Myths About Child Healthcare in Nigeria / Africa – Dangerous Myths 2

So we will be concluding our myths about children healthcare in Nigeria #Dangerous Series.
Let’s get right into it!

So we will be concluding our myths about children healthcare in Nigeria #Dangerous Series.
Let’s get right into it!


MYTHS:- That putting breast milk of a girl child in a cross or half pass eye can correct an eyesore
COMMENT:  False and dangerous to put milk in the eyes
MYTHS:- The belief that you must have “ajogba” full of drugs, creams, (herbal, local and others),
COMMENT:-  Ajogba and herbal remedies are dangerous practice
MYTHS:- Wearing a yellow cloth for babies can cause jaundice
COMMENT:-  False
MYTHS:- Laying with your back during breast-feeding can cause backwards flow of milk (omu se sinu) and that if you don’t press your tummy after child birth will cause your stomach to big.
COMMENT:-  False
MYTHS:- Using black native soap on babies relieves toothache
COMMENT:- False and dangerous!
MYTHS:-  You must use epo pupa (red oil/ pslm oil) and alum with  local sponge to bath newborn so that they don’t smell
COMMENT:-  False…. Can be dangerous!
MYTHS:- Putting children’s legs and hands in fire to stop convulsion, clamping the mouth with sharp spoons. Using ‘”Ogun Ile tutu “” to prevent and cure convulsion and seizure in children.
COMMENT:  Dangerous…. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!! We have managed such children for severe burns complications… Worse than convulsion itself!  Terrible life altering afowofa
MYTHS:- If you don’t press the belly of a newborn with hot water, he will never be able to eat much food.
COMMENT:-  Dangerous!
MYTHS:- If you don’t press a newborn’s head with hot water, his head won’t have a good shape.
COMMENT:-  Dangerous!
MYTHS:- Pressing the body of a newborn with hot water and throwing them up after a bath, makes them strong.
COMMENT:-  Dangerous!
MYTHS:- When you notice your 6-8 years old is developing breast they will tell you to use pestle to press the breast in or rub charcoal because is too early
COMMENT:  Dangerous….. Please don’t do it
MYTHS:- When you want to transfer your sleeping baby from your back to someone else’s back, you must touch the ground with the babies feet, reasons I do not know.
COMMENT: Seriously?  Dangerous! Please don’t do this!
MYTHS:- That if baby belly crawl, that we should wooden stick (Omo orogun) to lift him from the chest…
COMMENT:-   Seriously… Please don’t do that!

Please feel free to add yours in the comment buton

4 thoughts on “Myths About Child Healthcare in Nigeria / Africa – Dangerous Myths 2”

  1. What kind of convulsion does not come with high temperature ,but leaves the child staring in an upward direction without stiffness or jerking

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