Hello everyone!

Thanks for visiting my blog.

This blog is born out of a passion to provide accurate information on child health and healthcare to mums, dads and other children’s caregivers.

As a doctor who takes care of children, I have seen Mums make decisions that have had negative impact on the health of their children due to either lack of information or misinformation. I know many, if not all, mums love their children and want the very best for them at all times. Unfortunately, many times mums go to fellow mums to ask for advice and information about the health of their children. Some of these experienced mums are at times also not very well-informed and sincerely give advice which at times are wrong with serious consequences.

I know…..because that is what I have to deal with some times. I will spare you stories today, but I can fill a whole book with such.

With the advent of internet, many mums are also asking or becoming “Doctor Google” themselves. Everything is searched for on the popular search engine…..and Google has certified many moms with the “Google Medical Degree”.

Seriously though, anyone, and I mean anyone can post any information online. Unfortunately, Google does not verify information when you search and all related posts will come up. On the other hand, many mums are not skilled to know or discern the right from the wrong information even on sites that look credible. So many mums may still end up with the wrong decision based on information gotten from Dr Google.

Another challenge is Facebook and its many groups for Mums. I have been privileged to be members of many for moms and ladies in general. While such platform provide tremendous support for Mums emotionally and socially, they have also been source of great confusion for Mums when it comes to health of children. Many mums meant well when commenting on posts and questions raised by other mums on health issues of their children.

However, I have literally cringed and at times had to become persona non-grata on those posts where sometimes dangerous, and I mean dangerous advice, were given. Anyone and everyone can give advice…so how do you separate the chaff from the wheat? In fact, many of such posts often end up confusing further the already confused mum seeking advice. You can imagine what it is like when she has to choose from hundreds, diverse opinions most of which are poles apart or contradictory.

My burden and concern for the mums who are seeking sincere advice births this idea of providing online health education for Mums. While paediatricians may not know it all, we are still the authorities when it comes to health of children aged 0 – 18 years. Many paediatricians are too busy especially in developing countries like Nigeria where we have less than a thousand of us for our 40 million children to health educate mums one on one or answer the unending questions!

This website will help bridge this gap by addressing the common child health issues mums must know about. I will also attempt to answer questions from a child health professional viewpoint.

So whether you are a mum, dad, caregiver, nanny, healthcare professional or just someone who loves children and want to know more about their health, it is my sincere wish that you will find information on this blog very useful. Feel free to contact me via  email/comments on the blog on any issue you would like me to address. You can always ask the Paediatrician!

Thank You and WELCOME

Dr. Gbemisola Boyede,

Founder and CEO of the Ask The Paediatricians Foundation and Facebook group.


  1. Gud dey ma God bless u ma pls ma i ve a daughter of 11months who have not started crawling nor standing to hold things but she’s sitting well.should i be worried

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Bunmi! You may want to see a Paediatrician first to be sure there is no other issues. Your baby has some delay in milestones …she may just be a little slower than others but better to check first with the Paediatrician. All the best

      1. Gud morning ma, my baby of 6month is running temperature n also stool 3ce b4 day break. People said is teething fever. Av used pcm 4 him but I was ask 2 get pickar n teeth powder 4 him. I need ur advice

  2. My baby of three months is yet to hold his head on his own, though there are signs that it is improving unlike wen he was born, though he can move his head from side to side when on tummy time and also raise and hold his head a bit when on Tummy time, but am a bit worried because he had jaundice when he was born.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I understand that you may be concerned because of the jaundice. Was the jaundice severe? Was it properly treated? However, I will encourage you to wait for 4 months. If after age 4 months, the child can still not control the neck, then kindly see a Paediatric neurologist or Developmental Paediatrician for further evaluation and management

  3. Hello Ma, I have a 6 month old baby that does not like taking water. How do you advise I make her take water.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly be patient. Do not make her drink water under pressure…Just have water around and give her small sips frequently throughout the day. You can also give her via colourful nice sppy cups or with straws. Make it fun and also ensure you drink water yourself. Please do not add flavours or juice…plain water only. Keep trying and she will get there

  4. Greetings,my baby of a year and 2 months old looks malnourished despite the fact that he eats almost every food. His weight is 8.2 kg. What do I do?. It is giving me a lot of concern.

  5. Hello Dearest Dr. I’m FOREVER GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR THIS PLATFORM. It has make my Journey as a mother glorious. And everyone I added to the platform testifies. Asante sana.

    My question is that my son of 12 months slipped down from the tiles today and felt with his head at the back. He cried so much for a while and I gave him paracetamol. Then he slept and woke up and he is playing now.

    Should I worry??? Considering how delicate babies can be???

    1. If the baby is otherwise fine, there is no need to worry. If there is vomiting or any loss of consciousness then you must take the child to the hospital immediately

  6. Good morning doctor,my son of 11months,isn’t crawling,standing or walking.though he was premature at birth,born at 32weeks and birth weight was 1.76kg.should I be worried?

    1. Your baby’s corrected age is 9 months which is the age babies start to crawl. I will say just watch for now especially if the baby is already sitting without support and there are no other concerns. You should be seeing your Paediatricians for regular reviews of his growth and development including the developmental milestones. For preterm babies; their developmental milestones are usually assessed using their corrected age not their chronological age. Read more here about developmental milestones and when to see a Paediatrician.

  7. Good evening ma
    Pls what month should I give my baby soyabeans, crayfish, fish , unripe plaintain you pap

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