Babies with colic or infantile colic are healthy, well-fed babies who cry long, often inconsolable for no apparent reasons in the first three months of life.

It is often described by the rules of threes. Any healthy, well-fed infant who cries:

  • More than 3 hours a day,
  • More than 3 days a week,
  • for more than 3 weeks.


We need to be sure there are no other reasons for the crying before blaming colic so we do not miss important medical illnesses or conditions.
Unfortunately we are not really sure of the cause of colic. Some theories or beliefs about the cause of colic include excessive gas in the tummy, milk allergy, bacteria imbalance and so on. However, no one is really sure.

Colic is common. It usually starts a few weeks after birth and often improves by age 3 months. By ages 4 to 5 months, the majority of babies with colic have improved.
Colic improves on its own, often by age 3 months. Unfortunately, there are no proven treatments that consistently help every baby.

Treatments that have been tried and researched include:

  • Gas-relief medications – Available over-the-counter, gas-relief medications such as simethicone (Infacol).
  • Probiotics – Probiotics are substances that help maintain the natural balance of “good” bacteria in the digestive tract. (research ongoing).

Talk to your baby’s doctor before giving your baby any medication to treat colic.

When to see a doctor if your baby has colic?

  • Seek immediate medical attention if your baby’s crying could be the result of a fall, injury or illness.
  • Contact your baby’s doctor if you notice a bluish-cast to your baby’s lips or skin during a crying episode.
  • You’re concerned about your baby’s crying, especially if you notice changes in your baby’s eating, sleeping or behavior.

Tips for soothing your baby.

To soothe your crying baby, you can try to:

  • Hold your baby.
  • Cuddling helps some babies. Others quiet when held closely and swaddled in a lightweight blanket. To give your arms a break, try a baby sling or other type of baby carrier. Don’t worry about spoiling your baby by holding him or her too much.
  • Keep your baby in motion.
  • Gently rock your baby in your arms or in an infant swing. Check with manufacturer’s guidelines to be sure the swing is appropriate for your baby’s age.
  • Lay your baby tummy down on your knees and then sway your knees slowly.
  • Take a walk with your baby, or buckle your baby in the car seat for a drive. Use a vibrating infant seat or vibrating crib.
  • Sing to your baby. A soft tune might soothe your baby. And even if lullabies don’t stop your baby’s crying, they can be calming for you. Recorded music may help, too.
  • Turn up background noise.Some babies cry less when they hear steady background noise. When holding or rocking your baby, try making a continuous “shssss” sound. Turn on a kitchen or bathroom exhaust fan, or play a tape or CD of environmental sounds, such as ocean waves, a waterfall, gentle rain or a human heartbeat. Sometimes the tick of a clock or metronome does the trick.
  • Use gentle heat or touch. Give your baby a warm bath. Softly rub your baby’s belly.
  • Give your baby some private time.
  • If nothing else seems to work, put your baby in his or her crib for five to 10 minutes.
    When you run out of ideas……..
    Sometimes, you won’t be able to calm your baby’s crying. What works well on one day may aggravate your baby on another day. If your nerves get frayed, remember:
  • Never shake your baby.
  • If your frustration over your baby’s crying threatens to boil over, hand your baby to another trusted adult. If you’re alone with your baby, put him or her down somewhere safe, such as in a crib.
  • It’s OK to let someone else give you a break. It’s stressful to listen to your baby cry for long periods, so plan times when you can take a break.
  • Arrange ahead of time for someone to help you with the baby so that you can have a few moments to yourself.
    Other questions on colic?

Q: Dr, how come the commonly used gripe water wasn’t mentioned in this thread ma or is its use not advocated?
Hmmmm the Almight Gripe Water. We paediatricians usually do not recommend Gripe Water.It is based on belief that colic is due to excessive tummy gas….it usually is to relieve gas….makes it easier for the babies to pass gas. Some mums can swear by it tho that it works wonder for colic……it is more of herbal or homeopathic remedy which those in orthodox medicine will not recommend…not evidence-based.

Q What of Nospamin?
Nospamin routine use for colic is not recommended as well except if prescribed by a doctor for a specific purpose. Random or regular use by Mums are highly unnecessary and dangerous because of the serious side effects of Nospamin (please read the leaflet for more info).

If you still have more questions or clarifications about colic in babies, feel free to ask via comments or send an email. I will be glad to answer them. The good news about colic …..It shall come to pass  Though common in babies, it rarely persists beyond the third month, so hold on tight, it is coming to pass soon. Cheers!!!

81 thoughts on “DOC, WHAT IS COLIC?”

  1. Good evening drs. I am in need education. My son of nine months have some kind of rashes around his anus I noticed it last night . His poop is also mucus. What does mean. Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      You need to take him to see a doctor first to know what type of rashes those are and the possible cause of the rashes so appropriate treatment can be given to the child as soon as possible.

    2. Hello Dr,no matter how long I burp my baby,she doesn’t belch after feeding I have tried do hard don’t know what to do anymore

  2. i thought only bottle fed babies can have colic.mine as every symptom of colic n i breastfeeding exclusively.this manifested yesterday at 1am being d worst time n first he is doing it n He just turn 3weeks.So i just have to wait it out

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Margaret….any baby can have colic! It is a very mild disorder in babies but usually will resolve usually around age 3 months…..there is no need to worry.

      1. Afolabi Dorcas

        Gud evening ma, my baby of 3 month HV big tummy and I was told in hospital that is gas, so any time she wear cloth d tummy always come out big day people are asking me to give something dat will bring her stomach to normal like before.

  3. Good evening doc , my son is 4 months , for a month now he keeps making sounds like he wants to poo he straighten his legs and his tummy , all he does at that period is to gas and some times ends up crying for a while untill he feels relief, his bottle feed, formula baby , I just need to knw what’s wrong with .I baby ?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Nothing is wrong with your baby…most babies pass through that phase and it is even worse with babies on formula. Hope you use anti-colic bottles and burp after feeds? Breastfeeding is better. Avoid the baby sucking in too much air while feeding too.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      The question has been answered in the article. Please read and do not give Nospamin.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Make sure that the baby’s mouth covers the nipple and areola and that the baby does not have to cry a lot before you start breastfeeding. Watch all the breastfeeding videos on our video collections for more information.

  4. Good day ma. Please how long will gas problem and colic continue with my baby? She is 2 months and 13 days old. She often cries while breastfeeding and experiences difficulties passing gas.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Mercy! Thank you for your patience…just hang in there….It will soon be over usually after 3 months, most babies are usually off colic symptoms. However, also ensure that your baby is not sucking in much air while breastfeeding as well. Watch the breastfeeding videos to make sure that your techniques are on point. All the best!

  5. gudevening doc,I have a baby of a month,when he was 3weeks I introduce the Sma formula for him bc I wasnt producing enough breastmilk,always hungry ever since I placed him on formula he will stay for days without pooing so I had to stop the feed,now that he is on breastfeed,he still stays for days without stooling.I also notice he do cry alot after feeding,fussing his body as if he is in pains,spitting up de feed.I m just worried abt him,de clinic I birth him are nt really helpful.pls which baby formula I can give him to reduce constipation and how can that colic be stopped.thks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Kindly read the article in details for tips on how to manage the colic. There is nothing wrong with babies on breast milk not passing stools daily. They can go for days or 2 weeks without passing stools and as long as the child does not have swollen tummy or vomiting, there is nothing to worry about. Colic usually stops around about 3 months!

      1. Owolabi funke

        Doctor ,plz my baby is 3months 6day now and she’s is been disturbed by colic.If she’s beating and the stomach grip her she will remove her mouth and start strangling and with time started crying.The discomfort is much and I don’t know the way out. the navel usually rise up as if there’s a air inside. I was told to go and see pediatrician surgeon, when I got there he told me is a small hole that’s inside that I should cool down thatit can be operated simply because bathe space that’s there is very small. He said with time it would close up.

        1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

          Yes most umbilical hernia do resolve spontaneously without surgery. It sounds more like colic, be patient and follow some of the recommendations in the article above. All the best!

  6. Good morning Dr. My baby cries a lot abd sometimes she wants to suck and not suck. I mean she would be sucking and starts crying seriously and removes her mouth and then i try to burp her she kepps quiet for some secs and starts crying again puting her hand in her mouth. She is on exclusive 3 weeks and 3 days today and she hardly poo but pass gas. What could be wrong

      1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

        That is still colic….hang in there and use the tips offered in the article. It will soon go away usually after three months or thereabout. All the best!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Sounds like colic….read this article for information on how to handle colic. Yes, babies on exclusive breastfeeding rarely pass stools every day and can go on for days even up to 2 weeks without stooling which is still normal and nothing to worry about. Just hang in there!

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Wait until you deliver now then you will lactate. You do not have to do anything to lactate. It is the sucking of the baby on the breast that will cause the milk let down. Please do not worry. Please read the breastfeeding articles and here too

  7. Owolabi funke

    my baby navel rises up and go down on it own. Mama, I was told by a pediatrician surgeon that she only has a small hole in the navel that after sometimes it would close up. Am afraid, and I wouldn’t know if that’s what given her pain because she usually cry when the stomach grip her. she stops playing, sucking, etc Just confuse and am feeling for her.She’s 3months and 6days.when would the colic leave finally. I did not lactate for sometones after given birth and I was told to give her formula and presently am back to breastfeeding.though during the time I was given formula I didn’t give her water to drink. thinkinG if that’s what cause her colic.pls what should I do just for her to get rid of the pain.?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I think your baby has mild umbilical hernia and also has colic and you are mixing up the two together. Colic usually stop around 3 months. However babies on formula are more colicky and you can always go back to exclusive breastfeeding. Babies on formula also need to take plain water.

  8. Good morning doc pls my baby is 2 weeks now .at birth she didn’t poo for like 2 days but was throwing up. Aftter those 2 days she pooed. after given her an injection the vomiting stopped . now she poos very well but she has been having stomach pains and discomfort she twists and turns and cry a little then she gets relived and after sometime it starts again. I don’t know if it colic or the fact that she didn’t poo at birth those first 2 days. CU’s the Dr said she had disrupted intestine and was going to operate on her but when she started to poo she was discharged and wasn’t operated. Pls help a confused mum.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is better given your baby’s history to see the doctors again before assuming colic. It could still be colic but be sure the intestinal abnormalities have been ruled out first completely. All the best!

  9. Prisca Obiamaka

    Hi doc,
    My baby of 10 days old is having cough and catarrh. Though i noticed the cough from my mum who came for omugwo. We went hospital but we were given paracetamol and (chlorpheniramine given at nights 0.5ml only). His temperature is normal but clogged nose and breaths fast.. Pls what should i do? Do i have to go back to hospital again?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      It is better to take the baby back to the hospital and see a Paediatrician please!!! No paediatrician will give Piriton to a 10 day old baby!!! Such babies must be seen by a specialist, the paediatrician. There could be other reasons for the fast breathing as well!!! Please keep baby warm and do exclusive breastfeeding and see your paediatrician fast. And STOP the piriton!!!

  10. Pls doc, my baby of 2weeks and 2day,she cry and squeeze herself, and she poo more than 4times a day, as soon as. She poo she will be relieve a bit, but her poo is mix with something like carrtar, on exclusive breast feeding,can it be colic or anything.

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Vivian…yes sounds like colic. It is the wind and baby’ discomfort with passing it out that is causing the crying. There is no need to worry. They usually stop with time usually by 3 months. There is nothing wrong with the stools or the frequency of passing the stools. Read the article for more information.

  11. Hello doctor, good day ma. Please my baby of 3weeks +3days baby has tummy aches, he has a rumbling sound in his tummy that makes him raise his legs to his stomach often. He doesn’t sleep well during the day,he is clingy ies always wants to be carried and sucks often even when full (I lactate well and on exclusive breastfeeding too). Once you put him down on his cribs he wakes up after few minutes but can sleep for long when in my arms or when feeding. I was told its colic and was told to give bitter kola water ie peeled bitter kola steeped in warm water was skeptical at first but gave in after much pressure for family members. Doctor am exhausted due to lack of sleep on NY side and lack of me time pls help. From this few description of mine I have questions:
    1. Its this colic
    2. Is bitter kola water the solution
    3. What do you have to say about his sleeplessness and being want to be carried every time.
    4.Hope I have not hurt my baby? Thanks

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      1. Yes it sounds very much like infantile colic
      2. No…please do not use bitter kola
      3. It is part of the colcic and it will come to pass soon usually by the time the baby is 3 months old.
      Please stop the bitter kola and read up the tips on management of colic. Let family members assist you at this phase so you can get some sleep. All the best. For questions requiring urgent answers, post on Ask The Paediatricians Facebook Group

      1. Ojinika Odinaka

        Good morning doctor, please I want to ask a question.
        My baby produces gas all the time, seconds minutes etc and I noticed that when I started giving my child nospamin.and I have stop now, and he cries alot and doesn’t sleep in the noon but sleep little at night

        1. It depends. If the baby is swallowing lot of air while feeding this may happen. We do not recommend use of the medication mentioned. You did not include age of your baby and method of feeding. Most babies have colic and it usually resolves around 3 months. Infacol may be helpful.

      2. Hello ma’am. My breast milk let down is so much that my baby is finding it hard to feed, please what should I do

  12. Ekundayo Tunde

    Good morning doc, I really appreciate ur responses to some questions here and they av helped know how to handle my 1 month old baby who cries a lot. Wot can be done if the baby is not sleeping well?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Hi Tunde. Thank you for your kind words. We need to know why the child is not sleeping well. If you are referring to your 1 month old, you need to understand that their sleep pattern varies initially and they may sleep more during the day than at night. Also inadequate feeding or wet diaper for example can make them to have poor sleep. It could also be colic. There are many possible causes so it is important to see a doctor if you have excluded the common causes I listed above and the child is still not sleeping well. All the best

  13. Tessy osaretin

    Good day ma, thanks for your help and hope you have been responding to questions; is it possible that a baby’s navel not truly healing was told to be pressing it with hot cloth on a lantern, cos he cries a lot. He is two months three weeks five days?

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      Please don’t o. That is not the cause of the colic and there is no basis for the pressing of the navel with lattern or hot water. Simply leave the baby alone.

    2. Good day Dr. Thanks for all you do for children. Please, on this issue of colic, you said it will resolve about 3 months old, but for preterm babies, what age should be considered, is it chronological age or corrected age?

        1. Hi Doctor, my Baby is 3weeks and 3 days old and her umblical cord fell off a week ago and her navel has not healed properly. There still small part that looks whitish that is being cleaned with methylated spirit and cotton every 2hrs. Then my mum pours a little of water in her navel while bathing her, don’t know if that’s okay. She stretches a lot when she wants pass gas or poop. I’m really confused and dunno what to do. What can I do ma?

          1. It is not okay to pour water in her navel. There is nothing wrong with the baby stretching when they are passing gas or poo.

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  14. Thanks so Much Doctor, when a child poo while in the womb before delivery, affect the child’s breathing after delivery, my first child poo while in the womb and after delivery he was doing fine but later died after 2days,but before then he was unable to suck cos I don’t have much milk in my breast then, and his crying was too much,am carrying another pregnancy and am scared

    1. Dr Gbemisola Boyede

      I am so sorry for your loss. I think the baby died as a result of birth asphyxia from stress (babies only poo in the tummy when stressed) and it must have been a severe birth asphyxia. It does not mean it will happen again. However this time around you must deliver in a proper hospital with specialists obstetrician and paediatricians. All the best

  15. Hello ma. My baby is 5 weeks plus today and has been spitting up her feeds (breastmilk ) from as early as the 1week of life and also chokes occasionally on her saliva especially when lying down or changing her diapers. I have to watch her 24/7 for fear that she could choke when I’m not watching. Spits up episodes have reduced since I started proping her up after each feeds but the choking is a nightmare. What could be responsible and what do I do please?

    1. I am worried about this choking! It is important to rule out any possible problem in the airway and food way which may be causing the choking. Please see a Paediatrician first for further evaluation. The spitting of feeds sound more like reflux.

  16. Sandra Nkemakolam

    Good day Doc!
    One of my twin has a eating problem.. Sometimes during and after breastfeeding, she does her mouth as if she is swallowing something. Then if we are not careful, milk comes out of her nostrils and mouth. Pls I’m scared. Help me!

    1. That is reflux….keep the baby upright for 15 – 30 minutes after feeding and gently rub the back of the baby so the baby can burp before putting the baby flat to sleep. It usually improves and stops as the baby gets older.

    1. It depends on what you meant about being “always big”….I will advise you take the child to a doctor first who can examine the child to advise if it is really big and why. Then they can advise you further.

  17. Gudday doctor,my 1month old is so fussy and in great pains.he suck very well before but now he suck just little of breastmilk,the next thing he will start crying and fussy and seems as if he is in great do I help him to suck very well again..cos I suspect colic..his weight is very light now bc he doesn’t suck to get the hindmilk,if I expressed bm in bottle he would drink it ,birth weight was 3.8 kg.what do I do?

    1. Colic is a passing phase Rose so just hang in there. Kindly implement all the strategies we gave up there and you can try infacol as well. I will suggest that you also ensure that the baby is properly attached to the breast since the baby is drinking from bottle; then he may be actually frustrated due to the baby sucking on the nipple instead of the breast areola. If you go to our Facebook group you can go to the UNITs section and go to UNIT 1 breastfeeding and watch all the breastfeeding videos especially on attachment of the baby to the breasts.

  18. I understand from here that colic get resolved from 3 months. What age do one consider in preterm babies, is it 3 months chronological age or corrected age?

    1. I will go with the corrected age. Even in term babies some may have it longer than 3 months and please be sure it is colic.

  19. Good morning Dr. What’s the side effect of giving a new born soaked bitter cola because of stomach ache?

    1. Please DO NOT GIVE!! We do not recommend such for your babies and that can be quite dangerous. Read the article for tips on how to manage colic which will resolve on its own by the time the baby is 3 – 4 months old

      1. Hi Doc,my baby of 2 months always struggles and stretches herself,she doesn’t cry when she is doing that. Is it comic?

  20. Good afternoon Ma and thanks for d good work ma
    Pls my baby is 3 months and 1 weeks but his navel is still big and I was told to be pressing it with hot cloth and also get vit C and amplicox drops…… Ma pls Wat do u suggest I’m worried for his later age

    1. Please don’t! Just leave the navel alone. Do not give any of those medications as well. It is possible umbilical hernia which is very common in babies but will resolve on its own as the baby gets older. If worried; see a doctor but kindly do not follow any of the dangerous advice that you have been given. For faster responses to your questions; join our Facebook group and post your questions directly on the group from Mondays to Saturdays 24 hours daily.

  21. Hello Doc, my baby show some ringworm like rashes in his back and belly , his Stoll is hard and he doesn’t sleep well both at night and day time, He will be 6months this month what should I do.first time mum please.thanks

    1. Kindly see a doctor who can examine the child to make appropriate diagnosis and recommend treatment. For constipation if your baby is on formula then give plain water as well.

      For more on child care as a first time Mum, I recommend doing our FTM Baby Care Course

      If your baby has multiple issues then you must see a doctor as we cannot address all generically and it is better to see a doctor for proper evaluation. You can Book Consultation with our specialists here.

  22. Damilola Afolayan

    Hello doctor my 1 month baby use to eat alot once he eat now within 30 min he will started crying again unless he eat again before camming down, pls what can I do

    1. Crying is not a sign of a child not getting enough food. Babies cry for several reasons. Kindly watch the breastfeeding videos on our Facebook group so you can know how to know if your baby is getting enough breast milk.

  23. Hello doctor,
    My breast milk has not been flowing, and my baby of 3 weeks has been on formula and little breast milk I’m able to pump. She doesn’t want to suck the breast because it doesn’t flow. What can I do to increase the flow, it’s getting frustrating

    1. Dr Gbemisola

      Kindly go to our Facebook group and watch all the breastfeeding videos for more information

  24. Ochigbo Ene

    Good day docs, my baby is 3weeks 3day today and he is already having colic though I went on YouTube to watch some specialist on how to care for colic which is by massaging their tummy and I repeat it on my own baby before bath time in the morning and evening but the issue is that he doesn’t cry but anytime he is feeling pain he will just fold himself for a while and I don’t know if it okay that way and I also read on one article that it get worst from 4 weeks – 6 weeks is it true.

  25. Good evening Dr,I am so glad I came about this article.Thank you so much for this .
    Please what can you say about cradle cap and what can be done to remove it.

    1. You should apply oil in the night to soften the cradle cap and then wash with age appropriate shampoo and gently comb out the scales until they are all out over few days

  26. Good day doc. Please my baby is 11weeks old. He vomits after feeding and most times immediately he removes his mouth from the breast he will vomit it even during burping and after burping and after vomiting he will still sucks again. The only time he doesn’t vomit is if he sleeps while sucking but if he wakes up and you didn’t carry him up immediately to breast feed again he will still vomit.
    I noticed that sometimes when his stomach makes noise all the time he vomits
    Please I your help on what to do.

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