Teething!!! Again!!! Yes!!!
Mums never cease, on a daily basis, to ask the pediatricians questions about teething! Out of all the developmental milestones in children, this is the one that often worries mums needlessly.

What Kind of Help do I Need?

Teething also gets blamed for virtually everything! Though the issues of teething and some questions on teething have been addressed here, the issues of wrong beliefs, otherwise known as myths surrounding teething is the point of discussion in this post.

I recently attended a medical seminar on the topic given by the Paediatric Dentists. I was so happy to hear all the myths addressed that I have decided to share them on this forum with the permission of the presenters. The common myths surrounding teething in the Nigerian context will be stated followed by the true reality. I hope this will help many mums reading this to become well-informed about teething and completely delivered from all the erroneous myths about teething that have been passed down from generation to generation.

What is Teething?

Teething is the process by which an infant’s teeth erupt, or break through the gums. Referred to as “cutting” of the teeth. This process is associated with symptoms that can be very difficult for infants and confusing for parents. Teeth not only help in chewing food, but also give the child a nice appearance, nice smile,and help in talking. The first set of teeth is also important in saving space for permanent teeth. It is important that these first teeth are kept healthy. Arrival of adult teeth usually happens between the ages of six years and 12 years.
Teething is a natural or physiologic process that starts at 6-8months and ends at 2-3 years. Almost all babies experience teething though emergence is earlier in females and tend to occur in pairs. Teething can occur with NO symptoms – just a tooth visible below the gum. It can also be accompanied by gum swelling and soreness, itchy sensation, pain and discomfort, loss of appetite and an irritable baby. Other symptoms include crying, restlessness, sleeplessness, elevated temperature less than one degree rise and drooling of saliva. Some babies may have mild rash around mouth, may pull the ears, rub their faces and cheeks and place fingers or objects in the mouth causing coughing or gagging.

With that foundation and good understanding of what teething is, let’s now deal decisively with the myths that are associated with teething.
MYTH 1: Teething causes fever
REALITY : Fever is due to infections and other causes.Teething cause a less than 1˚C elevation in body temperature.

MYTH 2: Teething is a cause of diarrhoea
REALITY : Child starts to crawl around 6 months with a tendency to pick things up into the mouth, also immunity from mother is dwindling and that of the child is just building up so infant is more susceptible to diseases and infections.
MYTH 3: Weight loss, Vomiting, Convulsions, running nose ear infection are symptoms of teething
REALITY: These are all due to other causes
MYTH 4: You must use teething powder
REALITY : They may contain toxic substances such as mercury, remember MY PIKIN teething mixture incidence that led to death of many children in Nigeria.
MYTH 5 : Use of teething beads eg Baltic amber beads are useful in treating symptoms as they have anti-inflammatory, Anti-pain, Anti-drooling actions.
Supposed principle: Amber beads are said to contain succinic acid an analgesic substance which is released by the beads in response to the warmth of the child’s body and absorbed through the skin.
REALITY: Body temperature of 37.8 C cannot melt succinic acid with a melting point of 184 C. It also can pose hazards of aspiration or strangulation.
MYTH 6:Weird babies erupt primary upper central teeth first
REALITY: Such babies are not witches,wizards and have no extraordinary powers. They are normal.
MYTH 7: Newborn Babies born with teeth are demonic
REALITY: These babies are not demons but are perfectly normal.
MYTH 8: Tooth fairy exchanges tooth for money and a tooth thrown with 7 pebbles on the roof makes the permanent teeth erupt.
REALITY: The tooth fairy does not exist and throwing tooth /pebbles on the roof have no effect on eruption.
I am sure there are more myths about teething …..you can share others with me via comments. In conclusion, many of these association with teething have no scientific basis. To avoid missing a more life-threatening condition, mums are advised to stop attributing symptoms of ill-health to teething. Information on teething via health education platform like this is expedient in dispelling teething myths and upholding the facts. First Dental visit at the period of emergence of first tooth or latest at age one is what is recommended by the Paediatric Dentists.

Reference: LUMS Seminar on Teething Myths and Realities by Child Dental Health Department 28/10/2015



    Good day ma, pls baby is bring out tooth but he plays a lot anytime he falls the he will bleed in that particular spot the tooth is coming out from… he is 11 months …… am not hapi at d bleeding

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Ebere….Please be more watchful over your baby. He should not be falling so often to be injuring the gum/tooth. You also may want to see a Paediatrician or Dentist to be sure there is no other reasons for the bleeding. However, let us do something to reduce the frequent falls, very important.

  2. Hi. U talked about weight loss being a Myth but what happens when the baby loses appetite doesn’t it automatically lead to weight loss? My daughter wasn’t eating for abt 3 month (6th month thru 9 month) and she drastically lost weight cos What she weighed at 4 months + (6.9kg ) was her weight at 8 months.
    Thankfully she is gradually gaining weight and trying to eat after seeing a doc that ran FBC test, treated her and dewormed her.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Teething does not cause weight loss; that is the myth. If your baby does not have appetite and is losing weight over 3 months, that child is ill and should be seen by a doctor. It is wrong assumption for you to think it was teething and obviously that is the reason you delayed in seeking medical attention. Thankfully you did at the end but why you waited three months was what I did not understand! You should have seen the doctor immediately your child lost appetite and was not gaining weight instead of assuming it is teething! This is the reason why I wrote this article in the first place

      1. Thank you very much for this but I didn’t even realise she was ill as she didn’t show any symptoms apart from loss in appetite which i assumed was cos of teething. I only realised d weight loss after she was weighed @ hospital.

  3. Hi,please my daughter is 10mnths plus and no sign of teething,not a single tooth,no swollen gum.. u said is earlier in females…hope there is no problem?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Cynthia. There is no problem. It is not unusual for some babies not to cut their first tooth until age 1 year. You should see a dentist once your baby is 1 year – tooth or no tooth!

    1. Good morning Dr please my 4 month son has rash all over his back and his back looks like eczema
      what can I do

  4. Hi Dr my baby boy always erupt one tooth at once instead of two or pair, is it normal ,,he said now 11months 2weeks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      There is no law that says teeth must come out in pairs!! There is no need to worry at all!

  5. Ada Ekwemuka

    Hello Doctor. Thanks a lot for all your assistance which we don’t get to pay for. Please I’ll love to know the actual signs of teething that is not a myth. It’ll help me be more watchful and to act when necessary. Again what medication or what attention does a teething child really need?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Ada! Thank you for your kind words. Most children rub their gums and may salivate a little more when about to teeth. However, it does not matter whether you recognize or not as you do not have to do anything!!! Just make sure that you keep the toys or teethers that they use to rub their gums clean and sterilized to avoid exposure to germs. Also some kids may have mild fever (emphasis on the word “mild”), you can give Paracetamol only!! Please do not give teething powder or mixtures at all! Read more here and here

        1. NO! Please do not give any drugs for teething like Bona bebe or any of the so called teething mixtures. These are dangerou. Teething is a normal development and it does not make children sick. If your child is having any symptoms like fever, diarrhoea, cough etc; please do not assume teething and do not give any socalled teething mixtures. You should see a doctor for proper evaluation and management.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      NOTHING!!! He does not have to teeth at 4 months and he does not need any medications for teething. Please read the article (I think you have not read it by this question) and other related articles on teething!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      NO!!!It is nothing to worry about. You can see the dentist when your baby is 1 year old – teeth or no teeth! All the best!

      1. Oluwatosin Ige

        Good day Doc, my baby of 1 year old just started growing teeth, and it is the upper teeth first. And you know people’s belief when a child grow upper teeth first. Please do I need to be worried about that? Thankyou

        1. Oluwatosin, please read this article first because this myth was very specifically addressed in the article.

    2. Olubunmi dawodu

      Good day doc my baby of 4month and 1 week is loosi weight at birth is 5.1 and now 6.5. on EBF and suck at night but not much at day time moreso she has been stooling frequently I think is teeth. Am worried. Pls can I give her gbomoro and teething powder? Tnx ma

      1. Teething is normal and does not cause any diarrhoea. Kindly do not give any teething mixtures, powder or gbomoro.

        Simply continue to breastfeed your baby exclusively. Your baby’s weight was so big at birth and though he has not gained so much weight now the weight is still age appropriate at 6.5 kg. Keep breastfeeding exclusively and do not give water.

  6. please my baby of one year is teething and his head is always hot and i gave him ibuprofen for children. should I worry

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Chinonye…I am not sure you have read this article as you would have seen that Teething does not cause high grade fever. It is okay to give ibupprofen for the fever but you need to see a doctor for proper evaluation of the fever to know the underlying cause instead of assuming (wrongfully) that it is teething. It can be very dangerous so better see a doctor fast and never assume teething.

      1. Goodafternoon doctor.Thank you so much for all you do for us here,I sincerely pray that the Lord will reward your labour of love.Amen!!doctor I saw in your response where you said one should take the baby to a dentist by age 1 with or without teeth and my question now is if I take my baby who I feel has nothing wrong with her,what do I tell the dentist I want to check?

        1. You don’t need to tell the dentist anything 🙂 The dentist expects you to come for a NORMAL ROUTINE check at 1 year already. Just say I am here for the first routine dental check. You can book to see any of ATP Paediatric dentists too here Book Consultation

  7. Chukwurah Rita

    Pls doctor my boy is 4mnths+ and he rub his tooth always to extend he uses any thing available he sees like cloth , toy ,my shoulder etc to scratch the tooth and I was advised by a pharmacy to give him babyrex pls is he right?

  8. My baby is almost 4months. He has slight rise in temperature, discomfort and bites on things. Are these teething symptoms?

    1. Yes but any fever 38 and above cannot be due to teething. Give paracetamol and go to the hospital if fever persists.Please do not give any so called teething mixtures

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