The issue of body changes and maturity in children has always been a source of concern to many parents. As always, they often bring up such issues with their Paediatricians.
Today’s Post is borne out of the need to address this important topic and to allay some unnecessary parental fears.
What is Puberty?
Puberty is a transition period from childhood to adulthood… Some say from sexual immaturity to sexual maturity. It’s a period being controlled by hormones released from the brain and gonads (testis and ovaries).
For boys, the first sign of puberty is an increase in size of testis while in girls the first obvious sign is the breast being more visible, So we say age of onset of puberty in boys is approximately 9yrs and in girls 8yrs.
The events that occur in puberty is coordinated and occurs in a similar fashion/pattern so that once there is a disruption, we need to see a Doctor
In girls: Breast, Pubic hair, Growth spurt/height increase, thin white vaginal discharge seen 6-12months before menstrual bleeding
In boys… testis size increase, penile length increase, Pubic hair, sperm release at night, armpit hair and increase in height
The other signs of acne, oily skin, body odor changes occur a few months to years before puberty and under the control of hormones from the adrenal gland…. which is a small gland that sits on top of our kidneys
When puberty occurs before 8 in a girl and 9 in a boy, we say it’s precocious (early).
If there is no breast at 12-13yrs/no menses at 15yrs, we say puberty is delayed. If no testicular increase occurs in a boy by 14yrs, puberty is delayed.

What are the worries and perils of puberty?
- Anaemia (low blood level): especially iron deficiency anemia is more common in girls than in boys.
- Gynecomastia (obvious breast tissue in boys)… occurs in approximately 60% of boys at age 13. Breast may last up to 2yrs. It thought to be due to imbalance between the male n female hormones.
- Acne. due to a hormone from adrenal gland.
- Psychological changes… girls have more depression, more concerned about their looks, may no longer listen to parents and prefer their peers.
- Sexually transmitted infections: this is the time they explore and become adventurous so parents need to guide them, have talks with
them. Let them make decisions for themselves having shown them positives and negatives consequences of their actions.
What to do?
For Anaemia, all girls should have balanced meals, vegetables., For Acne, wash their face with mild soap and no face picking
Body odour changes is such a cause of concern to mothers – use of deodorants to the rescue and improved personal hygiene. We should teach our girls to care for their bodies- change panties regularly and to expect the monthly bleeds anytime soon
At the beginning of menses called menarche, bleeds are not regular. They eventually become regular much later so no need to worry.
Parents must also let them know they would become pregnant if they have unprotected sex, same for the boys; that they would become fathers if they engage in sex
Teach them to say NO. Abstinence especially as adolescents till they are ready for the responsibilities of being parents.
Obesity is a risk factor for early puberty/menarche. When our children reach the critical weight of 40kg before 8yrs, their brain gets the signal to push out all the hormones required for puberty to occur
The take home message is that every child with suspected precocious or delayed puberty should be seen by a Paediatrician /Paediatric endocrinologist as there are other causes that are serious enough requiring intervention e.g. Brain tumour.
Puberty is not a period to be afraid of for well-informed parents!
Dr Nwaogu a Paediatric Endocrinologist addressed the topic recently on the Ask the Paediatricians Facebook Group.
This is reproduced here for you to read and learn.
You can ask questions as always in the Comments section or
Is it okay for one breast to be bigger than the other one for a girl of 10yrs that just started growing breast.
It is absolutely normal
Good day Doctor, my girl of 9years is developing breast and Pubic hair but she always complains of having pains on the breast once in a while, please, is the pain normal? One of the breasts shoot out than the other, is this okay? If I smell her arm-pit it smells, any recommended deodorant for her age?
This is normal in puberty. Please read the article as all your concerns were already addressed in the article. You can use any deodorant of your choice.
Good day Dr, please is it normal for a girl of six years to develop breast bud?
Some can develop slightly earlier than normal and some may have what is described as precocious puberty. If you are concerned then see a Paediatrician.
Good day Dr.
Pls is it normal for a 14yrs old to.have some sort of creamy discharge on her pantt? also is a 5/6days menstrual cycle normal?
Creamy discharge is not normal. This is most likely suggestive of infection especially if associated with foul smell and itching. Egg-white like discharge is normal when ovulating. Menstrual cycle can run 3 – 8 days normally.
Good day Dr pls how do i take care of the hair growing in her private part?
Kindly always include the age of the child in every question asked; just leave the hair alone.
My girl is 8 years old and she is already developing breast bud. The bud is irritating or painful once awhile. please what can she use or do to reduce the pain?
Just leave it alone. STOP pressing or touching the breasts..Just leave it alone. There is no need for any medications
Thanks for the enlightenment ma
You are welcome
Good evening,
Is it normal for a 14yrs 9months old girl not to have start menses but her breast have grown
It is normal. If by age 16 years, she has not started, then please see a Paediatrician