Childhood Immunizations -The Benefits (1)

Childhood immunization is a major focus of Paediatrics practice.

Though adults also can be immunized, it is often voluntary or required for travel purposes.

However, in children, it is like a law. Indeed in most places, it is a punishable offence not to immunize your child.

Of course, parents always have lots and I mean lots of questions on immunization.

In fact, if you are going to be waken up from your beauty sleep as a Paediatrician by a new mum, apart from issues of colic, I think immunization comes a close second as the reason to.

Immunization is important! Immunization is life-saving! Childhood immunization is one of the most cost-effective public health initiatives ever!!!

In this article, I will explain briefly what immunization is, the benefits of childhood immunizations   the commonly available vaccines and the diseases they protect against.

What is immunization?

Immunization is the process by which an individual’s immune system becomes fortified or strengthened through the use of vaccines against some diseases.

What is Vaccination?

VACCINATION is the administration of vaccines to prevent specific diseases.

What is a Vaccine?

A vaccine is a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or part of living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

Is there a difference between Immunization and Vaccination?

Vaccination means the vaccine was given but the body immune system needs to respond appropriately for your child to be protected against the disease.

If a child gets the vaccine but his or her immune system for one reason or the other did not react by producing the antibodies that will protect you when you are exposed to the disease, you have only been vaccinated but not immunized.

Vaccination is necessary to have immunization. However, not every vaccination automatically leads to immunization.

This is very important as sometimes the vaccines given were not potent because there is a break in the cold chain to preserve it.

It could also be poor administration for example giving the BCG vaccine into the muscle instead of the skin. In those scenarios, the child has been vaccinated but not immunized. Sometimes, it is just some cross-reaction in the body system.

This may explain one of the questions Mums ask why their child still came down with a disease s/he has been immunized against. The child could have been vaccinated alright but not immunized.

Why should I immunize my child?

  • Immunization prevents between 2 and 3 million deaths every year in all age groups from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), measles, mumps and rubella.
  • An estimated 1.7 million children died from vaccine-preventable diseases in 2008 before reaching their fifth birthday.
  • Due to polio eradication efforts, over 8 million people are walking today who would otherwise be paralysed, and the incidence of polio has declined by 99.8%.
  • In Nigeria, for one year now, we have not recorded any single polio case.
  • Immunization prevents debilitating illness, disability and death from vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Immunization is one of the most successful and cost-effective health interventions.
  • Vaccines have the power not only to save but also to transform lives ― giving children a chance to grow up healthy, go to school and improve their life prospect.

What are the available vaccines and what diseases do they protect against?

BCG – protects against Tuberculosis

Meningococcal vaccine (MCV) – protects against meningococcal disease.

Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine – protects against Hepatitis B virus infection.

Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) OR Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) – protect against poliomyelitis.

DPT Vaccine–  This protects against diphtheria (D), tetanus (T), and pertussis (P) (whooping cough).

Hib Vaccine – protect againsts Haemophilus influenzae type bwhich causes spinal meningitis and other serious infections).

In Nigeria we now give DPT, HBV and HIB together as one vaccine called PENTA (means 5 vaccines in one preparation)

Measles Vaccine – protects against measles.

MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) vaccine – protects against measles, mumps and rubella (German measles).

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)  – protect against pneumonia, infection in the blood, and meningitis.

Another form of pneumococcal vaccine, PPSV (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine) is used in special conditions and in adults.

Varicella Vaccine – protects against chickenpox.

Rotavirus Vaccine – prevents infections caused by Rotavirus, most common viral cause of diarrhoea and vomiting in kids (RotaTeq or Rotarix)

Hepatitis A Vaccine – protects against Hepatitis A virus infection.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine – protects from Human Papilloma virus infection which is linked to cervical cancer and other cancers.

Seasonal influenza vaccine –  protects against different flu viruses.

These are the common vaccines available for children and the various diseases they protect against. The schedule (or timing) for giving these vaccines vary from one country to another.

Indeed it can vary from one hospital to another in the same country. The most important thing is to ensure that as parents, you take all the vaccines at the time specified in your Immunization Card or Chart. The one shared above is just a sample.

For the answers to commonly asked questions on childhood immunizations, click here to read answers to Common Questions on Childhood Immunizations.

You can also let me know your thoughts by dropping your comments below. More importantly, ensure that all your children are fully immunized so they are protected against the vaccine-preventable-diseases.

87 thoughts on “Childhood Immunizations -The Benefits (1)”

  1. Thanks for the information on how vaccines need to be the right potency and properly administered in order for children to become immune. Since this is the case, it would probably be important to find the right doctor or pharmacists to administer the vaccine. You’d probably be able to do this by finding out which options are available in your area and check to make sure they offer the kind you’re looking for so you can get the right immunizations for your child.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Thank you Tiffany for your comment. All Government Hospitals are equipped to give vaccines and most private hospitals do as well.

  2. Thanks so much doctor. Please my baby is 1 year 3 months old, we missed the 12-15 months immunization. What can be done, then, is it compulsory one takes these vaccines from same hospital or health center?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You can always catch up on missed vaccines. You can take it anywhere the vaccines are available, not necessarily the same centre. That is why you keep your immunization cards/records so the vaccines can be documented in the card irrespective of the centres or hospitals where they are received. Read more about Catch up immunization here

  3. Hi Doc.
    Thanks for this information.
    I like to ask if my 5 months old baby can still get Rota vaccine. He wasn’t given then because we were told it wasn’t available in the hosp. His next is 1st dose of vit A next month. Hope we can still catchup for Rota now. Thanks

  4. Hello Doctor
    I appreciate the good work you do on #ATP. God bless you.
    My 5 months old son got his first dose of Rotrix vaccine yest. hope its not too late for the catch up and are there side effects for this cos his poo has been somehow watery since yest. he poos 4 times daily but hes quite active feeding and playing well. should i be worried for dyhoarria/dysentary?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Temmy! I don’t think you have to worry. Yes it is a little late for the first dose of Rotarix according to recommendations. However, I don’t think you need to worry. If the stools are watery, please give him ORS and oral Zinc. Read more about home treatment of diarrhoea here

  5. Good evening doctor, my baby of 11 months took his vaccines in a government hospital. He wasn’t given a rota virus and we were also told d last vaccines he would take at the hospital were the ones he took at 9 months. I later learnt about mmr at one year and I was told it costs 36k in Benin. My question now is that why don’t the government hospitals take this or isnt it compulsory? Thanks, looking forward to your response

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Vaccines are quite expensive even the ones you took for free. Those you were given were the ones that the government can afford to give you for free. However, there are plans to add the rest of the vaccines that are available not yet on the National Programme to it in the nearest future. Meanwhile you just have to pay for them. Read more about the Non-NPI vaccines here in a related article

    2. Thanks so much Doctor. Pity i saw the reply late but he’s ok now. pls can i go ahead with the 2nd dose of rotrix which is slated for the end of the month when is already 6 months since we ve taken the first dose and are there side effects for taking the first dose very late?

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        You can if you wish….There are no harms but the period targeted for prevention is age 6 – 11 months and that is why the vaccines should have been taken earlier. It does no harm more like a waste really. However, I leave that to you to decide.

  6. Thank you so much for letting me know that immunization prevents somewhere between 2 and 3 million deaths a year. I have been debating whether I want to give my son any immunizations and thought I would look up some of the statistics. Now that I know these shots have prevented at least 2 million deaths, I will definitely give them to my son.

  7. Good day ma, please ma I just noticed that my 2years old baby start developing k leg and she was not born like that am very worried pls what should I do thank you.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Lola…there are some kinds of K-leg that is still normal in that age while there are others that suggest disease conditions like rickets. I will advise that you take your baby to a Paediatrician or Orthopaedic surgeon for proper evaluation first and you can be advised further. All the best!

  8. Immunization has been saving lives since it was used in 1796 and it is only prudent of a parent to have their children vaccinated for the common but deadly diseases out there. My mother has always reminded me the importance of getting vaccinated by telling me the story of how his uncle died of Spanish influenza. It is our responsibility as a parent to give our children the best care and the best chance to have future and immunization through vaccination is one of the keys to achieving that.

  9. Hello Doctor, thanks for the info on immunization.
    My son was immunized on 11/11/2017. And 2days ago i noticed some rash on his thighs…this has spread to every part of his both legs. The rash ia not on his body…just on his legs. Is this normal? Is he reacting to any of the vaccine he was given? Should i b woÅ•ried?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hello! You did not specify the specific vaccine he was immunized with and how old your child is. It is very unlikely to be a vaccine reaction as that should involve the entire body. It is important that you take him to see a doctor for further evaluation to know the type and cause of the rash so appropriate treatment can be given as well.

  10. Damilola Asade

    Good evening doctor, please my baby is 3 months. I noticed mucus coming from the scar of the bcg immunisation today (upper left arm). Please should I be worried, what could have caused that to happen. Thank you.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Do you mean pus? Just watch for now if the wound will heal spontaneously but if not you may want to see your Paediatrician for further treatment

  11. How do I calculate the weeks interval for immunisation,for instance 14weeks would be tantamount to how many month. Thanks in anticipation

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The 6, 10 and 14 week immunizations are ONE month apart.

      If talking about the child’s age, 14 weeks is 3.5 or three and half month old.

  12. Good day Dr and thanks for the vital information shared on immunization. My 2yrs 5months old came with list of vaccines recommend by the Dr after his school organized a medical check up for the kids and here are the ones recommended for him -pentaxim, Typhym VI, Menastra, Euvax B. I just want to be sure he won’t be repeating some of the vaccines he has taken. He took hepatitis B at birth in the US and all the vaccines given in Nigeria up to 9months. Thanks.

  13. Good day Dr, thanks for the good work. Please I need your advice regarding my 2yrs 5months old vaccinations. He was given hepatitis B vaccine at birth in the US and also completed all the vaccines given in Nigeria up to 9months. His school organized a medical check up for the kids and here are the lists of vaccines recommend by the Dr for him Pentaxim, Menastra, Typhym and Euvax B, please, i want to be sure he won’t be repeating some of the ones he has taken and if it is necessary for him to take the vaccines. Thanks.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I think you should have taken the Immunization card in Nigeria to the school if you have not done so. He should take the vaccines apart from the Penta which he must have taken.

      1. Thanks Dr for your response. He took the vaccination card from Nigeria along with him to the school and it was checked before the recommendations were made. Yes he took penta while in Nig.

  14. Williams Blessing

    Good day Doctor , my son is 3months and 2weeks , his bcg immunization was given when he was 7days old but till now ,no bcg scar .

    I was told if no bcg scar , I should bring him back for revaccination but have been taking him to a health center for other immunization and was told by one of the nurses that they don’t do bcg revaccination.

    Please kindly advice ma.

    Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Blessing.

      You need to take the child to the hospital preferably a Secondary (General) or Tertiary (Teaching) Hospital where they will do what is called a mantoux test and if the child does not react appropriately (read after 48 – 72 hours), the child will be required to do a chest xray to rule out active tuberculosis. If none present, then the child will be vaccinated again with BCG. If the child has the normal reaction to Mantoux expected for a child who has been immunized with BCG, there will be no need for another BCG vaccine.

  15. Oluchi Jayne

    Good day ma,pls my daughter is 2 years and 8 months and has not taken pcv at all..pls can she take it now?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Pneumococcal vaccines? Then you should take her to get it. She only need one dose though at age 2 years but all children below the age of 5 years should take the pneumococcal vaccines even if they missed taking it at the regular time.

      1. oluchi jayne

        Thanks ma..we went to a children’s hospital (Oni and sons to be precise in ibadan)and we were told she would take 2 doses of the pcv booster at a go….pls ma is it ok?

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          The doses have to be given at one month interval not at a go please….one dose at first contact and then a month later for the second dose. Demand to see the Paediatrician for clarification so you are sure you did not misunderstand them.

  16. After the 14 weeks immunization ( pcv, penta opv) 3 on the leg and one in her mouth at health care center, she as been running temperature since on Monday i have administer ed paracetamol and she dosent unirate like before and those not breast feed much, please what should i do. Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Take the child to the hospital Iyobosa! As long as a child is not responding to first aid treatment, then it is time to take the child to the hospital for further evaluation by the doctors.

  17. Good day Doc. I ve a baby of 8mnths. He hasn’t taken the chicken pox vaccine yet. Now my concern is that I the mum is having chicken pox now. Please,what should I do? Since he is already exposed to it..

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Ijeoma…I am afraid there is nothing much you can do especially if your baby is still breastfeeding. There are immunoglobulin that can provide temporary protection for the baby if given but it can be scarce to get and expensive as well. If you have anyone that can assist, you may want to separate the baby and express the breast milk and continue complementary feeds. You can hope for the best; and get treated but should the baby come down with chickenpox, then take him to the hospital for treatment.

  18. Good day Doc,

    I want to ask if a child can still contact Hepatitis B after taking the HBV @ birth (for example if exposed to a HB carrier) before getting Second dose or completing the course.

    In other words, does the birth dose confer any immunity or protection

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Yes…immunity full achieved after the three doses and also booster doses needed along the line as well. However do not assume first until the child has been tested!

  19. I appreciate you mentioning that 1.7 million children died just in 2008 from vaccine-preventable diseases. My friend just had a baby and has been thinking about not going through with the vaccines. I think that I’ll bring this up with her and hope that it will convince her to utilize this opportunity she has.

  20. Good day doctors in the house. does one dose of hepatitis b vaccine given to a baby at birth cover the baby for life? Again, my baby was given BCG vaccine a week after birth but till now the scar hasn’t come up…what’s your suggestion?

    1. I also noticed that some vaccines mentioned here are not in my baby’s immunization card such as the rotavirus, varicella etc. meanwhile the last given to my baby at 14weeks are penta 3, opv 3 and pcv 3. 1 and 2 of the same vaccines were given him at 6weeks and 10weeks respectively. the next immunization day is by 9months when he will take for measles…. please throw more light on this, I am confused

    2. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      NO!!! Hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks either separately or as part of Penta vaccine – DPT, HIB and HBV!! The full complement is what protect the baby not just the one dose at birth! They need to checj the scar at 6 weeks. After 6 weeks and no scar, see your Paediatrician for further advice.

  21. Good day Dr! My baby was given BCG the day I gave birth to her uptill now there’s no sign of the BCG on her arm. I complaint to the nurse that gave her the injection she said is not a must the scar most show that the most important thing she has been given! How true is it? Her 14wk vaccine is on the 5 July 2018. Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The scar does not necessarily have to show but we must still confirm that she responded to the BCG vaccine that is she was immunized and not just vaccinated. You may want to take to a Teaching Hospital. We will usually do a Mantoux test…If she reacted appropriately like someone who has taken BCG, there is no need to worry. IF she does not, we will do a chest Xray to rule out any TB infection and if there is none, she will be given the BCG vaccine again. Poor technique is the commonest reason for some babies not to develop the BCG scar.

      1. Good day doc,
        I’m seeing Rota-1,Rota-2,Rota-3 in the immunization card i.e 6,10 and 14 weeks respectively…

        Is it also know as Rotavirus

        1. Yes it is….there are different brands of Rotavirus vaccines…rotarix is 2 doses at 6 and 10 weeks and rotatheque is 3 doses at 6, 10 and 14 weeks.+

  22. Good morning ma. My son was vaccinated at 6weeks for PENTA, OPV, PCV and Rotavirus he cried at intervals during the day but didnt run temperature. He however ran a little temperature at midnight till like 3am. Will this symptom suffice as a valid immunization or should I be concerned? He is 8weeks now. Thank you

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Yetunde..It is not compulsory for your baby to have any side effects to know if the child has been immunized or not. The most important thing was that the vaccines were given and you can rest assured the baby has been immunized.

  23. Hello Doc, for the past 1 week now My daughter of 6yrs old has been coughing only at midnight…just one loud cough and will go back to sleep afterward but last night she throw up after this coughing fit. i want to to rule out whooping cough as the vaccine as being giving during immunization. can this be whooping cough? please help.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Bosede, I can not rule out anything just by the information you provided without your child being examined by a doctor. You are not in the position to rule out anything or make a diagnosis by yourself. Take her to see a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. There are many other causes of cough associated with vomiting apart from whooping cough. Treat as urgent.

  24. Good day Dr. I noticed that my 2years and 8months daughter wasn’t given MMR and rotavirus but was given measles vaccine at 9months. During 6th December 2017 she suffered mumps and was treated. Please which vaccines should be given to her at this age to meet up with the ones she missed? Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      She can still be given the MMR. She does not need the Rotavirus vaccine any more as she has outgrown the age it is useful for and also not recommended by the manufacturers to be given at that age.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is not routinely given to babies because risk of infection is very low. We are more worried about Hepatitis B.

      It’s only recommended for people at an increased risk, including:

      close contacts of someone with hepatitis A
      people planning to travel to or live in parts of the world where hepatitis A is widespread, particularly if levels of sanitation and food hygiene are expected to be poor
      people with any type of long-term (chronic) liver disease
      men who have sex with other men
      people who inject illegal drugs
      people who may be exposed to hepatitis A through their job – this includes sewage workers, staff of institutions where levels of personal hygiene may be poor (such as a homeless shelter) and people working with monkeys, apes and gorillas

      Most babies DO NOT NEED IT!

  25. Thank you for the write-up Dr. My son will be 6 months on the 7th of September and this is the first i am hearing of BCG scar. I had him at 30 weeks with a birth weight of 1.08kg. According to the nurses in the NICU, he wasn'”t given BCG at birth because of his birth weight. He was later given when his weight came up to 1.5kg but i havent seen the BCG scar on him, i dont even know where to check for it.
    Also, he just had his 14 weeks immunization last week at 5 months 2 weeks, pls when will he be due for his first Vitamin A which is usually taken at 6months

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly let your paediatrician know so he or she can check for the scar. If still not present they usually do a Mantoux test to know if your baby reacts as someone who is immunized. If the reaction is not as expected and they ruled out active tuberculosis in your baby then the baby will be given the BCG again. A baby can be immunized (protected) without a scar but it is important to confirm first using the BCG scar.

  26. Hello Doctor,
    I appreciate your good work. I reside in SA. My baby is due for 18 months immunization here next week which is DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV 4 according to the immunization chart here . I thought immunization ends at 12months according to the Nigeria chart. He’s completed everything till 12 months. I’m kinda skeptical with the 18months here. Scared he won’t be repeating the ones he already took. Is it necessary for 18months and what does the immunization entails? Thank you!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The immunizations are booster vaccines against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Haemophilus influenza type B diseases and Hepatitis B diseases. They are very important and necessary.

  27. Hello Dr.
    Appreciate your good work in ATP. I reside in SA and my baby is due for 18 months immunization here which is DTap-IPV-HIB-HBV4 according to what i saw on the immunization chart here. however, im skepical of him getting it for the fear of repeating previous vaccines he’s gotten in the past in Nigeria which may consist of this one he’s due for. Twice i noticed they almost made the mistake here due to the difference in types and time of vaccine. can i know more about the 18 months immunization and do you advise he gets it? thanks for your timely response

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      He has not gotten this 18 months immunization as we do not usually give it in Nigeria. The child needs the booster vaccines to prevent those diseases. We are also working towards introducing that in Nigeria too.
      For urgent questions, always ASK ON OUR ASK THE PAEDIATRICIANS FACEBOOK GROUP.

  28. Good morning Ma. My 6 week old just got his penta, pcv and rota vaccines His temperature rose hours later but reduced after I carried him. Is this okay or do I need to take him to the hospital?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      That is okay. You can give Paracetamol for the fever. Kindly read the post with Questions and Answers on Childhood Immunisations here

  29. Thank you doc for all you do.
    Please my son is 31 months, I did most of the vaccines. I want to know if there is any vaccine for his age.
    Please kindly post the type of vaccines according to the ages. Thank you.

    1. According to the Nigerian Programme on Immunization, NO. However there are others that you would have to pay. Click this link to read more about such vaccines which we referred to as Non-NPI vaccines

  30. Hello doc. My 12day old baby was given bcg vaccine at birth but no scar yet. When ahould i take to the teacjinig hospita forthe mantoux test you mentioned?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It usually takes at least 6 weeks for the BCG scar to show. So wait until the baby is at more than 6 weeks old before going for the scar inspection.

      1. Pls doctor, my baby is 2months n 3days old, and there is no scar of d BCG administer at birth . Is there need for me to be worried ma.

        1. Sometimes the BCG is given too deep into the muscle instead of into the skin and therefore there may be no scar. To confirm in case of no BCG scar, we will do a mantoux test to see if there is a reaction expected for someone who has had BCG immunization. If there is no reaction after 72 hours, we will give the BCG vaccine again as long as child is healthy – a normal Chest Xray may be needed at times to rule out current ongoing tuberculosis infection.

    2. My baby is 11weeks old, she has been taken all vaccine in her card without any issue. I want to ask if she can also take the government vaccine that are usually brought to homes, schools and churches free of charge by government. Are they the same with what she is being given at the hospital or different?
      I need your advice.

      1. She can them. It is oral polio vaccine and it is okay to give. Yes the baby has taken the oral polio vaccine as part of the routine immunization but it is still okay to take the supplementary immunization which is part of polio eradication drive.

  31. Good afternoon doctor, please my baby was given bcg,she’s 8weeks today and the scar isn’t showing yet but I feel a little lump at the site when I touch it, do I need to take her for mantoux test or still wait?
    Secondly she took penta and PCV at 6weeks the sites are still swollen and the area is darkened too and I’ve been applying ice pack, she has been moving the legs, no temperature spike and doesn’t feel pain when touched. Worried about the swelling and color.Need your advice Ma,thanks in anticipation.

    1. The lump is the scar so there is no need to worry.

      Just leave it alone the body will clear the swelling.

  32. Hello ma, Thanks for the good works you do…God bless you.
    I really want to know if there is any further immunization after 1 year. I discovered not all immunization present on the card were given ..Rota 1 ,Rota 2, Conjugate A CSM and measles 2 were not given to him…and we attended all the appointment. My baby just clocked 2 years on July 23rd…. I want to know if I should be worried or not…And also to know if there is any other immunization after 1 year old ,aside from the door to door vaccinationvaccination. Thanks in anticipation.

    1. Yes there are….kindly read the part 2 of the article here for more information. Please note that these vaccines are not provided by the government and you have to pay out of your pocket for them. Read more here

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