Welcome to all Mums and Blog visitors! Here is the next priority condition in the series 100 messages for children to learn and share!

Should  you be visiting the blog for the first time, we’ve started the series 100 messages for children and we started by educating our children on Malaria.
Today, we will continue the series focusing on Diarrhoea


These messages were developed by Clare Hanbury and her team at the Children for Health, an organization dedicated to the promotion of health education in developing countries, focused on developing children as ambassadors and communicators of essential health messages in their communities.
Read, teach your children and share. Keep checking for new posts until all the 100 messages are completed.

Priority Area for Today – The 10 messages on Diarrhoea


  1. Diarrhoea is watery poo that happens three or more times a day.
  2. Diarrhoea is caused by germs getting into the mouth from contaminated food, drink or touching the mouth with dirty fingers or using dirty spoons or cups
  3. The loss of water and salts makes the body weak. Unless these are replaced, diarrhoea can kill young children quickly from dehydration.
  4. Diarrhoea can be prevented by giving extra safe drinks like safe water or coconut or rice water. Babies need breast milk most of all.
  5. A child with diarrhoea may have a dry mouth and tongue, sunken eyes, no tears, loose skin, cool hands and feet and in babies a sunken soft spot on the head.
  6. Children doing more than 5 watery poos/day or bloody poo or who start to vomit too, MUST be seen by a health worker.
  7. ORS stands for ‘Oral Rehydration Solution’. Find ORS at clinics & shops. Mix it right with clean safe water to make the best drink for diarrhoea.
  8. Most medicines do not work but zinc pills stop diarrhoea sooner for children over 6 months. ORS and other drinks MUST be given as well.
  9. Young children with diarrhoea need tasty, mashed food as often as possible to make their body stronger.
  10. Diarrhoea can be prevented by breastfeeding babies, good hygiene habits, immunisation (especially against rotavirus and measles) and by making sure food is safe.

We will be happy to read your comments and answer your questions if you have any. Thank you


  1. Good evening drs. My nine son defecates with difficullty. He cries while pushing even when the stool is not thick. Now his stool is more food than stool. What should i do?. It started on saturday .he can go several times dependig on how much i feed him.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is just something children are born with and there is no cure per se. However be sure a doctor saw first to be sure. There are other conditions like Vitamin deficiency that may look like Geographical tongue

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