paediatrician if you are sure the baby is feeding appropriately and well.

          21. Hi mam

            My baby birth weight 3.2 kg
            Now 5 month – 5.4 kg
            Is this wgt is gd
            If not what I should da

          22. The weight can be better and closer to 6.4 as we expect babies to double their birth weight by 5 – 6 months. Keep breastfeeding your baby exclusively.

        2. Jayeola Nafeesah

          Good day doctor, please our baby weight at birth was 2.7kg while his weight was 6kg at Three months, is the weight Normal?… he’ll clock 6months tomorrow and we are expecting is new weight..

          1. Good morning doc, my baby’s bw was 2.6kg at 3 months she was 6kg but at 9 months she is 7.2kg and am very worried is it that she is gaining weight slowly or she is not gaining at all. And I do feed her with all family foods like pap, custard, cereal, amala, semo, golden morn, tea and bread and sometimes Quacker oats, indomie and egg too but if she eats small she would refuse to eat again, I don’t knw why my baby does not have appetite for food at all. me and her daddy are very worried. Pls ma’am we need help

          2. Please my baby birth weight was 4.1kg and at 17days he is already 5kg. Please is it normal I don’t want my baby to be overweight. Am on EBF

          3. Your baby was very big to start with anyway. You should keep breastfeeding your baby exclusively and also see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation to know if your baby has any medical condition that can be the explanation for the baby being very large.

          4. Please my baby birth weight was 4.1kg at birth and now at 46days old he is weighing 7.7kg. Please am concern about his weight what can I do. Though his father has a fat gene but how can I watch is weight cause I told the pediatrician and she said the weight is ok but am worried.

          5. You should see a Paediatrician…the baby is seriously overweight. You should only feed with breast milk

          6. Good evening doctor..my baby’s birth weight is 3.5 kg and he now weighs 7.7kg at 3 months..please is the weight normal..he is exclusively breastfed and always cries for food..feeds like 5 times in 3 hours

          7. You should not be feeding that frequently. The baby appears to have doubled the birth weight which should happen at 6 months. It is not every cry of a baby that is for food. That is a wrong assumption. You will benefit from our First Time Mum resources.

            You can always post questions that require immediate answers on our Facebook group


          8. Hi Doctor pls my baby’s bw is 3.5kg and she’s 3months 11days today.. pls is her weight normal??

          9. You did not tell us the current weight so how can we say if the weight is normal or not. The birth weight is okay.

          10. Good morning Doc.. my baby’s birth weight is 4.2kg, he was weighing 6kg as at when he was 6weeks old, he’s 9weeks now. We are on exclusive breastfeeding, please is it something I shld worry about? I dnt know his current weight yet until next week during immunization.

          11. There is nothing to worry about. Keep breastfeeding exclusivelyy. Your baby was very big at birth.

          1. Hi Dr
            My baby is 5 months old.He was born at 4.38kg and is 7.7kgs at 5 months.Is that fine or he should be weighing more?

          2. The weight is fair. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and start complementary feeding at age of 6 months. For more information on that check the Guides section on our Facebook group or check relevant articles here and our Podcast and YouTube.

        1. Esther fasansi

          Good evening my baby was 2.9 at birth and she is weight 4kg now at 44 days pls is it OK or there is something I need to do

          1. Hello, my baby girl was born with 2.9kgs
            She is now 6.8kgs at age of 7 months and some days,,is she doing bad,, is she under weight?

        2. Good evening doctor,my baby of five months is weighing 6.7kg but the body size is not big enough,and am kind of concern.

          1. We need the information on the birth weight of your baby. However an average 5month old born at term with normal birth weight should weigh averagely 7kg….so your baby’s current weight is still within normal.

          2. Good evening Doc, Please I don’t know if my babies are fine with their weight, one was 2.6 and 2.0 at birth not up to term … now they are 6 going to 7months now and they weigh 6.0 and 5.5 respectively,is this it s ok ma?

        3. Hi Ma .my baby was 2.7 at birth now he’s 6kg at 9months …no symptoms of sickness or what he is very good n seems health ,he play now crawling.. should I be worried..

          1. Yes, your baby should be weighing approximately 9kg at 9 months so he is underweight. Ensure you are feeding the baby well and see a Paediatrician for further evaluation.

        1. Hello doctor my baby girl was weighing 3.1 kg at birth, now 14 weeks and she,s weights 5.2 kg ,am worried she,s,not adding enough weight.

          1. Akuma Ogechi I.

            Good day ma
            My daughter weighed 3.5kg at birth (full term) I exclusively breastfed her for 6 months and then I started giving her pap, cereal and also introducing her to the family meal gradually though she still feds more on breastmilk. She’s 10 months old now and is weighing 15kg. What can I do to help reduce her weight

          2. You may be overfeeding. Kindly join our Facebook group and do the Guide on complementary feeding so you know what is age appropriate quantity for the age.

          3. Hi ma my daughter at birth weighed 3.3 and now at 6 weeks she weighs 5.4 should I be worried as at the clinic they told me I’m over breastfeeding her?

          4. idowu Adegbuyi

            Hi ma my baby is 1.56kg at birth she’s so thin and I need her to gain more weight, what should i do she’s 6weeks now. Her recent weight is still under 2kg

          5. Was your baby born preterm? You did not mention the gestational age (how many months of pregnancy) when you had the baby and the current age of your baby. We cannot provide answers when we don’t have specific information. Weight is based on the age of the baby and preterm babies weight gain is different from that of term babies. Keep breastfeeding your baby exclusively.

          6. Pls ma my baby is 6 months plus a week and she weighs 5.9kg. Am so worried because I guess the weight is too low. We just started taking amala, we were on exclusive

          7. Oyenmwen Eriyo

            Good afternoon ma,pls by weight at birth was 2.5kg,and now at 16weeks she is 3.8kg,and so worried she is on breastfeeding.

          8. Dr Gbemisola

            Your baby is failing to thrive so please see a Paediatrician. For urgent questions and answers, please post your questions directly to our Facebook group

          9. Pls ma my baby weight is 2.7 at birth and at 6months she weighs 5.7 though we did exclusive is it normal am worried

          10. Daughter of the most High

            Good evening ma, pls my baby weigh 3.1kg at birth and now at 10weeks she is 5.0kg. Is the weight okay ma?

          11. Hi Ma
            My baby at birth weight was 2.8
            Now she is 5months 3weeks and her weight is 5.6
            Am Exclusively breastfeeding her well too and don’t know why she isn’t gaining weight

          12. The weight is fine. Just keep breastfeeding and start the complementary feeding once your baby is 6 months old.

          13. My baby weight at birth is 2.8kg and 5kg at 10 weeks should I be worry my baby is not gaining enough weight.

          14. I put to bed March 9 at 39weeks..my baby BW is 4.5..
            His Weight after 20days is 5.4…have not checked since then
            Is that normal or should I reduce his feeding rate

          15. My baby weighed 6.5 at our 10 wks visit..
            Birth weight is 4kg.
            Is it normal .
            Thank u.

        2. God bless the person that asked this question. I was already going to ask the same question when I came across it.
          My baby was born 4.5kg and at 5 weeks when we checked at the hospital, was weighing 7kg but when we went for his 6 weeks immunization, he was weighing 6kg when he was weighed with the baby scale. I’m thinking the one at the hospital wasn’t correct because it was a plus and minus calculation. (Sorry about the long story).
          My main issue is that I’m already on the exclusive breastfeeding lane but my mum keeps insisting that I give him baby food that he’s not feeding well simply because his belly doesn’t look big. I’ve explained to her that it’s not about the size of the belly but his weight. Please Doctor, I’m I doing the breastfeeding thing wrong? Must I give him baby food or formula as it is called? Is breast milk not enough?
          How else can I convince her that breastfeeding is better than baby food?
          Help me please as this makes me feel terrible sometimes that I’m not being a good mom by just sticking to breastfeeding.
          God bless you!

          1. Your baby should not be weighing 7kg at 6 weeks.

            You do not need to convince your mum but yourself that exclusive breastfeeding is the best as recommended by the Paediatricians and be firm in your decision to breastfeed exclusively.

            For more on newborn care as a first time mum, check out our FTM Baby Care Course

          2. My baby girl’s birth weight was 3.6 kg and at 6 weeks 5.76kg. Am exclusively breastfeeding. Please is it okay? She’s looking very chubby

          3. Good morning doc, My baby weight at birth was 3.5kg at 10weeks he is 4.3kg, is the weight okay

      1. Hawanatu Bangura

        Hi Doctor,
        Many thanks for this useful write up. My baby’s birth weight is 3.2kg, with a birth height of 47.8cm. She’s 10 weeks old today and weighs 4.9kg, height 60cm. I am not producing enough milk so I have started giving her both breast milk and formula (SMA) since she was 2 weeks old. Please is this ok?
        With thanks and very best regards,

        1. It is not okay. If you relax and keep giving the breasts; your milk production will increase and you can exclusively breastfeed which is the best for your baby. Formula feeding put your baby at risk of other issues.


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      1. Otome Okumagna

        Hello doctors,my son is 6yrears old and weighs 48kg,i am always worried about his weight,is it okay or am just being worried for nothing.

        1. The child is overweight. An average 6 year old should weigh averagely 20 kg. Kindly take him to see a Paediatrician for further evaluation and management.

          1. Good afternoon doctor, thank you for this plat form. Please am a bit bother as my baby of 3 months weight is 4.5, her initial birth weight was 3.2 is there a course for concern? Exclusive breastfeeding, and she is a very active baby, I look forward to your reply please. Thank you ma’am.

          2. I will not be worried but there is need to monitor the weight closely as she should be weighing at least 5.2 kg to 6kg by now. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and monitoring her weight every month to see that it is not static but increasing.

          3. Good afternoon Dr,pls my 3 month old baby who weighed 3.7 at birth, 4.5 @6 weeks and 5.1 at 10 weeks reduced at 14 weeks to4.8,she is on formula and breastmilk,but I changed her milk due to collic,pls what do you advise

          4. You should breastfeed exclusively and on demand. That is the best and you should check the weight again in another month to see if baby is gaining weight. If no weight gain, see a Paediatrician to exclude other medical conditions that could be responsible for the poor weight gain

          5. Good morning ma, my baby who weighed 4.4kg at birth…now wey 4.88 kg at 10 weeks, should I be worried? She is on exclusive breastfeeding

          6. I don’t think so but you should ensure the baby is breastfeeding on demand and you are lactating well.

          7. Good evening doctor gbemi…am worried about my baby weight..her birth weight was 3.6…she is now 9month and weigh 7.3…and giving her pap and cereal…I feed her 3times daily with the pap and cereal plus milk and also do breast feed her in between..and I did exclusive breast feeding for 6month… don’t know what is wrong..

          8. She should be eating more than pap and cereals. You should go to our Facebook group and do the Guide 2 on complementary feeding; alternatively see a dietitian for further nutritional advice.

          9. Osariemen Sophia

            Good morning ma, please ma at birth my baby weighed 3 25kg now she’s 11mths and her weight is 6.8kg, she’s very active, sweats a lot, walks already but she doesn’t eat much solids. Please what can I do ma. Thank you.

          10. Mrs Chika Dike

            Good evening ma, my baby birth weight was 2.4kg, at 6month she was already 5.1 but now at 7months she is 5.2kg, the weight didn’t increase much, is it normal

          11. My son was born at 2.1 kg and at 8 months weighs 7.3 kg. I am worried that he might be underweight for his age.. Although he’s crawling and trying to stand and looks very healthy.

          12. I think the weight is age appropriate knowing your baby starts small though you did not tell us the gestational age at birth so the corrected age can be used. Keep feeding with age appropriate meals.

        2. Evelyn Uchenna

          Good evening doctor. My baby was born preterm with weight 1.1kg @ 30wks due to preeclampsia. She spent 38wks in NICU. At some point, she was introduced to preNAN when I was sick. My breast could not produce enough milk. 7 days to her 6months by birth, she weighed 4.1kg. I felt terrible because I felt her weight was not progressing well. I introduced pap.and soyabean. Please doctor, is her progress ok? She is still struggling with sitting down and her neck is still not very firm

          1. All preterm babies must have regular follow up by a Paediatrician. You definitely need to be seeing a Paediatrician who will be advising you on the care of the baby and when too introduce things and check things. Also the baby is assessed on their corrected age not their chronological age. It is difficult for me to say if the progress is adequate by the information provided. You should see a Paediatrician or book an appointment with one of ours at ATP clinics Book Consultation

      2. Hello doctor my baby birth weight was 1.7kg. She’s 9 months now but weigh 6.6kg. Should I be worried?

          1. Hello doctor please my baby born at 36weeks with birth weight 1.7kg. Last month her weight was 6.6kg but this month she weighs 6.4kg. I’m worried because I feed her more than 5 times a day at least 5 times. Don’t know what to do now. Please help me

          2. Your baby should not be losing weight. You should breastfeed exclusively and that should be every 3 hour so your baby should be eating more than 5 times a day…It should be 8 times and we recommend exclusive breastfeeding.

          3. My baby is 2.2 at birth
            I gave birth to him in 34 weeks
            He’s 3.5 in 10weeks
            His is weight normal and I’m breastfeeding him exclusively

          4. Good morning doc, pls my baby weight at birth was 3.2kg , today that is her 6 months she weighed 6.6 kg, pls should I be worried about her weight.

          5. No, the weight is fine and please read the article because it tells you how to know the weight is age appropriate yourself.

      3. Oladoja Funmilayo

        Am worried too doctor
        At birth she weighed 3.2kg now she is five years old she is weighing 12kg though her father is not all that fat.

        1. A 5 year old should be weighing 18kg so she is really underweight and you should see a Paediatrician immediately for further evaluation of this severe underweight malnutrition.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Fair but 9kg is the average so work on increasing the quality and quantity of complementary feeds…ensure protein, fruits and vegetables are included in the diet and continue to breastfeed as long as possible

      1. Sheidu Blessing

        May God bless the good work you do ma .
        Please my 3months old baby boy who was heavyweight suddenly begins to grow lightweight when carried but increased in weight from 5.4_6kg.
        Please I’m so worried for his lightness.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          The weight based on the scale is more objective than the subjective feeling of “lightness” when carried. The weight of 6kg is appropriate for a 3 month old.

          1. Hello my Son weight was 1.78kg preterm now he weighs 7kg @ 5 months is the weight ok

          2. Perfectly okay. Kindly read the article to know how to work it out for yourself and for preterm babies; always compare to their corrected age.

          3. MA my preterm baby was 2.2kg at birth, he leta dropped to 2kg and at 8 weeks he was 3.6kg still looking small, please should I be worried

          4. No…Just keep breastfeeding exclusively. Preterm babies gain weight at slower rate compared to full term babies

      2. Oluwaseyi Awoyemi

        Good morning Doctor.
        Please my question is quite different.
        Ma, what’s the best sleeping position for a baby?
        My baby is currently 4 weeks.
        Is it advisable for him to sleep sideways or sleep on the back?
        Thank you for your prompt response ma.

          1. owah temilola

            My baby weight 3kg at birth and at 6month she weight 4.8kg pls am worry she look so small what should i do and she feed well

          2. That is very poor weight gain or what we call failure to thrive. You should take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation and management. This baby is not feeding well and if truly this child is eating well (exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months) then the baby has an underlying medical issues and must be seen by a Paediatrician VERY URGENTLY. It is an emergency

      3. Good morning Dr. My baby weighed 3kg at birth now at 10weeks he weighs 4.7kg Pls is the weight low. We are on Ebf.. thank you

    2. Modupeoluwa

      My 4month old baby whose birth weight was 1.5 weighs 4.3 at 4 months. Is that ok please doctor.

      1. Yes but more importantly read the article to understand how to do it yourself next time. That is why the article was written.

  2. Thanks for sharing this…..but as you have discussed that normal weigh gain for 9months is 9kg,and mine is 7kg.So what do I do

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Your baby is slightly underweight so you need to increase the quantity and frequency of the complementary feeds. Keep monitoring the weight every month to ensure it is increasing. If no changes, kindly see a Paediatrician immediately for further management.

      1. Good morning doctor, God bless you for the good work you are doing, please doc, I noticed that my baby boy of three weeks is losing weight and am concerned

        1. Hi Nnenna it would have been more helpful if you tell us the specific weight or how did you know the baby is losing weight? Secondly how are you feeding the baby? We recommend exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months. So kindly weigh the baby first and ensure you are breastfeeding on demand and if the child continue to lose weight, please see a Paediatrician immediately. Book Consultation

      2. Good day ma thanks for this post
        My baby of 2yr 7month don’t eat well I just check her weight on Monday she was weighting 9.9kg was surprised because when she was one she weigh more than that, I don’t know what to do again because I only force her to eat all food

        1. My baby was born September 22 2020 so he is a month old and 20days but the last time he was weighed he was weighing 6.4kg and he is on exclusive. I just want to know if its normal and no cause for alarm

          1. You did not tell us the birth weight for comparison but the weight is a little on the high side for a 2 month old unless the baby was already too big over 4kg right from the beginning. If you are worried, please see a Paediatrician for further assessment.

          2. Hello doctor my preterm baby born at 36weeks birth weight was 1.7kg. She’s 9 months now but weigh 6.6kg. Should I be worried? What can I do to increase the weight largely?

          3. The weight is still within the average range as your baby corrected age is 8 months. However you need to ensure the baby is eating adequately. Kindly read about infant feeding and apply the principles. Keep monitoring the weight of the child at least once a month and ensure the child is getting adequate food intake for her age.

    2. Hello doc my baby was born small preterm at 1.3kg and last weighing in July 8th she weighed 2.3kg what would be her expected weight at 9months and how many times would you advise I feed her?she does not like taking formula she even throws up at times so am breastfeeding her every now and then.

      1. The most important thing is to calculate your baby’s corrected age which is hard here since you did not tell us the gestational age of your baby. You should use the corrected age to know the weight of your baby not the chronological age and the same principles shared in the article applies to preterm babies only the comparison should be with the corrected age and not chronological age. Kindly post this on our Facebook group so we can advise you further.

  3. Glory Obinna

    Dr well done ma. My baby is 7.5kg at 9mnt, though she is very active, but I wish she adds more. Since after 6mnts exclusive, She has refused taking cereals of all kinds have tried, but preferes the family diets (mostly Eba n soup) I was told by a friend to add sugar as well as other things like milk i do add to pap, please is sugar safe for a 9mnts?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You can give the family diet and that is fine….Just give variety of them; not only eba. Your baby does not have to take store-bought cereals!!! family diet taken in adequate quantities is perfect.

      1. Pls ma, my baby weighed 8.2kg on July 26th which was her immunization day. Then she was 8mnths, 3weeks and 5dys.She’s nine months nw.i followed the online calculator for baby weight for nine months and according to it, she’s okk… Ma, pls I need ur opinion.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          It is okay Mum….Keep feeding her with variety of complementary feeds while you continue to breastfeed as well. All the best

          1. Good evening doctor..my baby’s birth weight is 3.5 kg and he now weighs 7.7kg at 3 months..please is the weight normal..he is exclusively breastfed and always cries for food..feeds like 5 times in 3 hours

          1. I gave birth 3weeks ago Jan 4th 2021, my baby’s weight upon birth was 2.8 but last week we checked she was 3.5 but the weight is not really showing on her, I feel the breast milk is not enough, should i continue exclusive or I introduce formula ma?

          2. The weights showed the child has gained weight so I don’t understand what you were expecting….In fact your baby should not have gained 1.7kg in 1 week!! Babies actually lose weight in the first 10 days and regain their birth weight by age 2 weeks. I have a feeling there is error in the measurement. It should be repeated first using same scale. The most important thing is to continue exclusive breastfeeding. There is no need to introduce any formula. Relax and keep breastfeeding. You can check the weight again when your baby is due for 6 weeks immunization.

    2. Hello doctors.
      My son’s birth weight was 3.2kg and now at 10 weeks he weighs 6.2kg. I am exclusively breastfeeding. Is he overweight?

      1. Yes he may be slightly over but no need to worry; keep breastfeeding exclusively. We usually expect them to double at 5 – 6 months.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Well it depends on the birth weight of your baby! You did not state that but if you read the article you can do the calculation and tell me if your baby is doing okay. Most 7 months old actually weigh 8kg on the average if the baby was not small at the beginning.

        1. Yes but kindly follow the advice of your obstetrician as there are many factors that are considered in the decision of the form of delivery.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to tell us the birth weight first. Kindly also read the article to know what is the expected rate of weight gain and then you can answer this question for yourself.

      1. Good morning doctor, my baby boy birth weight was 3.5kg and at 14weeks 2days we went for immunization and his weight was 8.2kg, he’s exclusively breastfed. My question is, should I be worried? He’s currently 16weeks 3days

        1. It appears your baby is overweight for his age. However do not worry but keep a close eye on the weight at the next visit as we need to exclude measurement errors and if the baby is still adding too much weight; it will be prudent to see a Paediatrician for further evaluation.

          1. Hello doc,my baby weighed 2.8 at birth and at 9 months she is 7.7kg, is this weight okay. She is active,but prefers to suck than eat faimily food. I breastfed her exclusively

    2. Hello Ma, my baby weighed 5kg at 10 weeks, his birth weight was 3.8kg. Should I be worried and introduce formular? Thank you ma

  4. My baby weighed 3.2kg at birth and weighed 5.7kg during her last immunization. She was 3 months 3weeks at her last visit. The nurses complained she didn’t gain a lot of weight within a month interval. She was initially 5.1kg and then 5.5kg but the last visit she weighed 5.7kg. Pls advice on what to do bcos I am a banker,I work late but I’m doing exclusive breastfeeding expressing milk for the day. Is it that the breast milk is not enough. Do u think I should start adding baby formula. I am really worried,pls advice

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Mum….For a 4 month old, the weight is not too worrisome but I think the Nurse is worried about the baby not gaining weight over a month which should be close to 1kg per month. You need to ensure that you have enough breast milk expressed and breastfeed once you are home especially through all the night. I am sure the baby will begin to gain weight well. Also express while at work so you can take home for the baby as well.

        1. You left out the important information of the weeks when baby was 5kg. Read the article to know how to do it yourself. We encourage you to breastfeed your baby exclusively as the best way to feed your baby.

  5. Adeyinka Adebayo

    Good work ma’am, God will continue to increase Ur knowledge. My baby was 7 months on d 4th of August and as at that day she weigh 8.3kg, though her birth weight was 3.1kg. Hope she’s doing fine and not overweight?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      She is doing fine but that is the essence of writing this article so you can tell by yourself even before seeing the Paediatrician if your baby’s weight is okay or not. Kindly read again and learn to use the formula to evaluate if your baby is gaining weight well or not.

      1. Hello Doctor. My baby weigh 2.8kg at birth, but he is just 5weeks now and the baby refuses breastfeeding because he is used to formula food. And I started giving him formula food because my nipple didn’t come out until a week after birth. And now am finding it difficult to exclusively breastfeed him because he cries a lot if I refuse to give him bottle food. Pls advice me

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Kindly do our Nutrition 101 course on Breastfeeding in our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook Group under the UNITS section.

          1. My baby is 2 month old and she weighs 3.8kg but are initial birth weight was 3.2. I am exclusively breastfeeding her, should I add formulae or her weight is still ok

          2. No need to add formula; simply continue to breastfeed exclusively on demand. The weight is fairly okay as babies tend to lose weight before they begin to gain weight after 2 weeks when they usually regain their birth weight.

          3. Good afternoon ma please I will like u to enlighten on this bcos am so worried being a first time mum at birth my baby was weighing 3.5kg but after five days I took him to hospital for his first bcg n he was weighing 3.1kg n ask the doctor she said he is okay bcos he need to shead some weight after being born that he we regain it later but after 3weeks of being born he got some rashes all over his body so he reduce a little bit more so wen I took him to hospital for his 6weeks immunization he was weighing 3.6kg please ma what should I do and am on exclusive breastfeeding although he is healthy and very active thanks we be waiting for your response .

          4. Yetunde please read the article first as I have explained all these details in the article. Meanwhile keep breastfeeding the baby exclusively and ensure the baby is getting adequate milk. If you are not sure, then watch our breastfeeding videos.

      2. Good evening Doc, God bless you ma’am. I am a first mum to comment here on this platform , but a mun of two.
        Please ma, my baby weighed 2.8 kg at birth, and at 14 weeks visit, she weighed 6.1kg and still growing ..please are we going on well.

        1. Hi Ann…thank you for your consistency and loyalty to our site. Yes your baby is doing well but please read the article so you know how to do it yourself. The details are in the article.

      3. Hello ma my baby birth weight was2.2kg at 36 weeks he had jaundice at birth he dropped to 2kg and was at 2.1kg for like two weeks, at 8weeks he was 3.6kg am really worried bcoz he is looking like a new born, what should I do. He is on exclusive breast feeding. Thanks

        1. Your baby is gaining weight and that is what matters now. So keep breastfeeding exclusively and he should catch up soon.

  6. Racheal Odebunmi

    Thanks Dr. My baby birth weight is 3kg,she is 4months now and she weighs 5.8. Is it normal? She is on EBF.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is why I wrote the article so read it and answer the question so I will know you have understood how to do it yourself to know if your baby’s weight is age appropriate.

      1. Doctor IAM worried about my boys weight . He was born with 4.9kgs and now he is 15 kgs at 10months.what can I do to help him reduce yet I mostly breastfeed and boiled Irish only

        1. It is best you see a Paediatrician preferably a Paediatric endocrinologist to know why the baby is really overweight. It is important to exclude underlying medical conditions.

    2. Well done doc. Please my boy weighted 3kg at birth, he weighted 7.8kg at 6months, 7.8kg at 7 months, 8kg at 8months, i weighted him today again, he is 8kg and he is almost 9 months.
      I’m worried because he only take very small quantity of any food I give him except breast milk.
      What can i do ma?

  7. Pls Dr., is my baby obese? He weighs 8.1kg at 15,weeks. His birth weight was 2.8kg and he is on EBF. From my calculation it is more than 120% of the ideal weight at that age. Pls what should I do?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He is definitely overweight. Please continue exclusive breastfeeding and watch your own diet to be sure that you are not taking too much of protein. However as the child becomes more active they tend to lose the excess weight. If worried, see a Paediatrician

      1. Hello doctor,my baby weight 2.6 at birth but after a month she weight 3.9….At 9month she weight 5kg but when i asked the nurse is it normal she said nothing wrong with her that that is her own stature.Though she is very active but she don’t eat well she only takes breast milk and like 2 morsel of swallow.pls is she okay

      2. Good day Doctors,I have read through the article , questions and response of other mums but I’m still worried, my nine month old twins weighed 2.8 and 3kg respectively at birth, now at 9month, the 2.8 weight is 7.2kg and the 3kg’s weight is 7kg.

        From what I have read a nine months old should weigh 9k, please ma’am what do I do

        1. I think you should ensure that the babies are getting adequate feeds? I hope you are still breastfeeding and giving complementary feeding. To ensure that you are doing the complementary feedings adequately, kindly go join our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group and do the UNIT 102 course on complementary feeding

  8. Gud day doc my baby’s birth weight was 3.4kg but at 10wks she weighs 4.4kg she is on EBF,her pediatrician says she should have added more than that.Have been worried since then.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello Funmilola.

      The average weight gain as I wrote in the article is 900g per month so your baby should have added close to 2kg to the birth weight.

      However do not worry! Just increase the frequency of breastfeeding – should be on demand and check the weight again may be in a week or 2 and I am sure that your baby’s weight will soon catch up to that expected.

      1. Hello doctor. My baby weighed 3.2kg at birth and he is now 10months at 10kg weight. Is that a good weight?. Many thanks!!

        1. Yes it is a very good weight…kindly read through the article so you know how to work it out your yourself.

      2. Monica iwok

        Good morning doc, please my baby weighed 3.1 kg at birth and at two months he weighs 6kg, I don’t know if it’s okay and he does not suck for long and am worried

  9. Ma, pls my baby is underweight what do I do? he was 4kg at birth and he weighs 8kg now at 10months. he doesn’t eat more than 6spoons at a sitting. tried soyabean b ut his poo increased from 2 to 4 guess its an allergy. pls advise. thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should take him to see a Paediatrician immediately so the malnutrition can be treated first and then you will be taught how to adequately give complementary feeds to your baby. You can also read about it on our website. Kindly treat as urgent!

  10. My baby just turned 6months on 19th n weighs 8kg whereas she has been on exclusive breastfeeding. Is there need for concern?
    And please I also need complementary foods for my baby cos I don’t even know where to start.

  11. Good morning doctor, my baby weighed 3kg at birth, 5kg at 6 weeks, 7.5kg at 10 weeks and 8.6kg at 14 weeks. Meanwhile he was given baby food at his first month because my breast wasn’t lactating but placed on only breastfeeding since his 6th week. Please I need your response to this.

  12. Adesanya Titilayo O

    Pls ma, is my baby overweight? He was 3.5kg at birth, 6kg at 6weeks,7. 2kg at 10week and 8kg at 14weeks. Is he overweight and if yes what do I need to do pls

  13. Dear doctor
    My baby weight was 4.4kg at our six Weeks checkup.and her birth weight was3.5kg ma is she underweight. If yes wat can I do to boast it?.shes on exclusive till I resume work

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Her weight is fine and age-appropriate. Please read the article again. Meanwhile just continue exclusive breastfeeding!

  14. Goodday doc, my baby weight at birth is 4.2kg at 6weeks she weight 5kg, at 6months she weighed 7.3kg but she looks like 4months old baby but very active.when gave birth to her she ĺooks chubby until when she was 4months she is reducing the chubby Is not longer there.pls ma, i want to know if something is wrong concerning her size .both parent’s are not short.Thanks ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I am not sure how you think a 4 month old baby should look. She does not have to be chubby she just need to have normal weight. The weight she has now is still age appropriate and there is no need to worry. Read the article I wrote for those who worry about their babies not being chubby here

  15. Hullo doc,my baby was a preterm 33weeks birthweight of 1.8kg then lost to 1.5kgs on discharge, now were are 3months corrected age and she is 4.6kgs on EBF are we on the right track.Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Carole…yes you are on the right track, well done! Your baby’s corrected age is actually 5 weeks, that is a little above 1 month. If a 1 month old weighed 4.6kg, I will be very happy and excited. So you are doing great. Kindly continue the exclusive breastfeeding

      1. Hello Doc, my baby weighed 4:3kg at birth, she’s 6months old now and she weighs 7.3kg , there times I go for check up and her pediatrician says she’s underweight, please ma’am is this weight normal for a 6 months old that was born weighing 4.3

          1. Hello doctor. My baby girls birth weight was 2.9kg then she went down to 2.7kg on discharge, and now she’s 14 weeks and she weights 5.5kg is that normal or under weight.

          2. That is normal. Please read the Article first for detailed information. Thank you for checking the website

  16. Pls doc my baby was 3.7kg at birth then during the second immunization at 4weeks it drop to 2.9kg, I’m really concerned because she is on exclusive feeding and she is sucking very well

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is not what we expect Adejoke in a baby who is sucking well. There is a problem somewhere. It is either the baby is not getting enough milk intake or there is a disease condition that is limiting the food conversion to weight gain. I will advise you see a Paediatrician immediately as your baby is actually failing to thrive in our medical jargon. Please treat as urgent.

  17. Hello ma’am.
    My baby was 1.4 at birth(preterm)
    He is 6 months and weighs 7kg now.
    Are we progressing or he ought to weigh more than that.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You are progressing beautifully Patience. Well done. Kindly introduce complementary feeds now. All the best!

    2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Patience…You did not say the gestational age. However, from 1.4kg to 7kg in 6 months is very good. Well done Mum. Kindly introduce complementary feeds now. All the best. Read about infant feeding

  18. Hello Dr, please my baby is 14weeks and 5days today. She weighted 3.9kg at birth, 5.5kg @6weeks, 6.3kg@10weeks, 6.8kg @14weeks. And the Dr said she s abit slow during her 14weeks immunization. Though he said I should add formula .which i started yesterday. I noticed today that her poo has a slimmy substances in it. Though not much . the poo is normal but just that slime stuff. She has made a poo twice today. Is the slime normal? Or is it something to worry about?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I don’t think there is anything to worry about your baby’s weight and will recommend that you go back to the exclusive breastfeeding you are doing and ditch the formula introduced. Mucoid stools (slime) are not normal – may be a sign of infection or other issues especially if persistent. You can keep breastfeeding exclusively and your baby will be fine.

      1. Hello doc..my baby birth weight was 4.2kg…he has been gaining untill he reached 6 and 7 months which he has constant weight of
        8.8 kg…should I be worried about it?

  19. Good afternoon my baby girl weigh 6kg and she will be 5month on the 14th I ho hope we are on track ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Sarina! You did not specify the birth weight of your baby. The formula for knowing if the weight is appropriate or not was clearly detailed in the article. You should read it again and let me know if you think your daughter is gaining weight appropriately. I wrote this article so that you can learn how to DIY that is know if your baby’s weight is okay or not and what you should do about it. Thank you for reading.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          That is good. Read the article again so you can learn the do-it-yourself skills that will help you to know if the weight gain is adequate or not.

          1. Hello ma, my baby birth weight is 1.7kg preterm born at 34weeks due to preeclampsia but he is 10kg at 2yrs. Am worried
            We av seen a paediatrician

          2. I don’t think there is any need to worry. An average 2 year old weighs 12 kg and 10kg is still within the normal range. Just ensure the child is having adequate intake of food.

  20. Pls doc my baby is 9month going to 10 month in less dan 2 weeksand his weight is 10kg,hope he is ok,and also recently he stops eating his cereal food and prefer our our normal food diet hope its ok for his age.

  21. sakiemi edmund sogules

    My baby is 1year six months weight is 9.8kg am not comfortable so I added soya beans, groundnut crayfish,fish and unripe Plantain to her pap millet maize zoro and Tiger nut i know if it’s OK I also add sugar to it cos she won’t take without sugar

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You should add one new food item at a time in case the child reacts to any of them. It is okay to use a little sugar to the pap for taste. The food combination are too many. Read more about how to give age-appropriate complementary feeds here

  22. jocelyn Kpebah

    Goodevening drs.pls my son weights 8.5 dressed. I understand why he is not making the righ weight at his age. my problem is that he doesnt pass stool often. It can take him 5_8 days. The stool is hard and he cries alot while doing it.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He has constipation. Though constipation does not necessarily cause children to be underweight. Kindly read about constipation here

      You did not state the age of your baby so it is difficult to comment about the weight if appropriate or not.

  23. My 3months old baby was 3.5kg at birth, 5.9 kg @6weeks. At 10weeks he weighed 7kg and 7.8kg at 14weeks, pls is the weight normal for his age? He’s been on exclusive breastfeeding. Thnks doctor.

  24. Dr thanks for the good work. My baby is 2yrs now but she is weighing 16.5kg but her height is 109cm should I be worried.

  25. God bless the works of your hands ma..plz my baby weighed 3.5kg@ birth.now she is 1year and 7months n she’s weighing 10.5..Am worried because we just finished treating her malaria and ear infection from the hospital..I want to know if her weight is okay for her age or not..FTM

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The weight is fine….There is no need to worry. Please read the article so you can learn to calculate it for yourself and know if it is okay or not. That is why the article is written so you can learn to do it for yourself.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There is no need to worry Dee….Weight between 80 – 120% of expected is still within normal limits. The 9kg is just the average…some can be a little above and a little below….There is no need to worry at all!

  26. good morning doctor, my baby weight 3.25 at birth now is 3week and her weight is 2.75. Please advice. thank you ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Titilope….A baby losing weight instead of gaining weight is not a good sign. Are you breastfeeding exclusively? Is your breast milk flowing well? You need to see a Paediatrician immediately for quick intervention so the failure to thrive which is what we call the condition when a baby is not gaining weight can be properly addressed so it does not persist. Please treat as urgent.

  27. Good day doc, my 9month baby weighed 11kg and his birth weight was 3.4. I read that the average weight is 9kg. Should I be worried? Hope he is not overweight

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is still within normal…..anything 80 – 120% of the expected weight is still normal. There is really no need to worry.

    2. Michael Joe-ogba

      Please doctors, my baby weighed 2.7 kg at birth and now weighs 5.7kg at 14weeks. And we suspect she is still having Colic as she hardly sleeps at night. My wife and I are really worried

      1. Good day my able Doc, this article help me a lot and take away my fear, thank you.
        Please my baby of 6 months is weighing 8.1 kg. He was very chubby from one months to 4 months, when we were diagnosed of yeast infection he has yeast infection one plus, mine was heavy growth of candida for past three months I have been treating mine but it refused to go totally, since then my baby has been slim not chubby again. But still he slim but weigh 8. 1 at six months. I don’t know whether is the yeast infection that is eating up his flesh.. Please is their anything I can do..

        1. It is not the yeast infection. After 6 months, breast milk is no longer sufficient for your baby and you must start giving complementary feeding. Read more about INFANT FEEDING IN THE FIRST 1000 DAYS and ensure that your baby is eating appropriately. As regards the yeast infection, kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.

  28. Good day doctor, my baby weighed 2.3kg at birth and her last immunization of 2months n 1wk she weighed 4.6kg.plz is she growing well tank u ma

  29. Good day doctor, my baby weighed 2.3kg at birth and her last immunization of 2months n 1wk she weighed 4.6kg shes’s on EBF. plz is she growing well tank u ma

  30. akinsunmoye precious

    Gud work doctor,pls wat can I give my 6 and half months old dat is having constant cold and catarrh affecting his breathing at times.he was treated once for bronchopneumonia at 4 months,now I don’t expose him to cold or fan but he still av blocked nostrils and cough.pls help me

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly take him to the hospital so he can be properly examined first.

      DO not self-medicate in children as it can be dangerous and of course I do not treat children by proxy without seeing them at first. keep the baby warm, ensure you are still breastfeeding and take all the appropriate vaccines as well as preventive measures.

      However when the child has symptoms especially with breathing issues, the child MUST be seen by a doctor first for proper clinical evaluation and treatment.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please take him to see a Paediatrician and Nutritionist for further evaluation. They need to advise you on how to give appropriate high calories and high protein diet so as to ensure the child gains weight after ruling out any possible medical conditions that could also make the child to have underweight malnutrition.

  31. Please doctor, mine is 1 year, 8 months and weighed 8.3kg last month. I’ve done a lot. What should I do please? He’s not started standing or walking independently although he can hold things to stand and walk around with support.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It seems there are issues with the baby. The child is slightly underweight and also has delayed developmental milestone. You should take him to see a Paediatrician for thorough evaluation and further management.

      1. Hello Doctor, my baby was underweight for the first 8 months. I did a lot of complimentary feeding and she’s gained weight. Now at 1yr 6months, she’s over 16kg. She doesn’t look fat, just very chubby and healthy. Is that okay?

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          She is now overweight! The ideal weight should be 11kg. So you may want to ensure you are not overfeeding her….4 times a day with 1 – 2 healthy snacks a day is fine! Also cut out pastries and biscuits or packed juices. Also allow her to move and play a lot. She will be fine!

          1. Good day doc, my baby weighed 2.8kg at birth and when we went for immunization after 13 weeks,she weighed 4.9kg. I will like to know if she is growing well

          2. That is beautiful. Kindly read the article as the information for Do it Yourself is quite detailed and simple to follow. Keep breastfeeding exclusively!

  32. Gud day Doc.
    My baby weighed 2.9kg at birth, when I went for 6weeks yesterday, she weighed 5.2. Is it OK?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Margaret! That is why I wrote the article so you can learn to do it by yourself!!!

      That is fine….However if you have not, please do read the article patiently and use the formulas highlighted to know if your baby’s weight is okay or not so you do not have to ask the paediatricians (pun intended) all the time!

      1. Mrs. Olawale

        Hi doctor, ,my baby weight 2.5 at birth but weight 5.5 at six months, although she is very active and seldom sleep during day time should I be worried, because she sucks well

  33. FOLAYEMI oladapo

    Thank you ma for all the good work you are doing for us , please MA my baby weight 1.4 at birth although she was born at 32wks now she is 3month and she weight 2.8 , am only give her breasts please MA is she OK cos am so worried or any thing I should do or give to make are big and gain weight .

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Folayemi…that is fine….Keep breastfeeding exclusively and she will keep gaining weight steadily! As long as she is adding at least 600g – 800g/month, that is good. Also make sure that she is being followed up by a Paediatrician. She can not gain too much too rapidly. Slow and steady is better!

  34. Pls ma baby of 14week weigh 4.8 she was 2.5@birth , she poo like 5-6 daily. What can I do for poo to reduce so that she can gain weight. Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Her weight is fine and you do not have to worry at all. Please keep breastfeeding exclusively!
      As regards the stools, the frequency is normal, in fact it can be up to 8 – 12 times a day!! As long as the stools are not watery, there is really no need for you to worry! Keep breastfeeding exclusively!

  35. Doctors please help…my son of 1 year 4 months has tonsilitis around August…ever since then he has not been feeing well v is currently weighing 8.77 kg. I have tried all but he just won’t swallow food. His immunization card is at Orange. What steps should I take to make sure he consumes enough food and gained weight.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      By now the tonsillitis should have cleared so I do not think the poor appetite or picky eating has to do with the Tonsillitis. Kindly read about tips on how to ensure that your child has healthy eating habits here

  36. Compliment of the season ma.
    I gave birth to my baby @ 3.7kg and she weighs 12.9kg now @9months. What can I do to shed of the weight abit. Pls help a worried mum. Thank you ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Eniola….Just make sure you do not overfeed and also avoid giving junk foods like biscuits and packed juice. Just give healthy snacks like fruits. As the baby starts to move more actively, the weight will become more age-appropriate

  37. Hello Doc, thank you for your efforts. My baby is 2months She weighed 3.8 at birthday, I’ve not been able to check her weight but she is doing very fine and looks very big for her age. The problem is I hardly have time even to eat so most times I end up eating only twice a day. Wil that affect my baby? Am worried, as my sister said it Wil make her loss weight. Please note my breast milk is always full and she sucks very well.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No …that is not true as regards the baby losing weight as long as you are still lactating very well.

    2. Good afternoon doctor. My baby was born preterm, weighing 2.8kg. Today, we went for 6 weeks vaccination and she is weighing 3.38 kg. I am worried that she has not gained enough weight. Please ma, are my worries justified? I am on EBF

      1. The weight is fine at 6 weeks. Kindly read the article to really know what to expect at each age and your baby’s birth weight does not suggest a preterm delivery; are you sure of your dates? Remember preterm delivery means before 37 weeks; it does not mean any baby born before expected date of delivery which is 40 weeks.

  38. Hello Doc, thank you for your efforts. My baby is 2months She weighed 3.8 at birthday, I’ve not been able to check her weight but she is doing very fine and looks very big for her age. The problem is I hardly have time even to eat so most times I end up eating only twice a day. Wil that affect my baby? Am worried, as my sister said it Wil make her loss weight. Please note my breast milk is always full and she sucks very well.

  39. Good day Doc please my baby’s birth weight is 3.8,@ 6 weeks 3.7 it waas observed that my breast milk was not flowing well. @10 weeks4.3@14 weeks4.7 should i be worrid .

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes, your baby is failing to thrive Joan!!! You should see a Paediatrician immediately for proper evaluation and management.

      1. oMorinsola

        Thank you for all the Good work ma..my baby birth weight was 2.7kg,we cldnt chk her weight from 6 weeks due to d covid 19 pandemic,till 6month wer she weight 5.9kg @ 9months 5kg and @ 12month 6.2kg am worried shez not gaining weight rapidly,she eats well,can walk and communicative..what shld I do ma?

        1. She is severely underweight. You should take her to see a Paediatrician. You should also make sure she is eating age appropriate quantity and quality of food. What she is eating is more important than she just eats. Read about infant feeding here and see a Paediatrician urgently.

  40. Hello ma, my baby’s birth weight was 3.7kg, at 10 weeks she weighs 6.2kg. I’m worried she is slightly overweight. She is on Ebf at the moment. Is there anything I need to do to control her weight? Thank you.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No need to worry…just keep breastfeedng exclusively. No need to “control” weight in babies as long as the baby is on exclusive breastfeeding. It will eventually normalize when the baby becomes more active. Relax Mum

    2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No need to worry…just keep breastfeedng exclusively. No need to “control” weight in babies as long as the baby is on exclusive breastfeeding. It will eventually normalize when the baby becomes more active. Relax Mum

    3. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No need to do anything…Just keep breastfeeding exclusively!!! The child’s weight will eventually normalize as she becomes active!

      1. Goodmorning Dr, please I’m confused. My baby was born at 36 weeks at 2.6kg birth weight,I watched breastfeeding videos and tried to get him to latch on properly, but he will suck little and sleep off. He dropped to 2kg and the pediatrician adviced that I supplement with formula. I still try to breastfeed often and also pump atimes, but at one month he only gained back his birth weight. I really want to breastfeed exclusively but his weight made me feel I wasn’t producing enough milk. I keep taking him to the hospital weekly to monitor his weight, and he always poo strong poo poo. Im always confused and depressed

        1. I think you should relax and not worry as that will reduce your breast milk production. You should ensure you breastfeed your baby on demand; the more the baby suck; the more the milk flows and your baby can gain weight. The formula feeding may explain the constipation.

  41. Pls doc, my baby’s birth weight is 2kg. Born at 33wks. Hes 8 months now and hes just6kg. Is this good enough cos am really worried.

  42. Nice article,pls ma, my daughter weighs 7.4 and she is 1year , she weighs 2.5 from birth, but she is very active and already walking but looks very small for her age, what food can I give her to increase her weight plus she doesn’t like to eat.

  43. Adenekan Oluwatoyin

    Good afternoon, my baby’s birth weight is 2.2kg,and now he’s 4month and 3weeks,the last immunisation we went for was when he was 4month and 1week and he was weighing 5.50kg,tough he still look small, please is his weight kk and what will I do to make him big.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The current weight is fine. Your baby started with low birth weight in the first instance. Just continue exclusive breastfeeding.

  44. ADejumo Temitope

    Hello ma, my baby birth weight was 3.6kg. He weighs 4.6kg at 6 weeks but he looks lean.i felt he is not getting enough from me. Though he poo at every feed but not watery but greenish like. Pls what can I do to make him at little chubby. He is on formula and BF

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello the weight gain is okay at 6 weeks. I will encourage you to do exclusive breastfeeding that is giving breast milk only without water and formula! The baby will be fine. There is nothing wrong with passing stools after feeds as long as they are not watery. Greenish stools may suggest inadequate intake but all you need to do is to breastfeed on demand, ensure the baby empties one breast fully before switching to the next. The more you breastfeed the more the milk flows. All the best. You can read the articles on breastfeeding for more information

      1. Ekikere God's will Kingsley

        Goodevening Dr, my baby is 12kg at 22 month but 3.4 at birth… Is she doing fine.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Yes….please read the article to pick up the tips for knowing if the weight is fine or not without needing to ask a Paediatrician.

  45. Dr, my baby birth wight is 2.8kg,but our last appointment her wight is 6kg she will be 5 month on 28th of this month, and she hardly eat. She already stop breastfeeding, I complain to her doctor him said the baby is okay, please doctor what can I do so that she will be eating well.tks so much

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Her weight is fine for her age. However it is too early for a 5 month old to have stopped breastfeeding. You should see a Paediatrician so you can assisted to re-establish the breastfeeding. She should be on exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and then you can add complementary feeds. Read here for more informationInfant feeding in the first 1000 days

        1. That is a little on the high side. Please breastfeed exclusively and avoid overfeeding the baby.

  46. Hello Doctor, my baby is 4 month yesterday and he is weight is 4.2kg and his birth weight was 2.9kg am confused

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The baby is not gaining weight well! Are you breastfeeding exclusively and is your child sucking well and are you lactating well? If the answers to all these questions are yes, then there may be a medical reason your baby is not gaining weight well. You should see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation and management of the child,


  48. Andrea Adams

    Hi my boys birth weight was 3.2kg. He is now 3months and weighs 8.1kg. Hence he is formula feeding. He is not very big in weight but he is long in length which he has a big born structure as both my side and dads side are fairly tall people. I feed him as instructed on his formula .. should I be very concerned?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He is just slightly overweight. I am just curious why you are not breastfeeding though. Breastfeeding is the best really for your baby. However, you can keep monitoring the weight with your Paediatrician.

      1. Ekikere God's will Kingsley

        Goodevening my able Dr in the house. My 7 month baby doesn’t eat at all after my exclusive of 6 month, he only go on breast milk…. What can I do toake him eat?

          1. Good day Dr,my baby is 5months plus and weighs 5.6kg,his birth weight was 3.6kg.Am a bit worried

          2. I don’t think you need to worry. That is fine. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and switch to complementary feeding when the baby is more than 6 months old.

  49. Good day Doctor. My baby’s birth weight was 3.4kg. At 10 weeks immunization he weighs 8.1kg. I’m worried. Is he over weight? I’m exclusively breastfeeding him. He feeds well and poos well too.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Well he appears to be overweight which sometimes happen in some babies. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and avoid too much protein in your own diet as well. Keep monitoring the weight with your Paediatrician.

  50. Mrs Ihejirika uchenna

    Goodevening ma i have 27weeks baby weigh 1.3 @6weeks 1.8 is it normal, she belches more than 5times aday both b4 n After both.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Your baby should be seeing a Paediatrician monthly for follow up required of preterm babies. The weight gain is slow but see a Paediatrician for further management. There is nothing wrong with the baby belching five times or more. The most important is to ensure the baby is receiving the right quantity of breast milk that will ensure the baby gains weight well. Please ensure the baby is being followed up by a Paediatrician. This is very important.

    2. Good day doctor, my baby weighed 4kg at birth we will be six weeks soon. What is the expected weight gain pls.

  51. goodmorning ma,please i took my baby to the hospital when i discover something like boil is in is body and they ran a test on him and the doctor said he was infected (SEPSIS) and was admitted and later discharge after five days of treatment , and the thing is coming back now and we took him back and they gave us same antibiotics.please may advice me on next thing to do

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Use the antibiotics for the duration prescribed by your doctor. Beyond the antibiotics, you also need to focus on prevention especially regular handwashing . Everyone who carries the baby must wash their hands or use hand sanitizers first. Also ensure you use mild disinfectants in the bath water as well. Ensure you maintain regular personal and environmenta hygiene around the baby.

      1. Hello doctor,
        God bless you for the great work you are doing.

        My baby boy of 3 months 25 days weight 6kg and am worried if he is lossing weight.

        And he vomit too much but he is active doesn’t look sickI don’t know if is normal. Thanks

        1. 1. The weight is okay for his age though you did not mention the birth weight which would have been useful.
          2. I am not sure if you are referring to reflux which is a passive thing and effortless regurgitation of some of the food or real active vomiting which requires you seeing a doctor. I think reflux seems more likely since the baby is otherwise healthy, not sick and having age appropriate weight. There is no need to worry about reflux and it tends to stop with time as the baby gets bigger and when they start solid food.

  52. Pls ma, my baby is 2 months 3 weeks. He always have his hand fist and extended. He won’t bring his hand to midline. He sleeps in a frog like position even when awake and do cross his legs. His head is still falling side by side also he look so lean. He is also not making attempt to raise his head up when lie on his stomach and make use of his hands. I am very worried ma bcos I ve come across a lot on Google.pls help a FTM.birth weight 3.6 now 5.3

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello Esther! You seem to have lot of concerns about your baby. In such instances, it is better to see a Paediatrician for full physical evaluation.

      However let me correct some wrong assumptions you have based on this write up.

      1. Your baby is not supposed to bring the hands to midline until 4 months old.

      2. Your baby is not lean if she is weighing 5.3kg at age of 2 months+ when the birth weight is 3.6kg.

      3. Your baby is not supposed to develop neck control until the age of 3 – 4 months.

      I will advise you to be careful of what you read via Google! Be sure your source of information are not fellow mothers but a professional. You can join our ATP Faebook group to get professional answers to your question faster.

  53. Thank u for the good work dr. Pls my baby at birth is 3.7 and at 3month is 5 .7 but mmy question nw is dat she is nt feeeding well dis days so i went to measure her weight yesterday is nw 5kg .she on ebf and very active

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You did not state how many months your baby is now. However your baby should not be losing weight or not feeding well. Refusal or poor sucking in babies is often a sign of illhealth and you should take such children to the hospital for proper evaluation by a doctor. Please treat this as very urgent.

  54. Charity Christian

    Ma,pls my child birth weight was 2.9kg and he is 3mths n he is weighing 5.6kg is it ok?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is okay Charity. Please read the article for tips on how you can determine this by yourself!

  55. Hello ma, my baby weighed 4.1kg at birth. But weighs 7kg now at 7 months.. she was exclusively breast fed.. am scared and she doesn’t like solids..

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The weight is not that bad. However you need to start complementary feeds usually from 6 months as breast milk will no longer be sufficient. Read more about infant feeding in the first 1000 days here

  56. Pls,my baby weight as at birth is below 2kg and she is now 6minths and her weight is now 6.05! Is it normal?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is not so bad at all…It is fine. It is not normal for the baby’s weight to be below 2kg at birth but the baby seems to be catching up nicely. Keep breastfeeding and start complementary feeds immediately as well. Read more here Infant feeding in the first 1000 days

  57. Iyanuloluwa

    Pls mi 6 months baby is 6.5 now and she was 1.8 at birth,is d weight OK for her as at now

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The weight is fine…..Continue to breastfeed and start complementary feeds now. Read more here

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Chy chy, that is why the article was written so you can work it out for yourself if you should be worried or not. Now read the article and you tell me if the weight is okay or not. Sorry, I have got to use tough love here….I spent some time writing this and it will just take a few minutes to read and get the answer. Thank you!

  58. pls my baby’s birth weight was 2.2kg and at 6 weeks she weighed 3.55kg. I don’t know if the weight is ok or not.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes….please read the article to pick up the tips for knowing if the weight is fine or not without needing to ask a Paediatrician.

  59. Adeniyi Mojisola

    Good day doc, my baby with birth weight of 3.9, on EBF, weighed 5.7@6wks, 6.3 @10wks, 7.1@14 wks, now weighs 7.6@19weeks. should I be worried about his weight.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly read the article and tell me if you should be worried or not. I want you to be able to DIY (do it yourself) and that is why I wrote the article. Please read, thanks!

  60. Dumbuya Jennifer

    Oh my God does it mean my baby is over weight cus he weighed 11.9 kg at 9 months or is it normal, I wud b waiting for ur reply thank u

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There is no need to panic but you need to monitor him closely. Most babies lose their baby fat as they become more active crawling and walking but do not overfeed the child. All the best

  61. Good day doctor, my baby girl weight 3.6@ birth, 4.2@ 6weeks and 4.5@10weeks.I am worried as people keep telling she is not growing well.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I am not worried Funmi…Jut keep breastfeeding exclusively and continue to monitor the weight with your doctor at least once a month (usually when you go for immunization). All the best

  62. Folarin Mosunmola

    I am super worried ma, I am a first time mom. My baby’s weight at child birth was 3.4kg and he is 2 months old and he weighed 3.7kg. Please ma what is wrong. Thanks ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Keep breastfeeding exclusively and check it again in another one month. Don’t worry yet.

      1. Good day doctor God bless you for the work you are doing. Please my baby birth weight is 2.2 and at 3weeks she is weighing 2.7 and am worried i think she is not growing well. What is your advice ma.

        1. There is no need to worry. Kindly read the article first. It is stated there that babies lose weight first in the first 2 weeks before regaining their birth weight by end of two weeks then they will start to gain weight usually 20g per day. So your baby appears to be on track. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and keep checking the weight every month with your doctors. Was your baby born preterm as her birth weight is smaller than expected which should be at least 2.5kg.

    2. Pls my babe born as preterm with birth weight 1.5 but drop 1.38 when I was discharge an nw at 4weeks she is 1.9 pls should I be worried? Pls also give me a chart on normal range for preterm babe thanks

      1. You don’t need to be worried. Preterm babies gain averagely 20g/day. Alternative correct your baby’s age and you can use the same scale described above. For example if your baby was born at 7 months and is now 3 months old; the actual corrected age of your baby is 1 month old and then you can compare with what is expected for a full term baby that age. You should also be taking your baby to the Paediatricians for follow up regularly.

  63. damilola lawal

    my baby birth weight was 2.65kg.at 2months she weight 6kg and stopped increasing in weight,despite the fact that she is on ebf .at 6months she weight 6.5kg am worried ma,plz advice on what to do ma.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The weight at six months is fine. The weight at 2 months sounds suspicious maybe faulty scale. You can go ahead with complementary feeding while you keep breastfeeding. All the best!

      1. Hey mum am worried for my son’s weight,his birth weight was 3.5 but now at 14weeks he is 8.6 is he overweight please help and what should I do if so?

        1. Yes he is overweight and should be seen by a Paediatrician for proper evaluation of any underlying medical issues. We recommend exclusive breastfeeding only.

  64. Good day doc,my baby weight at birth is 3.1kg,her weight now is 6.3,she is 6 months.hope we are still on track

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes, you are on track. Please read the article again so you can learn to know whether you are on track or not.

  65. doc,my baby has never tasted breasts milk since birth,he will be three month on we th this month,he weight is 4.5kg . The doctor said he is medically fit. but I am worried because of the breast milk he is not sucking. I gave the breast to him daily but never suck it out,he just but it in his mouth

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You can give him by cup and spoon after expressing the breast milk. You should see a Paediatrician for further evaluation as it is unusual for a baby to refuse breast milk unless there were problems at birth or currently.

  66. Muhibbah Abubakar

    I am a first time mother..my baby was born at 28weeks CGA with 1kg..We’re now 2.2kg at 37wks 5daysCGA…Are we Okay??
    How do we catch up with the weight??

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Muhibbah…I think you are doing great. Just keep breastfeeding exclusively! All the best and ensure you see the Paediatrician regularly for follow-up.

  67. Thanks doc for this topic. Mine was said to be 2.7kg at 36 weeks of pregnancy but at 38+ I had malaria and treated fully so at birth my baby came 2.4kg ( low birth) right. Am worried about it as it is below 2.5kg. could it be the malaria caused it or other things. Can her weight be corrected. Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Mrs T. There are many possible causes of low birth weight babies! I will address that another day. Yes Malaria in pregnancy can also lead to that or other chronic diseases in pregnancy or with the baby itself in the womb. However focus more now that the baby is born on feeding properly – exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months and the baby should regain and catch up the weight.

        1. It is Ok…please read the article for more detailed information on how to work it out yourself

  68. Olaboyin Abiola

    Hello Doctors, my baby of 9 months weighs 6.3kg though his birth weight was 2.5kg. He doesn’t accept pap, cereal, tombrown anytime he sees it he starts to cry. He only accept adult food in small quantity. I am worried, what can I do?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The baby is underweight! He should be weighing 9kg at 9 months and definitely eating more even if it is adult food. Kindly read more about complementary feeding here and watch our ATP LIVE videos that address same issue.

  69. Oladunjoye adepeju

    morning doctor, my baby is 3months and she weigh 4.5kg, bt she doesn’t suck well, is it okay doc..

    1. It is not okay for your baby not to suck well! Why is your baby not sucking well? I will advise seeing a Paediatrician for proper evaluation first.

  70. Grace Egwuenu

    Good day doc…pls my baby weighed 3kg at birth…shes eight months plus now nd she weighed 7.3kg …she’s nt added weight rapidly am worried…Doc said shes fine her weight is ok…but am nt satisfied based on what I read here she suppose to b 8kg right?…what do I do…is d doc right?

    1. Yes but 7.3kg is not far from the 8kg which is just the average…the baby can be a little below and a little above and that is still fine. Keep breastfeeding and also ensure your baby is taking adequate calories of complimentary foods. Please check our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group and do our UNIT course on complimentary feeding

  71. Ifeanyi Ngozi

    Hello doc my baby weighed 5.4 at birth and at 10weeks she weigh 5.7 should I be worried ma..thanks

    1. Your baby was quite big at birth but has not gained weight appropriately unless there was error with the measurement at birth. Kindly see a Paediatrician to review properly first

  72. Abisoye Anthonia

    My baby of 3months and 7days weighed 4.3kg and her birth weight was 3.3kg,hope she’s ok,am a first time mum,and she’s on EBF

  73. Hi Doc,
    I’m a first time mom. My baby will be 6 months and a day old today and I intend to introduce water for the very first time. She weighed 2.7 kg at birth however, at 6 months she weighs 9.5kg. I’m worried because she takes only breastmilk. Please what can I do?

    1. Your baby’s weight is fine….there is no need to worry. Introduce complementary feeds but let a Paediatrician review just to be sure there is nothing else responsible for the excessive weight gain. However as most babies begin to move, they will lose some of the excess baby fat

  74. Good day Dr, i am a first time mum.my baby is six months going to his seventh month and his weight is 5.8kg but his birth weight is 1.56kg. And also a cleft palate patient. I expressed breast milk for 3months before it stop by it self. And now i am so worried. Please tell me what to do maa

    1. The weight of your baby is okay. Remember your baby started very slow….You should be given formula and complimentary feeds. Make sure you keep following up at the cleft clinic as well.

  75. Bello sekinat

    Good day doctor am a first time mum my baby is 5 month 2 weeks and she weigh 5.7 am worried cos am on exclusive feeding since her birth and she sucks well nt until 3 days back whenever she sick she vomit and has rash around her neck and face also run temperature on her head and hand don’t kn if that is teething or fever also I don’t kn if the weight is fine 5.7 for 5 month 2 week old baby

    1. Well you did not tell us the birth weight o so it is hard to say but if she is between 2.5 – 3kg at birth, the weight of 5.7 is ok. If your baby is vomiting and having rashes including having fever; then it is best for you to take to hospital to see a doctor. The child is sick and that is not teething as teething does not make a child sick. Please read about it here Does Teething really make children sick?

  76. Gift thankgod

    Doc thanks. Plz my daughter weighed 3.6 at birth now 6.2 at 16weeks . Is it okay cause I am worried breast milk and formula.

    1. It is fine…please read the article for detailed information so you know how to work it out yourself.

  77. Sodipo Mariam

    My baby is 10days old with temperature of 38degree Celsius… and her weight reduced from 3.2kg to 2.2kg.. Am so worried.. What can I do

    1. Yes….take the child to the hospital to see a Paediatrician immediately to rule out neonatal sepsis. Make sure you are not overcovering the baby and you keep breastfeeding on demand. No water or milk or anything else

  78. Good day.the birth weight my baby was 2.9kg,but at the 11days after birth she was down with maleria and infection and her weight drop to 2.2kg, and at 2months her weight is 4kg.i am worried she is not growing well.what can i do to make my baby add more weight and fat.thanks doc

    1. Her weight is fine as she has began to gain weight as expected. Just keep breastfeeding exclusively. Her weight is fine now

  79. my baby is 3 months old. He was 2.4 at birth. He prefers feeding bottle to breastfeeding. he’s 4.5kg now. But the last time I took him to the hospital, the doctor complained about his small head. I don’t know what to do please advise me.

    1. You should ask the doctor what he thought is the cause of the small head and that is what will determine what to do. Head size has to do with brain growth and not feeding. The head size has to be checked against what is expected for age of the baby.

  80. Good evening Doc. My 14weeks old baby weighs 5.9kg is the weight ok? She weighed 3.1 at birth 38 weeks thanks.

    1. Hi Chioma….it is okay. Please read the article first so you can learn to work it out by yourself.

    2. My baby of 11months weighs 6.5kg, she weighed 3kg at birth. I had met with paediatricians and severally lab test done. The results was okay, what else do I do?

      1. Your baby has underweight malnutrition. I believe since the paediatricians have excluded medical diseases as underlying cause hopefully; then you need to feed your child with age appropriate meals and extra so she can get back to right weight. You should feed her at least every 3 hours. You may need to see a dietitian to guide you on the appropriate foods and quantities.

      1. Hello Doctor. My baby weigh 2.8kg at birth, but he is just 5weeks now and the baby refuses breastfeeding because he is used to formula food. And I started giving him formula food because my nipple didn’t come out until a week after birth. And now am finding it difficult to exclusively breastfeed him because he cries a lot if I refuse to give him bottle food. Pls advice me

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Kindly watch the breastfeeding videos on our Facebook Group on how to attach your baby to the breasts. We have a UNIT course in breastfeeding on our Facebook Group that will be of immense help to you as you can still exclusively breastfeed your baby. I strongly advise you to do the course first.

  81. my baby weighed 3.4 at birth, @6weeks 3.9, then he had malaria n sepsis, @ 10 weeks 4.2kg. is it ok?

    1. Kindly read the article first so you can work out how to know if the weight is okay or not. I think this looks okay but please still read up, thank you!

        1. A 3 year old should weigh averagely 14 kg. You should increase the amount of food the child is eating. Kindly read the article on how to properly feed the baby here

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly read the Article first so that you can know how to work this out yourself without asking. The weight is okay.

  82. Andrew Stephanie

    Hello dr my baby boy of 3 months weight 5.4at 3 months hope he is okay because am worry …jst breastfeeding ..

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Stephanie, you did not specify the birth weight of your baby but I think the weight above is still appropriate for a 3 month old born at average birth weight of 2.5 – 3kg. You can also work it out yourself as stated in the article. That’s why I wrote it so you can DIY (DO IT YOURSELF). Read and practice and let me know what you think.

        1. You did not state the birth weight but I will say that this is still average for a 6 months old.

    1. There is no need to worry some babies may lose weight at the beginning. Just ensure that the baby is breastfeeding exclusively and adequately. Check again in a month to ensure the baby has regained and surpassed his birth weight.

    1. It is a little bit on the high side but no need to worry. Just breastfeed exclusively only.

    2. Rachelebere

      Pls Ma my babys weight at birth was 3.7kg .she is 6months and some weeks by 16 June she will be 7months she weighs 5.5kg am worried.she don’t like eating I do force her ,I do give her well baby Multivitamin still her weight is still constant I am confuse I don’t know wat to do. is giving me sleepless night.

      1. That is a little low as she should have doubled her birth weight at 6 months which should be at least 7kg. You need to feed her age appropriate complementary food. If you go to our Faceb you can go to the UNITS section and do the UNIT 102 on complementary feeding for detailed information. Please watch all the breastfeeding videos

  83. When she born she was 2.4 and nw she weighs 10kg for two year old.. Is dat okay but she looks so thin and soft.. Always gets health upset for 15-20days every tim… Feeling so worried plz do suggest something..

    1. It is okay still within the average. However take her to see a doctor for the health upset part.

  84. Temitayo Richard

    My baby birthweight is 2.8kg,after 4 days she drops to 2.3kg…now she’s 5 month weighing 5.9kg is it good for her weight cause she isn’t fat she is slim

  85. My baby is 7 month old and she is currently 10 kgs, her height is 74 cm . Her birth weight was 3.6 kg.. I am quite worried if she is over weight or is it because of being tall.. I read all the calculations and formula given above but I am still very confused.. Kindly help!

    1. She is overweight but you don’t have to worry about it. Just keep her active and avoid giving her junk food.

  86. Please Dr. My baby weighed 3.9kg at birth. He made 9months today (11th October) and weigh 7.8kg. please am bothered. Is it okay?

    1. There is no need to worry but ensure he eats well as he should be weighing close to 9 kg now

  87. My 5month old child birth weight was 3.1kg, she now weighs 4.5kg.Am really concerned for she is active but i suspect there can be an underlying problem. She breastfeeds and bottle fed.

    1. You need to take her to see a Paediatrician for further evaluation to know why she is failing to thrive

      1. Maa Pls baby’s birth weight was 3.1kg, she is 2months two weeks now and weighs 4.7 kg. My midwife said its bad and I am worried

    1. I guess your baby was preterm baby and you should be seeing a Paediatrician for regular follow up so they can work out the quantity of food your baby should be taken

  88. Hello Doc, thanks for the article. Very educative. Please my baby was 2.0kg at birth and she is now 5.4kg at 5months. Please is it normal?

    1. Yes it is normal. The article has details of how to know what is appropriate weight gain in children

  89. Precious Joshua

    Thank you Doctor. My baby girl at birth weighed 3.8kg and she was 7weeks yesterday weighing 6.6kg. Hope it is not abnormal? Breastmilk only. Also, I am planning to introduce her to formula at age 4months because she sucks almost every two hours and I will resume from maternity when she will be 4months plus. I am beginning to feel she may suffer hunger then if she remains only on breast milk. What is your advise? Thanks ma

    1. I don’t think so…simply continue to breastfeed exclusively so your baby will remain healthy.

    2. Good day Doc,
      Had my daughter at 34 weeks with a birth weight of 2.5kg. Her weight gain was consistent for the first 4 months, but has really slowed down from then till date. She is 6months 2 weeks now and weighs 5.6kg. She’s active and healthy. She has started taking cereal to supplement breast milk. I’m a bit worried about her weight gain and need your advice. Thank you. Oh, we have also been giving her reload multivitamin since she clocked 6 months.

      1. Your baby’s weight is fine as babies double their birth weight at 5 – 6 months which your baby has done. You should continue with the exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeds. Complementary feeds are more than cereals. Kindly read more here about getting the complementary feeding right INFANT FEEDING IN THE FIRST 1000 DAYS

  90. Hello Docs! Please my sisters 7months baby is weighing 11.9kg and wants to know about measures to help reduce the baby’s weight..
    The boy is very active tho ?thanks

    1. Just ensure the child is not being overfed and avoid giving junk foods like biscuit and juice etc

  91. Hello doc,goodevening ma,my baby boy weighed 3.5kg at birth,he is 10weeks now weighing 5.4kg,and was chubby before but looks slim now am so worried and am breastfeeding only.

    1. The weight is fine. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and read the article to understand what to expect as regards your baby’s weight so you don’t worry unnecessarily.

  92. shristi maharjan

    hlo mam
    my baby boy was 3.20kg .
    now he is 11weeks old and his weight is 7.5kg his height is 63cm is this over weight??

    1. The baby is slightly overweight. Are you breastfeeding exclusively or giving formula?

      We encourage exclusive breastfeeding only. If using formula, ensure that you are not overfeeding the baby.

  93. Ma please am really worried my baby weight was 3.3kg at birth she was 5.5 at 5month she fall sick at 6month she is na weight ,4.4kg and she do not always like sucking it was exclusive breastfeeding I did for she I starting giving her pap na please help me ma

    1. Your baby has really lost so much weight and has serious malnutrition. You need to take her to see a Paediatrician for management of the Severe acute malnutrition. Kindly do it so URGENTLY!

      1. Dr thanks for the article,my baby was 2.0kg at birth but at 6weeks he weight 3.0kg . Plz is it normal? Because am so so worry nd i called my doc attention to it but he just advise to be giving him alot milk which i use to ,plz is there some specific food which i need to be eating to serve him enough nutrition ?

        1. That is fine….please read the article as I clearly detailed how babies gain weight.The weight is fine. Kindly go to our Facebook group and go to the UNITS section where you can do Breastfeeding course especially the one on how to increase your breast milk supply.

  94. Doctor my baby girl weigh 3kg at birth and at 41 days she is weighing 3.25kg do am giving her formula and breast milk also due to my breast milk took a days before coming out opls do u think she is ok.

  95. Hello doctor,my baby weight 2.6 at birth,by one month she weight 3.9 but at 9month she weight 5.6 but when i asked the nurse is the weight normal she said nothing wrong with her that that is her own stature.She doesn’t take any food except breast milk

  96. zeitun zahid

    hello doctor my baby is 5 months and 15 days his weight is 5.7 kg his birth weight was 1.9 kg now is it normal for a baby of 5 months to have this weight

  97. Morning.
    Baby Girl was 3.16kg at birth will be 9m next week current weight is 7.2kg. Eats 3days a day with snacks and formula. Is this ok or should i be worried

    1. Your 9 months old should be eating 4 – 6 times a day. Kindly go to our Facebook group and do the UNIT course 102 on complementary feeding for detailed information.

  98. Hello Dr,
    My baby’s weight at birth was 3.1kg, I did exclusive breastfeeding and he weighed 7.2kg at 6 months. We went for Immunization today not at the same place we used to go for the immunization but at another hospital close to my area due to the covid 19 issue. The previous place I used to use was on locked. Now my baby weighed 7.2kg again to my surprise at 9months. Ma is this weight appropriate at his age? What could have made the weight the same or is it because I used different place this time? Peraventure if this weight is not appropriate what can I do to improve my baby’s weight ma. He is on Nutribom, Nutriben, pap and dry fish and sometimes on little of adult food. Thanks ma.

    1. A 9 month old should weigh averagely 9 kg. You need to ensure that you are feeding your baby with age appropriate meals with adequate calories. You should go to our Facebook group and do the UNIT 102 course on complementary feeding for more information to ensure that you are feeding your baby appropriately.

  99. Morenikeji.

    Good morning doc. My baby weight 2.9kg at birth after 5 weeks still on 2.9kg. she’s on formula since she’s refused breastfeeding. I will like to know how to improve on her feeding on breast.

    1. I will encourage you to see a Paediatrician to assess why your baby is refusing breastfeeding as it may also explain why she is not gaining weight as well. The earlier the better so we can institute appropriate intervention early. Usually refusal to suck or breastfeed may be a sign of a problem in the baby.

      1. Good day Dr. My baby boy is 6 month & he weight 7.3kg. He is taken Gerber cereal (Rice, Oatmeal & Mulitigrain) & similac pro advance formula. Is it ok Dr. Can I give him fruit, if yes which kind of fruit. Thanks

  100. Hello Dr….my baby is 5months + and his current weight is 7.7kg his birth weight was 2.8kg…i recently noticed he has cattarh and he is loosing appetite…pls advice me on what to do

    1. Kindly see a doctor if your baby is sick which may explain the loss of the appetite. The weight is age appropriate

  101. Hi my baby’s birth weight was 3.75 kg, now at 10.5 months he weighs 9.9 kg, Is it fine. He is achieving all the milestones on time and is quite active. But he doesn’t look chubby .

  102. Hi Doctor, my baby weighed 3.2kg at birth, at one month she weighed 4.5. . She weighs 6.2kg now at 2 months. Please is these okay?

    1. They are okay but please read the article as we have already stated the how to do it yourself to know if they are okay or not!

  103. Hi Dr,
    My baby girl birth weight was 3.25kg ..now she is 6.5 months old and weighs 7.4 kg ..is it normal ??

    Hope u reply.thanks

    1. Hi Rahi. I wrote this article so you can do it yourself without having to wait for a response so please read the article so you know the answer yourself.

      However your baby’s weight is fine for her age. All the best

  104. My baby weights 12kg at 9months. Is this not over the roof? Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.

    1. Yes the baby is a bit overweight as that is the average weight of a 2 year old. I think you should just watch the food you are giving. Give more of fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. Hope you are breastfeeding as well? If you are concerned then see a Paediatrician

  105. Hi Dr my baby at birth weight 3.5 kg he came down to 3.2kgs In 10 days and now at 2 month he weight 4.6kgs is it normal, he only breastfeed.

  106. Hello doctor my daughter is 1 year old….weight 6.8kg…im worried about her….what can I do?birth weight 3.100kg

    1. She is underweight as she should be weighing 10kg at age 1 year. Kindly take her to see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation and management.

  107. Good afternoon doctor
    My baby boy weighed 3.4kg at birth now he is 12 weeks and weighing 8kg is it normal and please know this he’s on formula based on some personal health issues from me

    1. He is overweight as he should be doubling his birth weight at 5- 6 months and he is gone beyond that at just 3 months. Being overweight is not good for the baby so avoid overfeeding.

  108. Anny Joy Gideon

    Hello… My baby is 2months and 3weeks old and he’s weighing 7.4kg, is it normal or over weighing?

    1. You did not tell us the birth weight but that is quite overweight for a 2 months old. I will recommend seeing a Paediatrician just to be sure the baby is fine. We recommend exclusive breastfeeding only.

    1. The weight is okay….Please read the article so you can know how to about your baby’s weight being normal without needing to ask each time.

  109. Hello doc, you are doing a great job here. So my baby was born at 34wks with birth weight of2. 5kg,was exclusively breastfeed and at 9months she weighed 9.5kg. hope we are on track?

    1. Yes you are. Please read the article so you understand better how to know if your baby’s weight is on track by yourself without needing to ask a Paediatrician.

  110. Hello doc. I’m 34 weeks pregnant and my baby weighs 2kg. My doc says it’s ok but I’m worried that my baby is underweight. What’s your take ma? What can I eat to increase baby weight if truly underweight?

    1. If your doctor already told you there is nothing to worry, there is no need to worry. Normal birth weight starts from 2.5kg and your baby still has 6 weeks to gain the remaining 0.5kg for normal birth weight. Just relax.

  111. Hi Dr. Gemini iPosted something before but not sure it got sent. My daughter weighed 3.2kg at birth, but now she’s 3 weeks and 5days old and she weighs 3.8kg, I initially really wanted to exclusively breastfeed but iHad to give her formula as she had lost 10% of her BW. So now I am having to give her formula top-ups as well as breastfeed her. Do you reckon she’s on track with her weight or should iBe worried she’s not gaining weight?

    1. Her weight is on track and she does not need any formula. It is normal for babies to lose weight in the first 10 days and regain their birth weight by 2 weeks. I think you should stop the formula feeding and breastfeed her exclusively.

  112. Hello Doc, my babies weight at birth was 2kg but was healthy and strong it looks like my baby struggles to put on weight he is 32months now and weighs 10.5 I feed him 3times a day, he doesn’t seem interested in food he has no appetite

    1. Your child should be feeding more than 3 times a day. You should check out the article on Infant feeding. You also need to give him more of what he likes and try variety as well. You can also see a Paediatrician to exclude any underlying medical condition.

    1. Yes it is okay as babies usually double their birth weight at 5 – 6 months and your baby has done that. Read the article for more tips.

  113. hello my baby was born weighing 2.7kgs and now she is 6.1 at five and half is that ok?? and she has an aczema does it has anything with her kilogram ..I thank you

    1. The weight is okay. The eczema has nothing to do with her weight gain. You can see a doctor for the management of her eczema.

  114. Good afternoon doctor. Please, my baby was born at 35 weeks at 6 days and she weighed 2.7 kg. But her weight dropped to 2.2 kg on day 3. She was jaundiced then I didnt lactate well for about 18 days so she was mostly on formula for that period. After being Discharge from the hospital on the 14the DAT, she weighed 2.15 kg. Day 18, she weighed 2.2 kg. At 6 weeks, she weighed 2.5 kg.At 10 weeks she weighed 3. 4 kg. Then weighed 4. 4 kg at 12 weeks. Is the progress okay ma?

  115. Help!!!. My son was born with a low birth weight of 2.2 kgs. Our weight gain has been extremely slow. He is now 2 years and 10 months but only weighs 10kgs. He is an extremely picky eater. He only loves drinking.

  116. Hello ma
    My baby weighed 3.8kg at birth but now, he’s 8.0 at 5 months. Is the progress okay ma? Is he overweight?

  117. My baby Girl birth weight was 2.5kg after 6 month she was 6.1kg after nine month she was 6.7 KG now she will be 1 year her weight is 7.1 KG. is it normal???

    1. She is underweight. Her weight at 1 year should be 10kg. Kindly ensure she is taking enough food. Kindly increase her food intake and deworm her. Then see a Paediatrician if there is no improvement then see a Paediatrician for further evaluation. You can book an appointment on ATP Clinics

  118. Esther Badmus

    Thanks so much for all you are doing for us mothers.
    I am concerned about my son’s weigh, he will be 4years old by May 5 and he is currently weighing 13kg. He eats well balance diets. Look healthy and plays but skinny. I still give him Tom brown so that he can add more weight. Should I be concerned?

    1. You need to take him to see a Paediatrician as he is underweight and he should be on full family diet. Mae sure he is dewormed as well regularly.

  119. My baby birth weight was 3.5 kg.He was breastfeed until 5 months and now He is now 15 months but he weights just 9 kg 100 grams.He is active & healthy but I am much worried about his weight.He is not gaining weight.Please help me out and tell me the way to gain his weight according to his age.

    1. The weight is still average. Just keep feeding appropriate amount of food – variety of food including fruits and vegetables.

  120. Hi so my baby was born at 38 weeks weighing 3.8kg, at 5 months old he was 8.0 kg now at 6 months old he is 10kg

    1. You have not asked specific question but the baby is overweight and I will advise seeing a Paediatrician to make sure there are no medical issues. Also make sure that the baby is being fed appropriately and not overfed.

  121. Hello Ma
    I really appreciate you for all you do. I am always excited reading your articles.
    Please I will like to know if my baby’s weight is healthy.
    Birth weight was 2.9kg currently at 4months 3weeks she weighs 5.8kg


    1. That is appropriate. Your baby has doubled his birth weight which is what we expect at 5 – 6 months. The details on how to know if your baby’s weight are appropriate is in this articles. Please read it again. Thank you

  122. Manuel Manasseh

    Hi Mum. Please my baby weighs 3.2 kg at birth. He is now 5 weeks old and weighs 3.0. Please advice me on this. Thank you

    1. That is not appropriate. Your baby should have regain the birth weight at 2 weeks and have added at least 0.5kg to 1kg to the birth weight now. Please ensure that you are breastfeeding the baby exclusively on demand and that your baby is well attached to the breasts. You can go to our Facebook group and read more on breastfeeding. Please watch the breastfeeding videos in the Guides section as well.

  123. Hope uwabafor

    Doc my baby weigh 3kg at birth than at 6 weeks he weighs 4kg hope he is doing well

  124. Ibrahim Aishat

    Good PM ma.My twin babies weighted 2 kg and 1.8kg at birth they will clock 3 years by Oct and they weighted 10.6 kg and 10 kg respectively even though the latter has cerebral palsy due to jaundice at birth.Just want to know if their weight is still OK or I have to see the nutritionist since the DR hasn’t said anything about it yet.Thanks ma and will be grateful if my question is attended to.

    1. The weight are not okay…they should be weighing averagely 14kg at 3 years. You should see the Nutritionist for advice on how to ensure you are giving appropriate food quantity and quality. The twins are currently underweight with the average weight of a 1 year old.

  125. Adaobi padra

    My baby BW was 2.7 now he’s 7 months and he’s weighing 7.5kg please is he improving…cos people tell me that he doesn’t have weight and it make me feel bad cos I know I feed him always and that he’s very light and it makes me so sad

  126. Flourish iyke

    Please ma my baby weight was 2.8kg at birth at 39weeks, he weighed 4.4kg at 6weeks hope he not under weight

  127. Hello Doctor,
    My baby 8 month completed bt still 5.500 grams. How can improve my baby weight. my baby all food items taken bt weight no improvement one month increase baby weight just 400 grams below. one day baby weight just 15 below grams. dec 4, 2021 my baby birthday so pls help me my baby weight increase.
    Durga R

    1. You need to book a consultation or see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation to know why your child is not gaining weight despite eating well according to you. It is important to rule out medical conditions that can cause that. An 8 month old should be weighing averagely 7.5kg

  128. hi doctor hope fine my daughter was weighing 2.5kgs.now she is 6months3weeks weighing 6.3kg,6.1cm height is that ok.

  129. Good evening Doc. My baby’s birth weight was 1.5 at 30 weeks 6 days. Currently weighs 7.7kg at 9months. Please is this okay.

  130. Hi doctor my baby birth weight is 2.5kg and now at 3months he is 5.6kg. is it good weight for 3 months. i’m worried

  131. Hello Doctor,
    I read your article. Thank you very much.
    My baby was born 6weeks pre-term weighing 1.8kg. He was in NICU for 2weeks where he reduced to 1.4kg. Today he is 4months and 2weeks old and weighs 4.5kg. He is exclusively formula fed as I don’t have any milk. He doesn’t take the same qty. of milk in every feed, I try to feed him atleast 60ml-90ml(sometimes and max he has ever had). Also I feed him 5 times a day. Is his weight and qty of feed age appropriate?

  132. Anyanya Bassey

    Hello Doctor,

    My baby girl was born at 3.65 kg, she was doing well until at about 6 – 8 months when we started complimentary feeding. She has not been feeding well, rejecting almost everything, even if she accepts a kind of cereal today, in 2 days she begins to reject. At 9 months now, she is just 7.7kg. Is this normal? What medications can we use to help her eat well. Meanwhile, she vomits most of the feeds and we have used vitamin c, multivitamins and cod liver oil.

    1. No,…it is not normal; her average weight at 9 months should be 9kg. There are no medications to make a baby eat well. You should read the article on INFANT FEEDING IN THE FIRST 1000 DAYS or listen to the podcast INFANT FEEDING 1000 DAYS – PODCAST for tips on helpin your baby to eat. Multivitamins are not appetite stimulants.

      If you want to do a course and read the manual on complementary feeding; check out the FTM series here https://ojaadigitalmarketplace.com/index.php/paediatricians-consult-limited/

  133. Hello doc pls my baby weight was 2.2kg and he’s 3kg now as at 2weeks and 4days.I had him in my 36th weeks.pls is his weight okay?

  134. Shweta Chaudhari

    Hello Doctor,
    My baby girl born weight was 2.95 Kg and after 2.5 month she is weighing about 4.6 Kg. Is it Normal?

    1. It is fine. Please read the article for details on how you can do it yourself to know if your baby’s weight is age appropriate or not

  135. Kgalalelo Desiree Letshabo

    I am feeding my baby formula,nestum porridge, purity, fish and veggies she doesn’t want to eat solid food that we eat in the house and the appetite is well she is healthy, crawling and moving with the furniture. It’s just her weight that worries me

  136. my baby girl was born at 2.2kgs at birth right now she is 8 months weighing 6.86kgs is that appropriate please help

    1. Dr Gbemisola

      That is fair. An average 8 months old weighs 8.5kg. If your baby was born preterm, we need to use her corrected age to check if her weight was age appropriate or not. You should ensure you are doing complementary feeding appropriately while still breastfeeding. All the best. For urgent questions and answers, please post your questions directly to our Facebook group

  137. ronnyrhoads2569

    Admiring the time and energy you put into your site and in depth information you provide. It’s good to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same out of date rehashed information. Excellent read! I’ve bookmarked your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

    1. Thank you. If you have any questions that need urgent answers, please post on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group here

  138. Good day Doctor, please my baby birth weight was 4.3kg at 6weeks he weigh 3.9kg is this normal ?

    1. No it is not normal for your baby to be loosing weight at 6 weeks. Are you breastfeeding exclusively? Ensure you are feeding your baby appropriately and see your Paediatrician for further evaluation as to the cause of the weight loss.

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