100 messages for children to learn and share – Nutrition

Hello everyone and welcome. We continue the series on 100 messages for children to learn and share by focusing on another priority area – Nutrition.

Of course, we parents need to learn them first before we can teach our children and encourage them to also share with others – kids and adults.

Here are 10 messages for children to learn about Nutrition. If you have missed the first set of messages; you can get them on here on Malaria and Diarrhoea!

Please ready, teach, learn and share 10 messages on Nutrition.


  1. Food that makes us GO plus food that makes us GROW, plus food that makes us GLOW is GOOD food that makes the body strong!
  2. Malnutrition happens if we eat too little, or eat too much junk food. Avoid it by sitting & sharing the right amount of good food at meals.
  3. Children under 2 years need to be weighed each month at an under 5’s clinic to check that they’re growing well.
  4. If children become thin or swollen in the face or feet or too quiet, they need to see a health worker.
  5. When children are ill they may lose appetite. Give them lots to drink and soup & more food than normal when getting better.
  6. Breast milk is the only food and drink a baby needs from birth to 6 months. It has Go, Grow & Glow!
  7. After 6 months babies need breast milk + mashed or ground family food 3 – 4 times a day + 1 snack between each meal.
  8. Eating natural foods of different colours every week is the best way to have a healthy balanced diet
  9. Red, yellow and green fruits and vegetables are full of ‘micronutrients’ – too small to see, but they make our bodies strong.
  10. Prevent sickness & sadness by washing food we eat & cook. Use cooked food quickly or store it properly.

    Thanks for reading and please keep learning and sharing. You can air your comments questions in the comments box or email askthepaediatricians@gmail.com

    Watch out for the next in the series!!!

8 thoughts on “100 messages for children to learn and share – Nutrition”

      1. Thanks for the message ma, m putting them into practice,, the baby walker too, just learnt that itz bad, never knew, was planning to get one b4…m glad I came across d message…weldone ma

  1. Iyamabhor Lillian

    Good evening ma. Pls Dr what fruit and vegetables can i give my 6months old baby. Have tried giving him pap and soya beans he refused it. What food can I give him. Thanks ma

    1. There are so many alternatives so please you need to do the UNIT course on complementary feeding on our Facebook group Ask The Paediatricians for detailed information on how to proceed with complementary feeding.

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