Heat Rashes in Children

It is usually worrisome when as parents we see blemishes on the tender skin of our little ones.

It can even be more worrisome when we are uncertain about the cause of the blemish and are at a loss of the solution.

Dr Chika Olomukoro, Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Dermatologist address this concern recently on a parent group discussion on Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group. We have summarised this engaging and informative discussion in this article.

Heat rashes is one of the most common causes of such blemishes in children. Prickly heat rashes also called Miliaria in medical jargon are tiny itchy rashes on the skin.

There are two common varieties:

  1. Rashes that appear with clear fluid like drops of water

Heat rashes

2. Rashes that are tiny red bumps which usually does not contain fluid but may.

red prickly heat rashes

When does it appear ?

Miliaria is more common in warm humid weather which is more prevalent in the tropical countries like Nigeria and in the summer in other countries.

Risk factors for Heat rashes

  • Overdressing with warm clothing
  • Keeping the skin in direct contact with occlusive materials like a plastic bed cover

Why does it occur?

  • Overdressing in warm, humid environment results in sweating.
  • Persistence of  the warm humid condition with continuous sweat production may overwhelm the sweat pores that help to remove the sweat and they become clogged.
  • Sweat is trapped within the skin pores, causing it to swell (seen as small bumps) and irritate the skin.
  • Clogging of the sweat pores has also been traced to the causative role of skin bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis).
  • The trapped sweat may be so superficial that it appears white because it is clear fluid. It may also be deeper in the skin, in which case it appears red.

How does it appear? 

  • The rash may be white and numerous mostly on the forehead then spreads to the scalp and upper trunk in new-borns.
  • These rashes rupture in 1 to 2 days and leave white scales.
  • The red rash occurs more commonly appears in the older children from 2 weeks of age. It may contain fluid also.
  • The rash is usually seen on parts of the body where friction and occlusion occur often such as the skin folds – neck, armpit and the groin. The face and upper chest may also be involved.
  • The rashes are usually irritating, uncomfortable and itchy

Treatment of heat rashes

  • Prickly heat rash usually resolves on its own.
  • Removal from the warm and humid environment also help.
  • Air conditioning and a cool bath are the best treatment measures.

Application of cooling lotions and other skin products without keeping the skin cool and dry are not effective.

Prevention of heat rashes

  • Avoid overdressing
  • Avoid wearing airtight clothing such as plastic occlusion for children.
  • Keep the skin dry and cool.
  • Remove sweaty clothes and change children into clean clothes after a long day.

Complication of heat rashes

Heat rashes could be complicated by wrong management. Examples of such include the use of triple action creams; keeping the child warmly dressed while applying a lot of dusting powder.

The rashes could also become infected by germs such as bacteria resulting in boils.

In conclusion, prickly heat rashes are common, but can be easily treated or better still prevented by keeping the skin cool and dry.

If you have questions, kindly drop in the comments section of this post. You can also ask your questions on our Ask The Paediatricians Facebook group and join our LIVE events and webinars for more childcare information.

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