Help me Pead!!! My baby is not Chubby!!!

Ask the Paediatricians  AGE GROUP  HELP ME PAED!!! MY BABY IS NOT CHUBBY!!!

Hello there!

This is a short memo on one of the recurring decimal issues the Paediatricians deal with daily in our interactions with parents especially the mums!!

This is the issue of unnecessary worry or agitation by mums because their babies are “not gaining weight” “looking lean” “skinny” “not chubby” “not fat enough” “always dropping (weight)” “not looking like other children” “cannot see the food he is eating on him”……the list is endless, yet when the child is weighed, he or she has a NORMAL AND PERFECT WEIGHT FOR HIS OR HER AGE!!!
Some even doubt the Scale! and during the next visit, the baby has gained weight!!
Most mums with a perfectly normal and healthy baby with perfect weight for their age still worry their Paediatricians and doctors unnecessarily because their baby is not as chubby or fat like their friends’ babies!!



Here in Nigeria where I live we celebrate chubby babies! In fact most Nigerian mums cannot believe a baby can actually be overweight or obese!!!……They actually refer to it in local dialect as “well-endowed baby” “Omo yen lomi lara, o lola lara”

I know we are a third world country and more than 50% of our children in Nigeria and Africa as a whole are malnourished- actually undernourished – Marasmus, underweight and Kwashiorkor are what many of us are more used to seeing. So most mums want a chubby baby to prove the point that they are not poor and they are feeding their babies well!!! Some parents even “drug” the babies with unnecessary, unlicensed medications like Orazin (Cyproheptadine)”Ma wu” to ensure babies are fat. The drug is not meant for that purpose yet used by many mums because it has an “appetite-stimulating” side-effect!

However, do you all know that there is another form of malnutrition that is called OVERNUTRITION – when the children are OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE?!

They are also malnourished! Yes….and that’s the gospel truth! This is the kind of malnutrition the first world countries like United States of America are grappling with right now.

Unfortunately, we are also beginning to “import” that just like every other thing and it starts with this phenomenon of “desiring” chubby, fat babies.

Some of these chubby babies which most Nigerian mums celebrate are overweight and obese!! 

Just like we have problems and diseases associated with under-nutrition or the typical malnutrition we know, there are problems and diseases the over nourished children also have to deal with as the Paediatric endocrinologists will tell. These overweight and obese children are prone to hypertension, diabetes even from childhood!!!

  • ALWAYS check your baby’s weight at least monthly when you visit the Healthcentre either for immunizations or any other reason.
  • ALWAYSensure the nurse or doctor or the healthcare worker check it on the Child’s Chart/Book/Road-to-health booklet/Card….that card/booklet where the baby’s immunizations are documented! There is a part in the book or card for weight documentation and charting. If the weight is fine, the healthcare worker will tell you and if not, they will tell you how to improve on baby’s nutrition.


So stop worrying even if baby is not chubby!!!

As long as he or she is healthy and has a normal body weight and gaining weight nicely, the paediatrician is happy and so should you!!!

#‎HealthyBaby ‪#‎NotChubbyBaby !

Please click to read healthy tips on feeding and Nutrition for what you need to learn, teach and share about nutrition (100 messages series). You are also encouraged to read all our other health educative posts on the blog. Thanks

I look forward to your questions and comments as always.

You can also send the questions to, I’ll be happy to address them.


59 thoughts on “Help me Pead!!! My baby is not Chubby!!!”

  1. My baby doubled her birth weight by 5 month increasingly with exclusive breastfeeding but I was told her weight is not that good and I should introduce pap and baby milk (formula). I don’t want to give her anything but breast milk until 6 month. I need ur advice.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      If she has doubled her weight already at 5 months, the weight is more than good Mayokun. Please IGNORE the people who don’t know the benefits of breastfeeding and wants to lead you astray. It is for them I wrote the above article. Kindly continue exclusive breastfeeding till 6 months and then introduce complementary feeds. Read relevant articles here oninfant feeding for the first 100 days and Baby’s ideal weight

      1. Please ma my baby is 2 months old and she weight 4kg she looks small in my eyes is the weight normal ma

        1. The weight is fine but your baby was small at birth, why? You should discuss that with a Paediatrician if you don’t know why

  2. Thank you so much doc. for this but my problem is my son has maintained 10kg for more than 5months, though he was born a premie (28weeks) and weighed 1.3kg, he is 23months now and has been on 10kg. He eats well and I take him to hospital regularly (he has celebral palsy) for his physiotherapy and appointment with his paediatrician. I have complained to his doctor but she said I should continue feeding him.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I guess the cerebral palsy is contributory. You should see the Dietitian for more options on how to increase the calories in the meals. The weight is not that too worrisome but I understand the concern about it being static. he should be weighing a little above 11kg for his corrected age of 20 months.

  3. Aweda olasunbo

    Pls my baby weight is 7.2kg at one year while her weight at birth is 3.7 Pls help a worry mum what should I be giving her

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Your baby is underweight…..Kindly increase the quantity and quality of foods the child is eating. Make sure adequate protein and carbohydrates are included. You may also need to see a Nutritionist or Paediatrician for further management if no improvement in the weight. Read more about what the ideal weight of your child should be here

  4. Good morning Doc. My daughter of 3 years old weighs 12kg (3.8kg at birth & chubby), I was told her weight is normal. But she get slimmer everyday, she doesn’t eat (despite series of multivitamin drugs taken) because she hate taking peppery meals. Meals like cornflakes, golden morn, bread & tea makes her get slimmer.
    Moreover she get sick every month since 2 months ago. What can I do? Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Weight of 14kg is more like what a 3 year old should weigh. It is also not right that a child should be sick every 2 months and be getting slimmer each day. I will suggest seeing a Paediatrician for proper evaluation. She also appears to be a picky eater….Kindly read the post on healthy eating from the start here

  5. chioma chukwuma

    Can teething make my child to still be bring out saliva at 2years pls ma,,,,, happy xmas in advance ma

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No….Kindly see a Paediatrician to examine the child for other causes of drooling of saliva in children especially neurological problems or throat infections

  6. My baby is bleeding from her belly button a week after the cord falls off. Although the blood isn’t much , just a little drops but I’m worried, i need your advice.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Darlene! Hope your baby was giving Injection Vitamin K at the hospital? The Vitamin K is to protect against the bleeding. You should see a Paediatrician immediately so the baby can get the Vitamin K to prevent the bleeding from getting worse.

  7. Good afternoon ma, my baby is 7.1kg at 14 weeks. Was told her weight is too much at that age that i should reduce how she feeds to avoid obesity. She was 3.75kg at birth. Am worried because I don’t over feed her. She eats at 3/4hours interval. Feed once at midnight, sleeps through sometimes. She loves to sleep though.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Temitope. Please DO NOT WORRY! Some babies tend to gain weight and may be overweight at this age. Just continue exclusive breastfeeding!

  8. Good evening Dr… Please ma, my baby is 9 months and weighs 8.2kg. Hope its OK. She refuse to take other foods except when forced yet she’ll throw up when forced. What can I do ma?

  9. Good morning doctor. Pls my boy is 1yr2mth,but can’t walk but is holding something to stand but can’t stand on is own. Pls ma, wot can I do? Cos am worry.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No need to worry Jumaimai….some babies are a little slower than the others but they will eventually get there. I will only worry if your baby is not yet walking at age of 18 months then you should take him to see a Paediatrician for further evaluation and management.

  10. Well done doc, pls my son will be 5 years in June and he weighs 16kg, ever since I stop EBF at 6months, it has not been easy getting him to eat.. I was a stay at home mum until recently so I had the time to try all sorts of food hoping I will get his favorite all to no avail. Her sister will be 3 this month and she weighs 18kg(am sure its a bit much) but I reduce her own food. Please help me with my son, doctors keep telling me he will eat. He’s hyperactive and hardly fall sick.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Nuria…his weight is still within average range of 80 – 120%. It is your daughter that is actually overweight. Start by cutting her junk foods especially pastries and juice. Give more fruits and vegetables. Keep encouraging your son to eat.

  11. Hello ma’am, my 14 weeks old exclusively breastfed baby weighed 5kg same as she weighed at 10 weeks. Meaning no weight gain, d nurse advised I introduce formula milk as her weight is not improving. Her birth weight was 2.75kg. Pls what can I do? Thanks.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      No…the baby has almost doubled the birth weight which is good. Just continue the exclusive breastfeeding as there may be scale error or so at one of the visits. Do not give formula now …continue breastfeeding.

  12. Good morning doctor. At 14weeks my exclusively breastfed baby weighed 5kg, same as she weighed at 10 weeks, meaning no weight gain, the nurse advised I introduce formula milk saying I might not have enough milk supply. Is it okay to go with the nurse’s advice? Thank u ma’am.

  13. Dr my 9moths boy prefer the food we eat but hardly eat pap or golden mourn, and I think he is not gaining weight what can I do please

  14. Good morning Dr gbemisola, my baby is 7weeks and he has been coughing since 2weeks, have taken him to paediatrician on several occasions and different drugs as been prescribed for me to purchase, yet the cough is there n 2weeks ago catarrh has joined again, am seriously worried about my babe

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is unusual for a 7 weeks old baby. You need to make sure you see a Paediatrician preferably at a Teaching Hospital for a second opinio. It is important to rule out causes of persistent cough especially congenital heart disease and that may require doing some investigations. Meanwhile also ensure that you are breastfeeding exclusively, keep the baby warm and avoid smokes, perfumes or cooking near the baby. Also ensure you keep baby away from adults and children who have acute respirtory infections. Make sure the baby’s immunizations are up to date as well.

  15. Hello doctor my baby is one year and eight months old but he is weighing 8kg he is a picky eater and refuses almost every kind of foods at times he will eat but after 3 days he will stop taking the foods just tea only pls help

  16. Good day Dr. My 1 year old weighs 9.3 kg. She started walking at 10 months but one of the legs is slightly bow. What can I do? When do babies legs straighten out completely?

    1. Bow legs can be caused by a number of factors some of which includes calcium/phosphate/vitamin d deficiency, kidney disease, genetic disorders, blount disease and even physiologic (normal one that will straighten out). The first step you should take will be t o see a paediatrician who will investigate and rule out more sinister causes. PLEASE DO NOT SIT AT HOME AND ASSUME IT WILL BECOME STRAIGHT AS CHILD GROWS BECAUSE YOU CANNOT TELL BY MERE LOOKING”

  17. Good day Dr I had my baby at 34weeks and he weigh 2.6kg and a week later his weight dropped to 2.4kg what can i do to make him gain more weight we are EBF

    1. Keep breastfeeding exclusively on demand and as a preterm baby, you should be taking the baby to see a Paediatrician regularly for follow up review. Read more on ideal weight of babies here

  18. Please Dr which medicine can I give to my baby to make her chubby when I gave birth to her she was 3kg but her weight decrease to 2kg as a result of jaundice now she is 3 months her weight is 3.6kg please which medicine can I use for her to gain weight quickly

    1. None! See a Paediatrician to know why your baby is not thriving (failure to thrive) and meanwhile keep breastfeeding exclusively.

  19. Good morning ma, what can I use for my 2month baby…. I want her to be fat… What food or medicine… Please ma. I’m worry

    1. You should read this article first and what is very important is the weight of your baby – birth weight and current weight which you have left out. Your 2 month old does not need any medications. All your baby needs is for you to breastfeed the baby exclusively

  20. Good evening Doc.,my baby weighed 2.5 kg at birth and she weighed 5.3 at 3months 2weeks,just that she is not really adding flesh hope the weight is quite ok for her.

  21. Good morning Dr. and happy Sunday. My babies birth weight was 3.3kg, when I went to the hospital when she was 1month and week for her immunization, she weigh 4kg. When she was 2 months and a week, she was weighing the same 4kg which means no improvement. Pls am worried. Why is the weight not increasing?

  22. Hello Dr. My baby boy was 3.2kg at birth,we went for immunization last month he weigh 5.8 at 3months but my mom and other women around me keeps saying he’s too small that he’s not adding…my mom even said maybe he ate his hair in the womb that there’s one agbo(herb)for it.please Dr is the weight normal

  23. Ufukta bir gemi görsem seni taşıyan, Mavi denize dalardım geriye bakmadan .Uçsuz bucaksız mavilikte arardım beni .Taa ki beni sende bulana kadar.

  24. Is it a bad thing that i don’t want to exclusively breastfeed my baby?
    Cos i give her formula and breast milk
    Her weight as at 6 weeks was 4.5kg but she’s not chubby and not skinny either and she doesn’t like sucking breast sometimes in a whole day she won’t suck till the following day she will start looking for breast to suck so i usually express breast milk for her I really don’t know what am doing wrong that is making her not want to suck like normal babies should

    1. Dr Gbemisola

      It is your decision what you do but our role is to advise on what is the best. Breast is best. If you are doing mixed feeding, your baby may have nipple confusion preferring the bottle to the breasts.

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    1. Thank you. If you have any questions that need urgent answers, please post on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group here

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