Jedi-Jedi – Myth or Reality?

Any Paediatrician who practices in Nigeria especially the South and Western part of the country can not but have been accosted by Mums who want treatment for “jedi-jedi”.
In fact the average Naija Mums believe her children should regularly take “Agbo jedi-jedi” – native herbal

Agbo Jedi

Indeed many believe that the orthodox western medical professionals have no clue on how to manage the almighty “jedi-jedi” and will not bother to disturb you with asking for a remedy. You get to know about her routines for “Jedi-jedi” while taking a drug history for another complaints all-together.
If you ask several people to describe to you what they mean by “jedi-jedi”; you are going to get different answers. While asking mums at times to describe the symptoms which constitute her own diagnosis of Jedi-jedi; the answers we got often are poles apart different for just one condition!

The unrelated symptoms of “Jedi-jedi” range from back pain, watery stools, bloody stools, mucoid stools to vomiting or a mass protruding out of the anus!!! Hardly do you find two people whose definitions of symptoms for the popular “Jedi-Jedi” are same or even remotely similar!

What is this Jedi-jedi?

Jedi-jedi is a Yoruba word which literally means “something eating up the anus”. It is a very popular word which is often thrown around for many different medical conditions often having to do with the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed to affect both children and adults as a result of sugary or junk food intakes. The latter as regards the cause is the only consensus most people have as far as “Jedi-Jedi” is concerned.

jedi-jedi herbal mixture

Jedi-Jedi is more or less a generic term by the Yorubas for many gastrointestinal diseases or problems. Unfortunately many other tribes in Nigeria especially in the Southwest have adopted the term so it is not uncommon for us to hear other mums who are not even Yorubas say my baby has “jedi-jedi” or “I am giving “agbo” to prevent “jedi-jedi”.

The common diseases often labelled jedi-jedi and their proper medical terms:

  • Passage of frothy stools; which are also often watery. This is DIARRHOEA.
  • Passage of mucoid stools.This is also DIARRHOEA.
  • Passage of bloody or mucoid and bloody stools……This is DYSENTERY.
  • A mass protrusion from the anus which can reversibly be in and out or permanently out…..This is RECTAL PROLAPSE.
  • Presence of some tags or part of the intestines which come and go….most likely also called piles. These are HAEMORRHOIDS.

So we see that the term “Jedi-Jedi” in the local language does not refer to just one disease diagnosis but several types…even in adults back pain and constipation are also grouped as “Jedi-Jedi”!!!
It is important to state that since “Jedi-Jedi” is not one disease. Therefore, there is also no one treatment fit all.

Please do not give local herbs for “Jedi-Jedi” either once in a while or routinely to children either for prevention or treatment. The danger of this practice is the fact that these herbs can cause liver or kidney damage. Let us protect these vital organs of our children.
If you think your baby has “Jedi-Jedi”; Please see a doctor to know what the right medical disease or diagnosis is. Let it be treated appropriately by the professionals. For some of these conditions wrongfully labelled “jedi-jedi”, home remedies can be commenced even before presentation at the hospital for example in diarrhoea illness.

  • Diarrhoea just need Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) and oral Zinc.
  • Dysentery will need antibiotics. So see a doctor.
  • Haemorrhoids and rectal prolapse may require surgery depending on the severity. They can also be managed conservatively.

“Jedi-Jedi” is not one disease and there is also no one treatment fit all.
Thank you for reading! I will love to read your comments and questions.

322 thoughts on “ Jedi-Jedi – Myth or Reality?”

  1. Hmmmmm thanks Doc. I so much appreciate this write up, though I am an educationist, I never believed in Jedi, u have strengthened my believe more

      1. Well-done ma. Does Little blood in one faeces accompany with hard stool signify dysentery? If yes, what is the way out especially for a breastfeeding mother. Thanks

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Dysentery is passage of watery stools with visible blood in the stools.

          Passing hard stools with blood suggests a tear along the anus as a result of the hard stools. The mother should eat lots of vegetables and food rich in fibre. She should also drink lot of water. If no improvement, she should see her doctor for further evaluation and management.

          She should continue to breastfeed though!

          1. Good evening doc, please can much in take of fruits by a breastfeeding mother cause her baby’s poop to be watery ?

          2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

            Well…not really except the baby is sensitive to the particular fruits. The fruits per se does not go into the breast milk just some of its end-products. Keep breastfeeding exclusively!

          3. Wow!!! This is really an eye opening to the Use of Agbo Jedi Jedi by our Parents. Thanks doc. for this enlightenment. Am not going to make this mistake on my kids

          4. Good evening ma,
            Thank you for the information. Please my baby of 3months has always been pooing watery stools since I gave birth to him. The stool is watery sometimes greenish in colour, sometimes yellowish and has mucus in it. Please what should I do

          5. Dr Gbemisola

            How are you feeding your baby? We recommend exclusive breastfeeding only. Do not bottle feed formula or give water. See a Paediatrician if you are breastfeeding exclusively and your baby is still having diarrhoea.

          6. Good day ma’am, please my baby of 4 months poos like 4 -5 times in a day for like a week and some days now, the poo at first is yellowish which will later turn green on diaper, slimy(it contain mucus) and watery, have used flagyl and amoxicilling but it is not stopping. Some say it is teething while others says it is jedi- Jedi. Please what can I do?

          7. Kindly STOP the antibiotics. This is not jedijedi or any such things. Greenish stools is suggestive of inadequate feeding. Kindly breastfeed your baby on demand and very frequently until 6 months and then you can introduce complementary feeding.

          8. Ubong ekong

            What is the baby’s stool is dark yellow but not too watery and passes this tool up to 3 times daily. Pls what could be wrong with bavy

          9. Good morning ma,
            Please what about if an adult of over 30yrs of age , experiences several back and waist pains and actually started affecting erection to the extent couldn’t having two rounds of sexual activity at a moment, but many keeps saying it’s Jedi but couldn’t take those herbs cause it’s scary to take. But whenever takes bitter cola it relief. Please kindly advise what to do with this.
            Thanks ma.

          10. You should see a doctor preferably a urologist in any of the teaching hospital for proper evaluation.

      2. Could passing out of hard stool with little blood signify dysentery? If yes, what’s the way out especially for a breastfeeding mother

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede


          Dysentery is passage of watery stools with visible blood in the stools.

          Passing hard stools with blood suggests a tear along the anus as a result of the hard stools. The mother should eat lots of vegetables and food rich in fibre. She should also drink lot of water. If no improvement, she should see her doctor for further evaluation and management.

          She should continue to breastfeed though!

          1. Thanks for the insight ma. Grateful for this piece. Pls ma, what could be the reason why a baby cries before farting? Someone said it’s Jedi Jedi but didn’t believe this. Thanks ma

          2. It is not any jedijedi…It is perfectly normal for babies to react to the movement of the gas in the tummy when being passed by crying. As they get older, they are more comfortable with this and do not cry anymore

          3. My baby of 2months plus squeeze her body while pooing and some said its Jedi Jedi. Please ma,what will I do?

          4. It is not. That sounds more like gas passing through the tummy. You will notice that once the baby pass the gas; the squeezing stops. It is nothing to worry about. Read also more about colic here DOC, WHAT IS COLIC?

          5. Thank you doc, my baby is a month old and she is passing out a greenish stool with mucous. I was told is Jedi Jedi. Please can she take anit biotics at a month old

          6. That is not jedijedi. It is a sign of poor feeding – inadequate breastfeeding. All you need to do is to breastfeed your baby exclusively and on demand and ensure your baby empties one breast before switching to the next. Alternate the breasts when feeding.

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            ATP FTM WhatsApp group is running. Join now by making payment of N20,000 only to ASK THE PAEDIATRICIANS Foundation 0258158136 Guaranty Trust bank and you will be added. Enjoy group benefits. Live classes have started 5th March 2022

          7. Good evening ma please my baby of five months,I feed on breast milk and formula but he poo like 5 to 6 times a day for like 3days now.but yesterday after bathing him pass a stool something like watery, bloody stool 2times that day and today yellowish but later turn to green and he is getting slimmer.i notice something hard on his anus like pile and also stomach pain and upset.please ma what can I do.thanks

          8. Dr Gbemisola

            You should take any child with blood in stools to the hospital immediately. Please just breastfeed your baby. There is no need for formula at all. For urgent questions and answers, please post your questions directly to our Facebook group

          9. Thanks for the write-up, ma’am.

            Please, what about discolouring of the face accompanied with rashes, and sometimes gradual loss of the frontal part the hair on the head? Some have said it’s ‘jedi jedi’. What can be done in this case?

          10. It is not jedijedi….that is a skin infection and you should see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.

        2. My baby is 2month and a week, breastfeeding exclusively but has foamy poop with tiny particles in it, yellowish but sometimes a bit greenish. The anus inner is reddish and there are white spots on the cheeks. What should I do

          1. I think your baby may have some rashes perhaps fungal infection. Kindly see a doctor for appropriate evaluation and treatment. Hope you are not giving any medications apart from breast milk? as these stools are unusual in babies on exclusive breastfeeding.

        3. Hello Ma, please my Baby is two weeks plus and I discovered whenever she wants to pass out stool she use to stretch her body as if stomach is paining her. Though the stool is not hard but watery and looks like melon soup , please I’m worried about this . what do you suggest I do?

          1. That is perfectly normal stools and normal behaviour. It is nothing to worry about. Don’t worry.

      3. Timothy Stephen

        Good morning Doctor.
        My son is a year and five months old now, for some time now he has been passing out watery stool at times three to four times a day and at night he is not comfortable when sleeping. He always raised his legs and always role on bed and at the same time he cries.
        Please what might be the problem.

    1. Timothy Stephen

      Good morning Doctor,
      My child is a year and five months old now, for some time now he has been passing out watery stool at times three to four times a day and at night he is not comfortable when sleeping, he always cry and raising his legs and turning on the bed.
      Please what is wrong with him

    2. Good day Doctor, thank you for this insightful teaching.
      My baby of 18months cries at midnight and when I give grape water he calms. I don’t know if it is colic or Jedi jedi and is the grape water okay for him.

      1. 18 month old should not have colic. You should see a doctor if you don’t know why your baby is crying. There are many reasons a baby can cry at midnight and calming down when given gripe water does not mean anything. We do not recommend gripe water. Focus on knowing why the child cries – dreaming, hunger, heat, etc

      1. Hello, Dr I have this disorder in my stomach to the extent that if I eat anything made from vegetable oil I will stool, presently anytime I defecate I see blood. What can I do to stop it?

      2. my baby is 10 weeks he is been pooping loss stool yellow one with blood for 8 days now and every time he finish to eat he poo and it smelling he is also vomiting he is lossing weight and I’m not breast feeding I went to the doctor he give us Zin

  2. Thanks abunch but my baby’s skin had patches of colors and I was told Jedi Jedi by the person administering immunisation for him, advise use of black soap n shea butter

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not Jedijedi o…Kindly see a Paediatrician or Dermatologist for further evaluation and management

      1. Thank you so much Doctor.
        Recently I noticed my daughter’s stool was yellowish with that famous egusi soup description that is attributed to Jedi jedi, someone told me to give her diflucan. I’ve googled diflucan and seen that it is a drug used to treat fungal and yeast infections.
        Your write-up has really educated me today.

        1. That is not jedi-jedi…that is normal stool in babies on exclusive breastfeeding. Kindly DO NOT GIVE ANY MEDICCATIONS PLS!!! PLS never use medications suggested by people to you!!! Only doctors are allowed and authorized to prescribe medications.

    2. Please na I want to ask my baby had a restless night, passes watery stool and as we speak has reddish coloration in her anus and some part or her labia majora maybe as a result of that toward the anus or watery stool, please what could that be ?

      1. The baby has a fungal infection around the perineum and this will require treatment with appropriate antifungal medications. The diarrhoea illness also should be treated usually with ORS and oral Zinc. See your doctor for treatment as soon as possible.

    3. Doctor what could be the cause of itching all over a baby’s body especially in the anus and private part. It started right from birth, we have treated him in the hospital and it stops and after sometime it starts again. We have treated this several times and nothing has change.

      1. There are many things that can cause that especially allergies or skin disorders. You should see a Paediatrician or Dermatologist for further management. You can post urgent questions to our Facebook group

    4. Okusanya Damilola

      I’m having some little pain in the lower part of my stomach and some watery stool since yesterday morning what could this be and what can I do although I’m having some slight back pain too people say it might be Jedi Jedi but I’d like to know more

      1. You should see your doctor for proper evaluation and do not make any assumptions as to what is wrong with you

  3. Kehinde Aminat Ahmodu

    Please doctor, my eight month baby does eat well, she does take any puree form of food. am worried because she doesnt look chubby

  4. Thank you doc. what should be done when kids have probably taken too many sweet things. It’s presumed that’s when agbo Jedi should be given. @

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is pure African or Nigerian myth.AVOID junks for children and give them healthy snacks. Read the article….taking sweet thing can lead to dental caries or if poisoned, diarrhoea but that is not jedijedi and there is no need to give any native herbal concoction

      1. That’s perfectly normal stools for babies on breast milk Sandra. It is nothing to worry about.

  5. Morenikeji Abel

    Hello doctors, my boy of six years old has his anus shooting out (idi e yoo) though remaining small to enter. My mum says his jedi jedi. Please what’s the cause and remedy. Thanks in advance for your response.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not Jedi-jedi but rectal prolapse or haemorrhoids. Kindly take him to see a Paediatric surgeon for proper evaluation and management. Treat as urgent.

      1. Some people even say when a baby is 1 month old he has Jedi already because he takes formular and the poo has bad smell as such one should use “cafra pelebe “(don’t know the English name) but it’s that white flat thing you soak in water and give them to drink.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          That is PURE MYTHS!!!

          PLEASE DO NOT GIVE KAFRA to children…It can damage their organs.

          Please breastfeed the newborn or 1 month old exclusively – breastmilk only!!!

          1. Adekunle Esther

            Please my 7 month baby has constipation and my mum has been disturbing me that I should buy kafra and give but I said no. Should I go with her instructions?

        2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          PLEASE DO NOT GIVE KAFRA to children….It can cause organ damage.

          All the newborn needs is BREAST MILK ONLY!!!

        3. Thank you ma for the article. My baby has some rashes in his neck like eczema and sometimes his poo is greenish. Some said is Jedi and advice me to get one Jedi and Nla drug from a pharmacy . Please ma is it right to get it?

          1. Kindly see a doctor first who will evaluate your baby and recommends appropriate treatment

  6. If my mother in law talks about agbo Jedi for my 14days old again I’d simply show her this educative write up. No more arguments.
    Thanks Doctor this piece has really strengthened my resolve against taking any form of agbo. God bless you.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Wow…that’s good. Do it respectfully though….the grannies-new mothers battle is another topic for another day.

      You are welcome

      1. Good day Dr. My daughter of six weeks old passes watery/slimy poop yellow in colour but sometimes green, has red colouration on her bombom, please is it jedijedi and what should I do?

        1. Are you feeding with formula? These may explain the acidic stools that is causing the redness on the anus. We encourage you to breastfeed exclusively to avoid such scenarios. Kindly read the article to understand the misconception called Jedijedi.

    2. God bless you ma for the teachings, I made a lot of mistake in the past but your teaching have cleared my blinded eyes over Jedi case, I am 3months nd I have learnt a good lesson.thanks a million times

  7. Thank you Dr for this post God bless your good works.. I am a first time mum and I’m always confused on how to take care of my baby. Please what does occasional green poop mean and what can I take to clean out sugar I have taken in order for it not to affect my baby through breast milk?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Green poo often suggests inadequate feeding the so-called starvation stools in babies on breastfeeding. The solution is to breastfeed more and ensure that the baby takes both the fore and hindmilk that is completely empties one breast before switching to the next breast and alternate the breasts with feeds. Please he sugar you have taken has been digested and absorbed and has nothing to do with the health of your baby. That is pure myths. Just keep eating healthy foods especially rich in vegetables and drink lot of water as well

  8. Omolarà busari

    Thank you doctor,my baby use to groan and raise up her legs before she dedicate and fart, and the poo is hard but she’s on EBF.what should I give to make her deficate easily.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That sounds like colic. Kind read about colic here However a baby on exclusive breastfeeding usually do not pass hard stools but soft semi-solid stools. You do not need to give anything…just keep breastfeeding with breast milk only.

    2. Christine Peter

      Hellow ma! I am from Tanzania married to a Nigerian( Yoruba) we hav 3 kids now but 2 of them we had in abroad this last one I gave birth to him 2 weeks ago in Africa so I get to experience my Mother in law taking care of one our newborn baby! She’s been giving the baby agbo jedi since 3 days old morning & night. The baby has been pooping none stop it’s 2 weeks now but the baby looks tiny like a 3 days old baby and today he pooped more than 10 times the poop is very watery,mucous & mixed with blood like 7 diapers have blood in it my mother in law says he’s cleansing dirt it’s Jedi Jedi. I’m confused & scared I raised my other two normally they’ve never taken agbo and they doin just fine (7yrs & 3yrs). She says I’m eating sugary stuff that causes it. I asked my husband to ask her to stop giving that to our child but the baby still poops a lot should I be concerned??

      1. Please tell your mother-in-law to stop giving the baby the agbo. You should just breastfeed exclusively only. You should be firm.

  9. Aduloju Fisayo Adeniran

    Hello Doc, please my baby is 4months and 3wks old. He feeds on both formula and breast milk but poo like ones in 5days and his poo is usually hard. Can this be jedijedi or is it okay for him to poo that little with formula?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not JEDI-JEDI….It is the formula you are giving. We encourage exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months. If you are giving formula then you must mix according to the recommended amount of scoops to right measure of water. You should also give plain water after the formula feeds as well. If the constipation persists then you should see a Paediatrician.

  10. God bless you ma for this article. My mother inlaw advice I give agbo Jedi-jedi to my baby since he is 1year old now, but I keep wondering where to get infact agbo jedi from. Thank God you shed light on this. More grace ma

      1. Leticia Ugonma

        Thanks Doc, infact you are God sent. My baby is 2months and 3wks but have been passing watery stool for a week now and weight is 5.3kg. we’re on Ebf. I feel she not gaining weight.

        1. The weight is more than normal. Just breastfeed exclusively – no water and no drugs. What you describe as watery may be the normal semi-formed “egusi” kind like stools of EBF babies. It is not diarrhoea. To know what is normal weight gain babies; check out this article What is my baby’s ideal weight?

      2. Good morning doctor, please my baby of six months has white patches very close to her eyes and eyelids and also around her nose that looks like eczema, people said it’s nla,is there anything I can apply on it or is it going to heal on its own, thank you.

        1. You should see a doctor first to comfirm the skin rashes type and cause and prescribe appropriate treatment. We cannot treat skin rashes without seeing it.

          To book consultation with ATP paediatricians, send a Whatsapp message to +2349056916818.

          You can also post your questions directly to our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook Group

  11. I really love dis write up but please doctor can a 2weeks baby have Jedi Jedi? And what home remedy should one use tnk u and God bless

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I think you should read the article again. It depends on your own definition of “jedijedi”! As stated in the article, different people use the word for different things. It is better to state clearly in English which symptoms you are concerned about in the 2 weeks old so I can answer you apprpriately. Avoid using the term “jedijedi”…..very non-specific.
      Please DO NOT USE ANY SO-CALLED HOME REMEMDIES in newborns. If you observe anything in this vulnerable group of children, Please SEE A PAEDIATRICIAN first. Your home remedies can do more harm than good.

  12. I appreciate what you and your crew are doing here. Being a first-time Father, I find a lot of things challenging with my one month baby girl, but with what you are publishing here I am confident that in few taps I can get what I want. More especially, I want to appreciate your local concentration which makes it easier to solve parents problems without being Western. This “Jedi-Jedi” topic is well understood. Thanks a million times.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Wow….this is a very excellent review. Thank you Ezechinyere…keep reading and keep learning.

      1. Hi Dr. This is very informative,
        What about lower back pain that is common among adult men, which is also term Jedi Jedi Opa eyin. What are home remedies and possible avoidances to good belt from this.
        Moreover, majority of this ailments where termed as a result of sugar and sweet things intake, is it true, if yes are we not to take sweeteners again especially sugar( honey is expensive).
        If no, then is there any other adverse effect that sweetener cause.
        Emphatically, Lower back pain, what is the cause and how do we avoid it.

        1. If you have chronic back pain; please see a doctor to know why you have back pain. There are many causes of back pain chief among which is bad posture and poor mattress for sleep. They have absolutely nothing to do with eating sweet things or sugar. Though white sugar consumption is not good for your health but it does not cause back pain.

  13. Please Doc, is there anything like inu iwo, I don’t know the term in English, because my mother in law gave my baby agbo for that as soon as the umbilical cord was removed

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is what is called COLIC. Please stop the herbal medications; not recommended and could pose danger to the internal organs of the child that are still very tender and immature. Read more about colic here

    2. Pl my wrist is paining me and i was thinking is jedi jedi. I have taken it but nothing happen, just reaching on what to before i come across this blog please what can i do. I asked my friend is tomuch sugar. Am 24yrs

      1. Waist pain is not jedijedi. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation. You can take paracetamol and other pain killers in the interim before seeing your doctor.

  14. Tank u ma for d write up very my 3months baby poo smells badly and Also her fart,am on EBF, i don’t know if its somting to worry about. Thx ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is nothing to worry about…It is a reflection of the food you are eating which is what flavours the breast milk.

    2. Hi Doc, please my 2yrs eight month old boy has been stooling, the poo has mucous and blood in it. What is the cause and remedy to it …

  15. Oyeranmi Omotayo

    More wisdom ma. Pls my 2 weeks old baby stretches always, sleeping or awake,and he rubs both legs together, my mother in law says its jedijedi and i should get him agbo Jedi. First time mum.

  16. Oyeranmi Omotayo

    More wisdom ma. Pls my 2 weeks old baby stretches always, sleeping ,awake or breastfeeding,and he rubs both legs together, my mother in law says its jedijedi and i should get him agbo Jedi. First time mum.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please that is not true….Babies at that age shows a lot of discomfort from colic or gas passing through their intestines. Please do not give any native or herbal remedies. It is something that will pass with time. Read more about colic here

    2. Gud morning Doc
      Thanks so much for this writeup, my baby of 3months some weeks is having this same issue of passing greenish poo they said is jedi thou i went to pharmacy and they gave me Emgyl

  17. Fumbi Onadapo

    Please what is the treatment for RECTAL PROLAPSE? I think I’m affected with something similar .

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There are different treatment options depending on severity. Please see a General Surgeon for further evaluation and management.

  18. Thanks alot ma for this wonderful information….pls my baby is four months but has been pooin greenish for close to a month now …aldo some yellowish appears once in a while but baby is fine and happy…mother says its jedijedi and brought a jedi jedi medicine but i have never giving her…also i breastfeed her for long on a breast before switching to another..could she be pooing green because shes already showing sign of teethin like putting her finger and anything within her reach in her mouth and also drooling…

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No! Thank you for not giving her herbal remedies. Please keep breastfeeding exclusively and allow one breast to empty before switching to the next. Also breastfeed on demand.

  19. Good day Doctor, thank you for this platform. My nine week old’s pooping pattern changed around 8 weeks, now she only poops once or twice a day these days; but for the past three days I have noticed her poop is slimy like there’s mucus, is this something I should worry about?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Nothing to worry about…just continue exclusive breastfeeding and watch your own intake especially spices or flavoured products or medications that could be passed via breast milk to the baby and influence such changes.

      1. Tnx for candid advise o started given my baby 7month old formula last 2weeks nd I noticed some whitish smtin in his poo with mucus could it be jedijedi

  20. thanks ma for this very educative piece,was really confused about thie jedi jedi thing,though have never considered it even when am told my baby have it.
    my baby is 4 months old and poos once or twice a day but my worry sometimes is that is poo is usually watery and slimy though we are doing exclusive breastfeeding.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There is no need to worry. Your baby does not have jedi-jedi. Continue exclusive breastfeeding and also watch what you eat or take in as they can be passed via breast milk and can affect the texture of your baby’s stools.

    2. My four months old baby poops once in 5days. And the poop is thick, melon in nature, very smelly and draws. I beg to ask if it’s normal. Thank you ma’am.

      1. This is normal stools for baby on breastmilk. The drawing may be related to any medications you may be giving the baby or that you are taking yourself.

  21. my nine months old is defecating an odourless greenish mucus stool, and feeling discomfort at night. I’ve gotten antibiotics. bu no changes. pls wat do I do?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly STOP the use of antibiotics. Greenish stools are often referred to as starvation stools as a result of inadequate feeds. Feed your child adequately – exclusive breastfeeding on demand in the first 6 months of life and adeauate complementary feeds after that while still breastfeeding for as long as possible. Read more here Infant feeding in the first 1000 days

  22. What abut a greenish baby poop what could cause that because people have also been advicing me to give ago Jedi to my baby because of the greenish poop.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No! Greenish stool does not translate to “jedi-jedi”. Greenish stools we often refer to as “starvation stools” It means the child is not getting adequate meals either breast milk or complementary feeding. Kindly do not give herbal concoctions.

  23. faith Malachi

    Good day Doc.pls what can I use to treat hemrhoid since I put to bed last year my baby is 9months old now and it’s still there i really don’t know what to do

  24. am deeply grateful for this article ma, my 3 months old son was said to have jedijedi cause of slight rash he has which i believe to be heat rash since the part of the country,Taraba state is very hot at the moment. they prepared herbs and injected it into his anus, i was very uncomfortable as no one could give the accurate definition or explanation of the kind of jedijedi they are talking about. am deeply hurt as my refusal could lead to ……secondly i realized that my son poos once in a week , since he was 2 months and 2 weeks. i want to know if this is normal, i ensure i take plenty of vegetables and fruits. still am deeply concerned as i speak he has not pooed since last week Sunday and today is Thursday .please ma what should i do.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Wow Faith…that is a very horrible experience. You have the right to refuse any local or traditional treatment to your baby as some can be dangerous.

      Babies on exclusive breastfeeding may not pass stools every day even up to 2 weeks at times. It is nothing to worry about. So once a week is fine…no need to worry. Keep breastfeeding exclusively.

  25. benson blessing

    pls ma my baby is 14weeks old nd he still weighs the same weight he had wen he was 10 weeks, he usually poos once a day or twice a day but suddenly change to pooing two to three times a day and the colour of his poo is yellow mixed with greenish mucus like structure we are on exclusive breastfeeding wot shuld i do i was.adviced to sqeeze cent leave nd boil d water nd give it to him

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello! Please don’t give any scent leave…just keep breastfeeding exclusively and the baby will gain weight. You can check the weight gain in another week .

      1. Please Dr my 17months old baby sometimes leaves a pinkish tiny spots on the pampers or nappy exactly at the point where his penis touches the nappy or pampers (like one in a month or two)but not every month.i took him to the hospital n I was told it severe malaria,but now his stool dark colored n watery after a moderate texture comes out first n he poo like 4to 5times a day.

        1. I will recommend you take your baby to a Teaching hospital about the pink spots in the diaper, that is NOT severe malaria please. It is important to be sure your baby is not passing blood in the urine. Stools texture and frequency are a reflection of what you are feeding the child. Pay attention to hygiene and give your baby only boiled drinking water. Ensure the child is eating age appropriate meals.

  26. Good day doc,my 7 month old baby’s vagina and anus has been peeling on its own for sometime now and am pretty sure it isn’t diaper rash. I was advised to give her Jedi Jedi medicine but it keeps coming back. The peeling looks like an injury as if hot water poured on it. Please any advise on what it might be and what to use. Thank you ma.

  27. Good evening ma, thank you for this piece. Please my 4 weeks old baby doesn’t sleep well at night. I thought it was colic at the beginning because she was always crying but now she doesn’t cry but always wide awake, she stretches a lot when she is feeding. Though she takes infacol, She only cries when she feels she is alone.
    My grandmother said it was ‘inuwo’ and gave her agbo. Now she says it is jedijedi that she should take karfura since her poo has mucous.
    Please what can I do to make her sleep well.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please it is colic! Do not give agbo or kafura or any such things. You can continue the infacol; it will pass. read more about colic here

      1. Dr. Good Day, please I believe my Jedi Jedi is due to sugary food, drinks and Junk food like soaking garri, too much consumption of bread with little beans. But I was told by a nurse that the cause of it was DIRT: that is to say that I have dirt in my tummy. So she told me to take FLAGIN AND THETESACLINE, when I complain that I still have watery and frothy stools feces, she gave me another medicine, which is white in color, name not well shown on the tablet because it was cut in to two, not a complete sachet. I took it yesterday, so it seems it is OK, just afraid it might show up again since am still eating same food. Please what should I do since I can’t afford to eat much nutritional meals for now?

        1. Kindly read the full article for better understanding as there is no entity called jedijedi but people use the term for different medical conditions. You appear to have diarrhoea and that should be treated with ORS and oral Zinc. Please see a doctor when sick for proper evaluation and management.

  28. Wow. This is indeed educative, i appreciat u ma. Just after i put to birth my mum inlaw introduced us to kafra n garlic, i got tired of the whole process n stopped it at her 6wks. Secondly i changed her diaper n few days after my aunt noticed diaper rash n said i should be applying vaseline n expose her but my church women came n said it’s jedijedi n they prescibed agbo which i gave her for 3days bcos something in me says i shd stop so i threw them away. God bless u

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please do not give the Agbo or any of those things. Just use the regular diaper cream like vaseline and the baby will be fine!

      1. Doctor, tanx for the good advice, God bless you. My baby has been stooling since she was 1 month old, I took her to the hospital, she was given flora norm, ORS and zinc. It stopped for 2wks, now she’s 3 months plus, she’s still having a mucu stool for 3 – 4 times daily, is this normal?

        1. Your baby does not need any floranom at 1 month old OR ANY MEDICATIONS at all. Please STOP all these medications and simply just breastfeed your baby exclusively and on demand.

  29. Hello doctor,
    i gave birth 4 weeks ago. my MIL is around for omugwo and she has said when the baby is 3 months she will be bathed with and drink agbo. I have no problm with her bathing but DRINKING it is my problem. Shes a pretty stubborn woman who dosnt like to be corrected or adviced. What can i do? My hubby supports his mum to a T. Or is it ok for my daughter to drink to avoid conflict? Pls advice

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Are you kidding me? You want to give a baby something that can harm the baby so as to avoid conflict with your mother-in-law? Please NO!! Take the baby with mother in law to see a Paediatrician and ask this question and let the Paediatrician tell her and when next she wants to disturb you, tell her baby’s doctor said NO! Seriously, it is your baby; be polite but FIRM!!!

  30. Thanks for the info ma…..pls what are the examples of common flavoured drinks / spices for a breastfeeding mother to avoid….. Thanks again

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Soda drinks and anything you eat that disagree with your baby eg ginger and the rest!

  31. Good day Ma. Please i am a first time mum, my 5months old baby have been passing yellowish slimy stool like (mellon seed)which turns green in the diaper after sometime which usually comes with an explosive sound coupled with not sleeping well for a MONTH now, we have given her Augmentin, ORS and Zinc, loxagyl and extracted water from scent leaf yet it has not stopped. .just 2 days ago i noticed reddish rash on her buttocks, some said jedijedi or NRA.PLEASE HELP MA should i continue giving ORS & Zinc or what Ma? i am going crazy here. She is on exclusive

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly STOP all the antibiotics and the herbal treatment. They are unnecessary and your baby does not need them! Please breastfeed only!!! The stools you describe is normal and what you need to watch is what you eat or any medications you are taken that could be passed via breast milk to your baby. You are the one creating more issues for the baby with all the unnecessary treatment. Give your baby breast milk, change diaper frequently and use diaper creams like zinc oxide or unperfumed vaseline.

  32. Good day doc, pls my 4 months old baby has this stubborn nappy rash that has refused to clear. I’ve used sudocrem and mucipirosin. she’s on EBF. Could it be yeast infection?

  33. Good evening Doc, I’m a first time mother of 3weeks old, my baby is pooing yellowish and greenish poo for some days now, she is on exclusive and the only thing I can remember I ate was carrot and cucumber, she’s has reddish rashes in her anus, I’ve been told is Jedi Jedi, and prescribed alot of things like using scent leaf on her which is going to be very painful, I don’t know what to do ma, I’m so disturbed ma, I need your advice

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That sounds like normal stools but please continue exclusive breastfeeding. Pay more attention to what you eat and change the diaper frequently when wet not only when soiled. Use barrier cream like vaseline or sudocream for the diaper area, not powder please. Your baby does not have any jedi-jedi and please do not use any of the herbal remedies. If no improvement based on above recommendations, please see a Paediatrician.

  34. good afternoon Doc ,my 3month old baby poo more than five times a day greenish in color and watery .should I just ignore and continue breastfeeding

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is a sign of inadequate breastfeeding. You need to breast more often and on demand and ensure that the breast is emptied – breastfeed on one breast for at least 10 – 20 minutes to ensure the hindmilk which is the fatty part is also taken as well before switching the breast and alternate the breasts with feeding. Watch the breastfeeding videos on our Facebook grouo for more information.

      1. Good evening ma,
        Ma pls I’m a first time mother, my baby is 3months and 3weeks and since 2weeks now she has a watery frothy mucus yelloyish colour poo and at some point become greenish but she has no fever and is feeding well but she poo more than 5 to 6 times a day I was told it’s diarrhea and jadi jadi I have given emgly syrups and Clara herbal medicine but to no avail what should I do?
        Should I give her scent leave ? And she is on EBF.

        1. Please STOP all those medications immediately. All you need to do is to just breastfeed your baby exclusively! Pay attention to your hygiene as well.

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  35. Good day doc, please i noticed my baby has not pooed for about 5 days now, she’s 3 weeks old, she only urinates and she is on EBF, kindly assist/advise

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Babies on exclusive breastfeeding do nothave to pass stools every day and that is perfectly normal. Indeed they may not pass stools for up to 2 weeks and as long as the baby is ok -not vomiting or having distended tummy or irritable, there is no need to worry. Most of the breast milk is absorbed and the baby tends to cummulate the stools which when eventually passed will still be normal texture stools.

  36. Doc, good evening my baby of 3months has discoloration on her neck that is reddish, her vagina seems as if she had a burn and it is gradually getting into her anus. Her front hair line is falling out and looks bald. I have given her antibiotics and am currently using an anti fungal cream but nothing seems to be working. This started since she was 1 month. What do I do next?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes I agree it looks like a fungal infectiion. They may not be working because I am not sure you are giving the right medication at the right dose so it is time to go to the hospital to see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation and treatment. Please always avoid doing self-medication; better to see the Paediatrician.

  37. Good evening doctor,p ls ma my doctor poo came with some muccor.pls what can I give to her.she is 3 years old

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is nothing to worry about. Do not given anything except there is blood and in that case, take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation and treatment!

  38. Hello ma, please I have some questions to ask. Is there anything like jedi-jedi in babies? If yes, what could be used for the baby or probably what can the mother use and how can it be prevented from recurring? Thanks ma as I await your response.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Fausat. I have a feeling you have not read this article because that is what I just addressed in the article. Please read it and I am sure you will get the answer you need. All the best!

  39. Olorire olubunmi

    Pls ma my 2 year old baby’s anus comes out most times when she poo. It started recently. Pls any home remedy for this?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      We call it rectal prolapse. You need to take the child to see a Paediatrician or preferably a Paediatric surgeon for further evaluation and treatment. There is no home remedy for that. Do not delay

        1. The baby does not require any treatment….that is okay as long as the baby is otherwise well.

  40. my one month old baby have some rashes on her face and has not pooed for 4days. what might be the issue cos someone assumes is the so-called Jedi Jedi.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not jedijedi…Please see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Rashes have to be seen to be diagnosed.

      1. Good day Dr.
        Thank you for the write-ups, more grace.
        By the grace of God am a ATP volunteer in GOMBE.
        My son is 5weeks old, he grimace and scream a lot before passing small stool and he passes more of gas. What will i do?

        1. Nothing and that is not unusual in most babies as they tend to grunt a lot when passing stools or even urine. It does not mean the child is in pain. It is something that resolves with time.

  41. Hello Doctor good morning. Please my baby is 2 months old for like a week now she has been having yellowish watery stool and she poo like 5 or 6 times a day. Sometimes the poo is much sometimes its very little. Sometimes it comes out by itself and she cries as a result of stomach upset when the poo wants to come out. If I can carry her on my lap at times without diaper just few minutes she will stain my cloth with watery egusi like poo. I have been to the pharmacist I was given ORT and ZINC but I haven’t been serious with the ZINC. I have not even used the ORT for her. My question is how long will I use the ZINC and the ORT I can see you mentioned these two in your article. I wanted to get her AGBO JEDI that was why I haven’t been serious. With your article I won’t get her AGBO JEDI any more. But pls tell me what to do and enlighten me on the drugs. God bless you for this article

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Oh My Mrs Korede…a 2 month old baby should not be giving ORS and oral Zinc!!! Please don’t take your babies to Pharmacists to treat and what you are describing is NORMAL stools in babies on exclusive breastfeeding. Please STOP THE ZINC AND ORS and give your baby breastmilk only!!! That is not diarrhoea! Please do not give her Agbo jedi or any herbal concotions. Do not give any medications. Just keep breastfeeding exclusively only!

    2. Thanks a lot Doctor. Wow God help us o it was a pharmacist that gave me ORS and ZINC. Anyway I have stopped it .The Poo started having MUCOR so I took my baby to health center where she takes IMMUNIZATION and she was giving METRONIDAZOLE drop. She is doing fine now. Please DOC from what age can use the baby ORS and ZINC. God bless you

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        We usually recommend ORS and oral Zinc for diarrhoea from age of three months. Please take newborns to the hospital to see a Paediatrician please not by health centres or other allied health professionals.

  42. Hello doctor, pls my baby will be 6 month next week, her stomach always trouble, she will stretch and her abdomen will pop out a little, whenever this happens she cry sometimes, some said it is jedijedi and some said it is inuiwo(colic) pls doctor help.

    1. It is not jedi-jedi o. Also colic resolves around 3 months so it is unlikely. I will recommend taking to the hospital to see a Paediatrician for proper evaluation and management

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  44. Is Jedi’ Jedi linked to excessive flatulence? I am tired of the fart as it has to be forced out before I can feel okay. Is there a specific Agbo that is good for that.

    1. Excessive flatulence can be a sign of an illness in the digestive system. Please see a doctor as soon as you can. You should know we do not recommend any herbal medication here. We are orthodox medical practitioners.

  45. Good day ma, my 3 weeks old baby is having difficulty when trying to poo. You can see him groaning even when sleeping, as he is trying to push the poo out and later when I try to change him, there usually isn’t much poo. He is uncomfortable and not sleeping well. He takes both breast milk and pre Nan. Pre nan was given to him in d hospital because he had low birth weight. Should I stop the formula? I don’t know how to help him.

    1. I don’t think there is anything wrong as most babies do that and it is perfectly fine. You should see a Paediatrician following up the baby for further evaluation just to be sure there is nothing else

      1. Please ma, my baby of 8weeks poo and fart has a fowl smell, it’s dark yellow and draw like okro soup though not that much. Her stomach makes noise also. Please what could be the problem?

  46. damilola lawal

    Gud evening ma,my baby of 3 months on ebf has been passing mucour poo,and it could be with blood sometimes since lastweek.i took her to the hospital and the doctor prescribe metronidazole,i gave her has prescibed, the blood stopped but the mucor has not stop.she still poos more than 2times in a day.

    1. I don’t think you should worry. Your baby appears to have dysentery. Please complete the antibiotics for the number of days prescribed by your doctor. The mucus will stop gradually. Just keep breastfeeding exclusively.

      1. Good day ma. I noticed my 1omonths old her has lost her front hair drastically. I don’t know if she has an infection or is too much knotting of the hair. Some one said is Ella. I need help ma.

        1. It is difficult to say as all the above can cause it. Be gentle and use ruffles only to bond her hair. If there are rashes or flakes on the scalp, please see a doctor for treatment o. Some babies also lose their hair naturally and there is no cause for alarm as it will grow back later

  47. Okekeibe Chidinma

    Thanks very much for this
    But what will I gaive him if he is having diahorea ( always stooling more than ten times) since I gave birth to him and he is a month this week. The midwife where I gave birth to him said I should give him flagile which I have done.
    Before I read your write up I do think it’s Jedi Jedi because it’s eating up his anus and there are wounds in the anus and the stool is yellow mixed with green watery and has something like running nose

    1. Your baby who is 1 month old SHOULD BE SEEN BY A PAEDIATRICIAN. Please STOP the flagyl and see the Paediatrician immediately. Kindly only give breast milk

      1. Pls how can o treat my baby dysentery. Preferably if drugs can be prescribed. I have no access to a pediatrician right now. Hes 7 months old. He make a lot of sound for pushing d poo out and d poop is so watery and has few red particles inside. Could be 4 times in a day

        1. You don’t need a Paediatrician to treat dysentery. You should see a doctor who can prescribe appropriate antibiotics which your baby needs if the child has blood in his stools.

  48. Thanks a lot doctor. My baby is 3months, recently there are some white particles in her poo, please what will I give her.

  49. Good evening ma, please my baby is 5mnths and 26days old, he has rashes all over his body so I suspected measles and bought 7keys herbal mixture by dr. Alladinn and calamine lotion, I gave him 2.5ml daily and apply all over his body and also apply calamine lotion too but my serious challenge is he is pooing excessively like 15 to 17times a day, the poo is watery, foamy, sometimes yellowish, green, black or brown. I have given zinc (once a day)(ORS: as many times as possible b4 it wl expire in 24hrs)Am really scared I don’t know what next to gv. To make it worse he is not eating anything other than breast milk. Meanwhile at 4mnths I introduced tom-brown, akamu & Crayfish, akamu &banana for him since breast milk wasn’t holding him any more coz he cries to much so he like banana n akamu so at 5mnths he started throwing up i felt is worm so I dewormed him ever since then he poos almost every 45min till now. I went clinic n Doctor gave us antibiotics and malaria medicine(Amaterm14ml once daily for 3days EBECLAV 228.5mg(5ml 2x daily and allergin:2.5ml 3x a day)but am not seeing any change. Am so scared please help me. Sorry for the long story.

    1. Madam so many things are wrong here and that is what is causing all these issues for your baby. You should not be doing too many self-treatment for your baby and your feeding is also not appropriate for your baby. PLEASE STOP the 7 keys and all herbal mixtures. Your baby SHOULD STILL BE ON BREAST MILK ONLY!!! All the things you are giving are too much and the baby’s tummy is not ready to handle them. Your baby does not need deworming and he does not have measles o.

      1. PLEASE STOP ALL what you initiated yourself.


      3. Take your baby to see a Paediatrician.

      4. Come back and read about RIGHT WAY TO FEED YOUR BABY INFANT FEEDING IN THE FIRST 1000 DAYS here

      Your baby was throwing up and vomiting and now having diarrhoea because his tummy can not handle all you are giving coupled with TOO MANY MEDICATIONS you are giving as well. Please take your baby to the hospital with a Paediatrician.

      For urgent questions, PLEASE POST ON OUR FACEBOOK GROUP WALL Ask The Paediatricians

  50. Good morning ma, please ma for over a week and now my 9 months baby has been seriously purging. Sometimes the stool will be greenish in color or normal stool color. Though there is a new teeth coming out. But am afraid because this is the first time he purges for so long. Am giving him ORS that contains zinc, nystatin and fragile syrup but no sign of relief. Advice me ma

  51. Elizabeth Mbah

    Hello doctor my seven weeks baby’s stool is greenish in colour & he stool up 5 to 6 time daily.& it drows like ogbono. Could it be Jedi Jedi?

    1. No! It is not jedijedi…it is a sign of inadequate breastfeeding. Also watch your own food and diet as they can be reflected in your baby’s stools. Breastfeed your baby exclusively on demand

  52. Hello Dr,

    Pls my 3 months old son passes out gas (fart) alot. This has been on since he was 3weeks, although he is doing very fine. Should I worry abt this or what must I do?

    1. That is perfectly normal in a baby on breast milk and you don’t have to do anything about it. Just leave baby alone. It is not jedijedi o

  53. Please my baby is 2months and 3weeks, I noticed some irritations around his neck and I was told is Jedi Jedi that I should a flower, boil it bath him with it and give him some to drink. Should I give him

  54. Aribasoye Adefolukemi

    I have been passing out blood with stools for like 4 times now, I was told its high Jedi Jedi. What can I do ma

    1. You have dysentery and as an adult you should be properly evaluated. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment.

  55. Thanks for ur article.pls my baby is one year 1month.he was having difficulty pooing, later he started pooing mucus & blood in his poo. The doctor recommended I give him plenty water& flagy. for 10days. this is the seventh day.the mucus & blood has reduce cus sometimes I don’t c it in his poo.but he is stooling too much. he will stay for like five hrs without stooling.then in a space of 1hr he will stool like 4times in little qantity.sometimes with mucus& a little blood ,sometimes just watery poo.pls what do I do

  56. otusanya Fatima

    Good day sir, my 20 months old boy sometimes forces himself to poop and the poop is always very hard and comes with strains of blood and a little cut in his anus, but now his poop is watery and has mucus in it like catarrh and he always complain of low back waist pain

    1. What is your question? Your baby of 20 months old can not complain of back pain I am so sure of that. Don’t try and put your myths ad beliefs about jedijedi on a 20 month old who can barely put 2 words together and may not be able to name her back as part of her body. Please take your child to see a doctor and DO NOT GIVE HER ANY AGBO JEDIJEDI o! This is a friendly warning! All the best

  57. Plz doctor my baby is four months ND three week when she was 3 months her stool turn to be greenish but not watery with some whitish particle. A friend said is jedijedi but now d stool became very watery with whitish particle. But since last week his gum has been itching him so I don’t no if is teeth dat is making him to purge

  58. Hello Dr. My 10weeks old baby isn’t exclusively breastfed because I am not lactating well. I was told to buy SMA gold. I still breastfeed too. However, I noticed occasional loose stool with mucus. No blood in stool. No fever. Could he be reacting to the formula

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not a reaction but such situation can occur in babies on formula feeding. You can watch the breastfeeding videos on how to increase your breast milk supply so you can do exclusive Breastfeeding so you don’t have to worry with such. With formula feeding, you really need to be very conscious of hygiene and sterilisation of feeding utensils especially if you are using bottles that can be quite difficult to clean. This is why exclusive Breastfeeding is recommended.

      1. clement ogbeh

        7month old baby with rash on the face like prickyheat always itching the baby what could be the solution or medication to be used?

        1. It is hard to say what the rash is because you said like prickly heat. We do not recommend treatment based on assumption. You should see a doctor first who will diagnose the rashes and then recommend appropriate treatment. We can not treat the rashes without first seeing it to make accurate diagnosis.

  59. I am having back lower back pain and I usually use agbo and it relieves me for a few months and start aching / pain after I consume starchy or sugary food for a while. I workout and also eat veggies regularly but still the same. I use pain reliever sometimes but still no change and also early/watery discharge during intercourse whenever I have this lower back pain symptoms

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Josh this page is for child health issues mainly. I will recommend that you should see a physician (doctor) for proper evaluation of your concerns.

  60. Please ma. My baby of one week and five days is having small rashes and redness of the skin around the neck, the joint by the elbow, and in between the hips joint .please what could be the cause? What’s the remedy?.thanks.

  61. Please my 18 month baby cries whenever he poop in the last 2 day, the poop is watery and slimy.. Although he had so much sweet last while we were away from home. Now everyone is saying jedijedi…. I’m really worried and I feel I caused because I couldn’t caution his sweet intake

  62. Good morning. My baby is having redness around her anus area and its spreading to the front as the day goes she is going to four weeks. Her poo sometimes is green and some time normal,sometimes foamy with white white things in it. She poo’s a lot. Should I run to the hospital?

    1. Yes please take her to the hospital. You did not tell us the age of your baby as well and how she is being fed to even advise but yes you should take him to the hospital.

  63. Elizabeth Sunday

    Please Mma, my baby of 5weeks old started stooling greenish, watery stool with whitish stuffs like melon and they said it’s Jedi Jedi that I should boil a particular red flower and give her to drink mainwhile I’m doing exclusive breastfeeding. Please mma is the stool normal?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The stool is not normal and it is suggestive of starvation stools from inadequate breastfeeding. We do not recommend use of any herbal products. Kindly breastfeed your 5 weeks old exclusively – no water, no formula and no medications if not prescribed by a doctor. Ensure that your baby finish sucking one breast and empties it before switching to the next one.

      1. Thanks so much ma. God continue to bless you in every area. My baby of three months and four days is passing out green stool, whenever he farts he will cry. What could be the cause ma?

        1. Greeninsh stools are usually reflective of inadequate breastfeeding what we call starvation stools. Try and breastfeed on demand and ensure the baby empties one breast usually for 10 minutes before switching to the next so the baby gets both the fore and hind milk. Kindly do not give any medications or herbal remedies. Your baby does not have jedijedi.

  64. Good day Dr… My baby of 6 week old hasn’t been stooling on his own. I was asked to be pouring warm water in his anus to enable him stool, I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks now and am worried sick because he struggle real had to push poo out. Plus I notice some rashes on his face and chest it’s spreading though and the said is jedi jedi, aside agbo is there no English drugs for jedi jedi??

    1. Kindly do not do continue that process (enema). It is not unusual for babies on exclusive breastfeeding not to pass stool for days even up to 2 weeks and when they eventually pass the stools, they will be normal stools. If you are not breastfeeding exclusively but giving formula then the baby must take plain water after formula feed. For the rashes, please see a doctor so the cause of the rashes can be ascertained – could be allergic reaction for example to products you are using or infection. Kindly do not accept all the diagnosis by jedijedi proponents. The treatment of rashes depend on the cause of the rashes.

  65. My baby is 8months old and was exclusively breastfed for 6months. Some days back I saw something that looks like ezcema all over his back and that area was looking dry and shrinky. Please what could that be, I’m worried because he has been using same soap and oil since birth.

    1. Kindly let a doctor examine the skin rashes to make appropriate diagnosis and commence treatment.

  66. Ma, my seven weeks baby has rashes all over his face and it started on his wrists and his laps too. As days go by, it keeps spreading. I haven’t applied anything on it. Rather, I put little salt in his water but there is no improvement. Please What do you suggest?

    1. Please don’t give children salt bath! Let a doctor see the rashes so it can be properly diagnosed and treated. There are many possibilities. The rashes MUST be seen before it can be diagnosed and treated.

  67. Good day doctor, I trust this message meet you well. My 11months old baby is on exclusive breast feeding but then, I was given 3months maternity’s leave in which it is just 2 weeks we’re having left to resume. I was told to give ribena and at 3month I should introduce SMA gold. So I can be giving her with feeding bottle at work. What do I do?

    Also, she is having rashes on her hair and I don’t want to barb her hair. It itchy her seriously. Thank you.

  68. Gracelandhataffairs

    Can I give edible camphor(omi kafura pelebe) to my one year old boy due to the sweet things like sweet , biscuits, youhgort e.t. c he consumes everyday?

  69. Good day,my baby is 5weeks And his stool is mixed with mucus Nd it’s foaming,and any time he want to pass it he twist and cry,pls admin is it Jedi Jedi?

  70. My baby of 18month start vomitting and stooling I do ors water for him then take him to see a doctor about 4week ago which doctor ask me to do test for him the test detect it malaria and doctor write drug and give him injection after that his body start itching to measles this week again he start stooling and vomitting again I do ors for him take him to the hospital and blood test transformation which detect malaria and bacterial infection they place him on drip and give him injection and I was giving zinc,utrinox, paracetamol but was told not to give him utrinox now until he finish the injection the vomitting has stop but he is still stooling and he is not eating any food pls doctor what can I give him to eat

  71. Pls ma I also noticed some redness in my baby anus I was told its Jedi Jedi but I feel its nappy rash,can I use baby tribotan for her she is just 5 months

    1. It is most likely a fungal rash which will require treatment with antifungal cream. See your doctor for the prescription. It is also important that you change the diaper regularly and use appropriate diaper cream not powder. Read more about nappy rashes and their treatment hereNAPPY RASHES – PREVENTION AND TREATMENT

    1. That is called Dysentery. Kindly take the child to the hospital for proper treatment by a doctor.

  72. violettezapata

    This site was… how do I say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something that helped me. Kudos!

    1. Merci beaucoup. Do you read our articles in English or French? I am quite interested in knowing that.

  73. veranilsen9870

    Excellent article! We are linking to this great article on our website. Keep up the great writing.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our website. You can also join us on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group where you can ALWAYS post your CHILD HEALTH RELATED questions directly from Mondays to Saturdays. Anonymous posting also possible on the Group as well using the POST WITHOUT NAME feature. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUNDAYS ARE NO POST DAYS!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO POST ON THE GROUP ON SUNDAYS. For NON-CHILD HEALTH QUESTIONS, post to ATP Family Facebook Group. You also book for 1:1 video appointment with one of ATP specialists at a moderate fee by booking an appointment online here

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  74. great points altogether, you just gained a new reader. What may you recommend in regards to your publish that you just made a few days in the past? Any positive?

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our website. You can also join us on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group where you can ALWAYS post your CHILD HEALTH RELATED questions directly from Mondays to Saturdays. Anonymous posting also possible on the Group as well using the POST WITHOUT NAME feature. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUNDAYS ARE NO POST DAYS!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO POST ON THE GROUP ON SUNDAYS. For NON-CHILD HEALTH QUESTIONS, post to ATP Family Facebook Group. You also book for 1:1 video appointment with one of ATP specialists at a moderate fee by booking an appointment online here

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  75. What’s up, after reading this remarkable paragraph i am as well cheerful to share my knowledge here with friends.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our website. You can also join us on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group where you can ALWAYS post your CHILD HEALTH RELATED questions directly from Mondays to Saturdays. Anonymous posting also possible on the Group as well using the POST WITHOUT NAME feature. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUNDAYS ARE NO POST DAYS!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO POST ON THE GROUP ON SUNDAYS. For NON-CHILD HEALTH QUESTIONS, post to ATP Family Facebook Group. You also book for 1:1 video appointment with one of ATP specialists at a moderate fee by booking an appointment online here

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  76. aleishaperl792

    Everything is very open with a precise explanation of the issues. It was definitely informative. Your website is very useful. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting our website. You can also join us on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group where you can ALWAYS post your CHILD HEALTH RELATED questions directly from Mondays to Saturdays. Anonymous posting also possible on the Group as well using the POST WITHOUT NAME feature. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUNDAYS ARE NO POST DAYS!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO POST ON THE GROUP ON SUNDAYS. For NON-CHILD HEALTH QUESTIONS, post to ATP Family Facebook Group. You also book for 1:1 video appointment with one of ATP specialists at a moderate fee by booking an appointment online here

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  77. samualellis249

    This excellent website definitely has all the info I needed about this subject and didn’t know who to ask.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Keep reading and learning. You can also post your CHILD HEALTH RELATED questions directly on Ask The Paediatricians Facebook Group Wall from Mondays to Saturdays. Anonymous posting also possible on the Group as well using the POST WITHOUT NAME feature. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUNDAYS ARE NO POST DAYS!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO POST ON THE GROUP ON SUNDAYS.

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      Support ATP Outreaches to indigent children – Donate to Ask The Paediatricians Foundation on Ask The Paediatricians Foundation Account Number 0258158136 Guaranty Trust Bank.

  78. Good day doc, I’m first time father, my 3 weeks 4 days son is having difficulties to poo, he make noise and cry if he want to poo. And when he finally poo it will be like hello Mellon soup, please what can be the cause? I’m worried

    1. That is perfectly normal. That is not Jedijedi at all. Exclusive breastfeeding; no water and nothing else. A huge congratulations and welcome to fatherhood.

  79. When my mother in law came, our plan is to breastfeed him for 6months as advice but he’s foodie, so she suggest we give him ribena, so I think my baby contact jedijedi from the ribena. What can I do DR Gbemi? He finds it difficulty to poo

    1. Please STOP the ribena immediately. You did not tell me how old your baby is now. Please breastfeed exclusively (breast milk only; no water, juice or any other drink) all babies below the age of 6 months. From 6 months, add complementary feeding while you continue to breastfeed. You can give plain water when the baby is on complementary feeding; plain water no juice or any other drinks.

      1. Please doc my 10days baby poo is as watery as…with some small particles,he poos like 3times daily,and anytime he poos,it will run to his back thereby staining his cloths,am bothered

        1. Just keep breastfeeding exclusively and hope you are not giving any medications or taking any yourself that could affect your baby’s stools.

          I will recommend posting your question on the Facebook group or download the ATP mobile app for faster response.

          Have you heard of our FTM Baby Course? Check it out here FTM Baby Care Course

  80. olaeviabglg

    If you are going for finest contents like I do, simply pay a quick visit this website all the time because it gives quality contents, thanks

  81. Emily Francis

    Thank you so much for the post ma. please I have a 2month old baby who is breastfeeding exclusively. Am just worried that she make noise of pains when she poo and also folds her fist and body. Her poo isn’t watery and not so hard but it’s thick. Should I be worried? cos I was asked to give her agbo jedi

  82. Good evening Doctor. May God bless you richly for all the things you do for us here and on ATP. Doctor, my baby girl of 1yr 4months’ anus brings out something like pile once in a while when she poos. Though it happened firstly when she had dysentery. This time now makes it the 4th time it’s coming out. Ma please I’m so worried ma!!! What do I do ma? Thanks so much ma

    1. That means she is having anus or rectal prolapse. You need to take her to see a Paediatric surgeon for further management.Treatment depends on severity of the prolapse.

  83. My 3 months old baby has been stooling for more than 2 weeks already 4-10 times a day, ORS and Zinc tablet was described for me, but till now he’s still having watery poo. What can I do Ma?

    1. Kindly take him to see a doctor as the diarrhoea is now prolonged more than 2 weeks which is one of the indication for seeing a doctor. You can see our doctors here

      1. toyin akinrefon

        Well done Doc. Please my 3months old baby have been passing out foamy, watery, green mucus poop almost for a month now,few times yellow with egusi look, she’s on exclusive I was told is jedijedi because she grunt loudly when passing the poop,i used little agbo Jedi but I don’t really see any changes so I stopped since my mind didn’t go with it sef, personally I started taking agbo Jedi myself believing it will work for her,help a first time mum another thing is there’s eela and impetigo on her skin,which pharmacist recommend kenstatin and vitamin c. Please what can be the cause of all this, thanks

        1. Greenish stools are likely due to inadequate feeding. Ensure that she sucks well and empties the breast before changing to the next breast and always alternate the breasts. It is not any jedijedi. Egusi stools are normal stools of a baby on exclusive breastfeeding. Kindly do not take or give the baby agbo jedijedi. As regards the skin rashes, please see a doctor. Read more about the skin rashes here EELA, NLA & Common skin condition in infants. For more information and learning on newborn care check FTM Baby Care Course

  84. Hello Doc
    My baby of five weeks has a reddish patch on his anus and his stool is green and slimy. He also forces himself while stooling as if he’s in pain. What could it be. He’s exclusively fed.

  85. xmmmaggie442447

    I got this website from my friend who told me regarding this website and at the moment this time I am browsing this website and reading very informative articles or reviews at this place.

  86. Thank you Doctor for the informative write up. My baby is 9 months old and she strains when she poops. The poop is yellow and slimy and frequent.

    In the last week, I took a lot of coke and i think this is what is affecting her.

    Kindly advise on what to do.

    1. Well if you think so then stop but I don’t think so. If the baby’s poo is hard then it may be constipation. Give water and fruits/vegetables as part of the complementary feeding.

  87. Olaniran Opeyemi

    Am a pregnant woman which am close to my due date but am a type of person that have phobia for sugary things which I stop yesterday but what can I use to cure all the Jedi Jedi in me cause everybody is saying is not good for pregnant woman… Hope am safe

  88. Thank you for the enlightenment. I’m currently experiencing what I know as a child as jedi jedi and while I was wondering how I was going to describe it to my Western Doctor, I stumbled on your page. Your writeup and Q&A session has helped clarify. I recently started eating bread almost every day with little water consumption so I experienced passing out hard stool with blood stain. For now, I will go with the eating lots of vegetables, high fiber food and lots of water intake. I will observe for a while and see how it goes. Thank you

    1. Glad that you find this useful. Well done. You should see a doctor if the bleeding with the stools persist but I suspect it is constipation and once your diet improves; the hard stools and bleeding should stop.

  89. Thank you doc, my baby is a month old and she is passing out a greenish stool with mucous. I was told is Jedi Jedi. Please can she take anit biotics at a month old

    1. That is not jedijedi. It is a sign of poor feeding – inadequate breastfeeding. All you need to do is to breastfeed your baby exclusively and on demand and ensure your baby empties one breast before switching to the next. Alternate the breasts when feeding.

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  90. Blessing Y.

    Thank you Doc.
    Can a breastfeeding mother take ginger and lemon water? My baby is 2months and he is on exclusive breastfeeding. Thank you Doc

  91. Please ma, my baby of 3 weeks squeeze herself while pooping at the end of everything the pooping will be small and watery and it’ll be smelling. Please what can cause it ma?

    I think my baby demanding for breastfeeding is too much because is she is not sleeping she will not leave breast.

    1. There is nothing wrong with the baby …keep breastfeeding exclusively and on demand.

      As a first time mum, you may want to have a look at our FTM Companion


      Other ATP digital products available by clicking the link

      For all other enquiries, contact ATP WhatsApp Number : +2349056916818

  92. Please doc
    A small boil in your anus that causes pain in there and makes it difficult to excrete is what?

  93. Good day Dr, thanks somuch for your lecture ma,pls ma my baby of 5months has been having rashes,I don’t know how to describe it,not heat rashes on her back n neck,the thing will come like rashes after it will be doing as if is eczma, I’m rubbing visits plus,the thing will go n leave white-white dots on her back,before u knw it will appear again almost 5 times now,I’ve used agbo n jawadox still , pls ma what could be the problem?

    1. It is best you see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician or Dermatologist for proper evaluation and management. Please STOP all the self medication. If you have any questions that need urgent answers, please post on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group here

  94. Good morning Doc.,
    Please, my husband made us buy Kafura, Agbo inuwo and oka for my baby. Please should I stop this. My baby’s poo has been green and she still passes out a lot of gas.

    1. YOU SHOULD STOP IT IMMEDIATELY. You don’t want to damage your baby’s organs. Breastfeed your baby exclusively only. No water, No Agbo…just give breast milk only to a baby less than 6 months old.

  95. I have a baby of three months he has rashes on his face, red patch rashes on his back, anus, neck, armpit in fact all over his body, I went to hospital was given one cream, I started using it the face rashes cleared but made his face very fair, the back own kept coming, I went to primary health centre where the doctor there gave me vitamin c, Riclox, metronidazole suspension,cetrizine and and baby tributan for cream

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