Is your child’s development on course?

Are you worried about your child’s development being slow or delayed?

Use this rapid screen. The child should achieve ALL the items in the age category before this – if not, see your Paediatrician (Developmental) for further assessment and management.

The earlier the delay is picked up and interventions commenced, the better the favourable outcome for the child according to evidence-based research.


3 months

* Lie awake baby on the back

* Head should be in the midline and not falling to one side

* Baby should look at your face or an object, and follow through 180 degrees

*Get baby to smile at you

*Baby should be lying with arms and legs positioned symmetrically


6 months old should be able to

* Lie awake, baby on back

* Lie with hands in the midline and together

* Coo and gurgle with pleasure when you talk to him/her

* Reach out to grab objects extended to him or her

* When pulled to sit should not have the head falling back


9 months old

* Should be babbling e.g. tata, dadada, yayaya

* Reaches for an object and takes it to the mouth

* Should be able to sit without support

* Should demonstrate a parachute reflex (flying out both hands when when the child is held upright and the baby’s body is rotated quickly to face forward (as in falling) with nice open hands


12 months old

* Should say at least one word mama, dada, meme, baba

* Holds 2 small objects – one in each hand

* Bangs objects together (one in each hand)

* Stands up holding unto furniture or mom’s knees


18 months old

* Uses 6 recognizable words e.g. Mama, papa, thankyou, nana etc

* Point to something in the room and say “look at that” the child should look

* Walks without support with symmetrical movement of arms and legs


2 year old

* Puts 2 words together e.g. Mama biscuit, papa go, etc

* Understands simple commands “give me that” ” fetch that”, “wipe your nose”

* Runs well with symmetrical movement of arms and legs

* Can kick a ball without holding on to something for balance

* Holds pencil and makes circular scribbles

* *If walking on toes or very clumsy, see your Developmental Paediatrician


3 year old

* Should tell you their name correctly

* Combines 3 words in speech

* Builds a 6 cube tower

* Names items in room easily: pen, book, phone, teaspoon, cup, chair, clock

* Jumps off a step easily landing 2 feet together


4 years old

* Speech is understandable to person not close to the child

* Can copy/draw a circle

* Walks up and down steps easily without holding onto railing one foot per step


5 years old

* Speech is fluent with good sentence structure

* Knows name, age and gender

* Draws a person with at least 6 body parts (head, eyes, mouth, nose, arms and legs, out of heads hair, ears, fingers)

* Hops well on one leg

* Can jump off 2 steps and land 2 feet together

Note : This screen is BASIC AND SIMPLE. It will not pick up mild problems but significant ones. If you are concerned, it would be best to see your Developmental Paediatrician as soon as possible.

52 thoughts on “Is your child’s development on course?”

  1. Good day ma,
    My daughter is 2 years old. She clocked 2 on November 27th. She is yet to make a sentence. she blabs and understands when asked to do something or when told to apologise. The only words she says are light, water, come, eyes and sorry. Am really worried. If I need to be referred, please kindly refer and how to go about it.
    Thank you ma.

    1. I think she is making progress.

      If you join our Facebook group and go to the UNITS section then you will see the Parents Do It Yourself Speech therapy tips.

      You can also take her to see a Speech therapist as well.

      1. Please can I get the do it yourself therapy speech link or how to go about it.
        My son is 3years and 6months but not talking yet but he can sing Nursery Rhymes. He hears his name but don’t understand some instructions. Please I need help. Thank you

        1. You can join our Facebook group and go to the Guides section for more information. However your 3 year old who is not talking at all is SEVERELY delayed and should see a Speech therapist and Developmental Paediatrician for proper evaluation and management.

      2. Otono osikhomo precious o

        Good evening doctor, my daughter will be 2years on the 20th of January but she can blab, say up NEPA,daddy,dada,mama,Bobo,No,bye bye. She understands instructions, she goes on errands like when you ask her to pick and arrange her toys or get her shoes, she plays football and dances to music n immitate what she sees on her nursery rhyme videos. Is that okay for her age especially d speech part. Am really worried,i will be grateful if i get a reply

    2. Otono osikhomo precious o

      Good evening ma please my daughter will be 2 on January 20th and she can only say water,bye bye,up NEPA,dada,mama,daddy,no, Bobo. She goes on errands like when you ask her to bring her shoes, arrange her toys, she plays football and dances to music. Is that ok for her age

      1. Your 2 year old should be combining two words together in short phrases by now? You should see a Speech therapist if your 2 year old only has about 6 single words

  2. Janet Philip

    Good morning ma,
    My daughter of 11months by may 28th can’t rise from the bed, she doesn’t crawl like other kids do . she like lying down to row to everywhere on the bed. She still doesn’t know how to move to the front rather she moves backward and sideways. She can’t hold something to stand up unless you stand her on something in her front to hold unto. And she will be one year by next month . I’m seriously worried ma
    Please help

    1. Your baby has developmental delay and you should see a Developmental Paediatrician immediately for further evaluation and management. You can book to see one with one of ATP specialists Book Consultation or go see a Paediatrician at a tertiary level hospital.

  3. Mary Adetunji

    Please doctor, my child of 14 months old ( 1 year 2months) is yet to walk by herself though she walk when you hold her or holding edge of chairs to walk

    1. There is no need to worry. She will soon walk. You can see a Paediatrician if she is not yet walking at 18 months.

  4. Hi doctor, I have a 3yrs 2mths old son. He walks very late and now i still find it difficult to understand most of his speech because he still blah. He doesn’t have height and he’s always finding it difficult to write cos he uses left hand but can recite everything he’s been taught In school.

  5. God bless you MA for your selfless service to humanity. Please MA, my son will be 2 years in October but he is yet to speak. He understands and does whatever we ask him to do. He only point to what he wants or drag me to show me what he what but doesn’t say a word. Am worried MA. What can I do about it MA. Thanks in anticipation.

      1. Hello Ma’am. Good afternoon. Please my son of 2years and 8months is yet to start talking. He most times repeat what people say but he doesn’t talk on his own, he blabs. He drags me to anything he wants but won’t say a word for it. It worries me and I’m confused because he clearly repeats words others says. What should I do?

        1. You should see a Developmental Paediatrician for proper evaluation and management. Your child needs to be evaluated for possible autism. Repeating words is called echolalia and is not necessarily communication.

    1. Hi doctor, my son of 9 months does not respond to his by turning when he is being called.he cannot not pull himself to sitting position when lying down..he is yet to crawl but hold on to me to pull himself to standing position. Please I am worried.

  6. Good mrng doctor,
    Pls my daughter of 7months 3weeks is still sitting with support. Sometimes when I try putting her to sit, she ll b struggling to stand and if she sit, she ll slide lying on her back. Pls help a worried mom. Thanx

  7. Pls ma, my baby of 4 months is yet to have full control over his head and wen stand on my leg with my support, he doesn’t stand. I’m really very worried

  8. good evening doctor, my daughter is 11months old but i am worried about her development. she just started crawling with her tummy 3days ago, she does not turn when you call her name but she hears, she can not sit up by herself from a lying position, she stands with support and even attempting to walk while holding on something but can not stand up by herself from a sitting position although she is trying to. she will be 1year old on the 6th of April and we have been to the hospital twice.

  9. My daughter of 2 years 5 months walks well but tip toes at times not every time but mostly when she’s playing. Should I be worried
    She also says simple words like daddy,mummy, see and others but she has not be combining words
    She also can sing all the nursery rhymes and very active
    Should I be worried too?

    1. Well she appears to have speech delay and with the tiptoeing; it may be worthwhile having her see a Paediatrician for a review. You can book on our ATP Clinics b

  10. Good Afternoon Dr, pls my baby of 1yr 3month is yet to speak, he only babbling. He can also say simple word like fine, go, come, hallelujah, amen and jaguar (our dog’s name) once a while, though not clear, but refused to call daddy or mummy and any other things. Please should I be worry because his siblings speaks before 1yr.

    1. That is age appropriate for a 2 year old. A 1 year old is expected to speak about 3 single words and your baby is saying more than that.

  11. Please ma,my son of 5years and7month old, hasn’t started talking fluently.he always repeat what you said and he can’t make a sentence on his own and even when he tries,he talks in a bird like voice.please ma,am worried with this type of delay.will he be able to talk like a normal person

    1. Your child is having global developmental delay and possible autism spectrum disorder; you should book a developmental assessment with our developmental paediatrician for further evaluation and management. You can book online here Book Consultation

  12. Modupe Adigun

    Good day doc. Pls my baby of less than 2 months old is already cooing and smiling. Not to anyone per se but when you hold her cheeks she smiles back. Hope it is not too early. Cos I read they should start by 3 months

  13. My baby boy is 4mthsand still doesn’t have control of his neck. When kept in a sitting position on my laps he tends to keep his head down and finds it hard to look up. Please help. Thank you ma

    1. You need to see a Paediatrician as this is evidence of developmental delay. The child will need physiotherapy as well

  14. Good day Doctor please my of one year 4months, is yet to walk though was born prem. He holds onto things to walk even faster and will be one year five months by this month ending, do I need to worry?.

    1. There is no need to worry. Your preterm baby’s development is compared to his corrected age not his chronological age. Even for children born at term, we do not worry until the child is not walking at age 18 months; that is when you should see a Paediatrician.

  15. Good evening ma, I have a daughter of a year and five months. She can’t hold objects to stand but when put to stand she stands resting on chairs or wall and holding wall and chairs to walk. Though I noticed she started standing up from sleeping position when she was a year and two months and she didn’t crawl but using bottom to turn around. Help a worried first time mom

  16. Good day Dr. My son turned 3 on October 30th 2021. He’s beginning to speak more clearly..Words and sentences like, ‘how are you?’, ‘how do you do?’ and respond when he’s asked. However I was told he should be speaking much more. Secondly, he throws a lot of tantrums especially in unfamiliar places and around unfamiliar people. It can be quite embarrassing, sitting on the ground at the slightest thing and crying inconsolably. Also, his potty training has been delaying. Please, are these common with toddlers his age or should i seek professional help?

    1. Your son appears to have some developmental delay and should be seen by a Developmental Paediatrician for proper evaluation. You may want to book a Developmental assessment with our Paediatrician. Check here Book Consultation

  17. Good day ma my baby will be 1yr 6month two weeks from today and yet to walk but she holds onto somefin and can not stand up on her own without support though she did move some steps on her own a month ago n fell ill but she’s fine now n since den she really finding it difficult to move d way d she did last month.she started crawling at age one.birth weight 3kg current weight I need to b worried and I was advised to give her calcium syrup.can I go ahead to give her the medication

    1. You should book an appointment with the Developmental Paediatrcian. It is not a calcium issue but a brain issue. To see a Developmental Paediatrician on ATP Clinics; send Whatsapp to +2349056916818

      1. My boy of 3years 3months if he is ask what is name is sometimes he says it correctly but mostime he mention someone else name.he can join like two three four words together.he can only count 1 to 10 and can sing abc as song.and i told his that he is having speech delay but he sees nothing wrong.please should I worry.

        1. I will encourage you to see a Speech therapist or Developmental paediatrician for proper assessment and management. You can book the consultation with our professionals by sending us a WhatsApp message on +2349056916818

  18. Good day Dr.
    My preterm baby is 9 months based on her corrected age but she can’t sit on the floor on her own but can sit at the corner of a couch for like 30 minutes without support. Also she’s yet to crawl likewise she can’t stand up by herself. She had severe complications coupled with severe convulsion. Am so worried

    1. Yes you should see a Developmental Paediatrician. You can book an assessment by sending a whatsapp to ATP Clinics at +2349056916818

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